Sunday, November 25, 2007

 I finished The Golden Compass today and it was SO FREAKING GOOD i loved like every page of it even when i had just started it and wasn't that into it. I take it back! I take back every vaguely unimpressed feeling i had! Like when i read the first page in the bookstore and thought "really? that's it?" HAH. I have to start The Subtle Knife IMMEDIATELY i cannot wait.

I saw one of the promos for the movie on tv tonight and it made me so flippin excited because i finally RECOGNIZE things and it is going to be AWESOME. When i originally saw the teaser trailer in the theatre the only thing i really thought about it was "oh dang i still need to read that." and also that it just looked like another in the long line of LOTR/Potter/Narnia epic fantasy movies that seem to get progressively more bland (LOL Eragon?). BUT NOW! Now i know how amazing it is going to be to watch and it makes me smile A LOT. As long as they don't screw it up, please please please. :( (NORTHERN LIGHTS!!! BEARS!!! DAEMONS OH MAN THEY BETTER BE GREAT. DANIEL CRAIG AS LORD ASRIEL, THAT IS STILL KICKING MY ASS! LYRAAAAAAA PLEASE BE GOOD PLEASE BE GOOD PLEASE BE GOOD.)

Hot damn i remember everybody talking about His Dark Materials yeeeears ago, i am so far behind the times. Sigh. Story of my life.

p.s. Oh man now i just watched the full trailer and it all looks so DIFFERENT. Sam Elliott is not Lee Scoresby at all, i had like the clearest image in my head of him out of everyone! Dang. DANG. I am going to be so disappointed by how much it differs from my imagination, i know it. That is always the most disconcerting thing! It is the only reason i ever had any problems with LOTR! TRIPLE DANG.


Okay i'm done now for real.

Two weeks is still pretty far away. :/

- 11:00 PM

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

 I've started reading The Golden Compass because it is a habit of mine to finally read books i've meant to read forever right before a movie adaptation is released. I'm only motivated to do things when there is a deadline, apparently! Kind of like the painting i need to finish before Christmas, ha ha ha ha! ANYWAY. Obviously reading the book first is the way to go, because you can imagine it however you want and then have it ruined for you by the movie, but not TOTALLY ruined because you can just be like "HEY I LOVE THIS PART! HEY THEY DID IT WRONG. But okay it's still cool to see." Whereas if you see the movie and then read the book you can pretty much only imagine it the one way and that is uppercase L-A-M-E. Also, the books are inevitably better. That is simply how the world works, i don't know why they even still bother.

AnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyWAY. Even though i have mostly not paid attention to previews and who is playing whom i was able to figure out pretty quickly that Daniel Craig is Lord Asriel and Nicole Kidman is Mrs. Coulter, so it kind of forced me to picture them that way, but holy crap Daniel Craig is the most perfect casting i could possibly think of and Nicole Kidman isn't so bad either except for the wrong hair color, so i guess i don't mind so much! I'm a third of the way through the book and i'm quite enjoying it; i thought it was sort of slow and confusing at first, but it introduces a LOT of shit without explaining it and i am easily bewildered by fancy words! But i'm into it now. ZEPPELINS.

Sometimes i forget how fun it is to read books! I don't do that enough because i am lazy. :/

Hey speaking of not reading books, i am re-immersed in Guitar Hero since III came out. The infuriating thing, though, is that i am so good on Medium, and then i try to play on Hard and can barely finish a single song. Of course i just remember when switching from Easy to Medium seemed impossible, or even further back when Easy seemed difficult to me and is now so simple it's boring! BUT DANG, HARD IS REALLY HARD. (you can quote me on that, by the way. I hope it's on the cover of my biography long after i'm dead. "HARD IS REALLY HARD: An Artist's Tale".)

- 8:30 PM

Friday, November 09, 2007

 I want to go on an adventure.

- 11:40 PM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y