Sunday, October 28, 2007
I finished playing Portal which was absolutely awesome except for a few anxiety-inducing parts that i freak out at and can't do by myself. I do not play first-person games because i am slow and uncoordinated and easily stressed, i play games like Animal Crossing and Lego Star Wars and Katamari! Cute and happy and not incredibly difficult (or difficult at all!) la la laaaa. Anyway mostly the reason i wanted to play this was because all i'd heard and read about it is how great it is and a puzzle game seemed like something i'd be capable of, and since my brothers are actual gamers (instead of fake ones like me!) i just played one of their copies. AND IT WAS TRULY GREAT. Oh man, hilarious times a thousand plus menace and creepiness and mind-bending fun. And the best credits song of all time. And basically i am stuck on how brilliant the whole thing was. EVIL COMPUTERS ARE MY FAVORITE!! :D :D :D
I didn't have a Halloween party to go to yesterday and i probably won't even though i thought i would because my friends are stupid so i have a costume for nothing. Except for maybe wearing to work and looking like a dummy. And answering the door for trick-or-treaters. Woo yeah party time excellent!
- 5:37 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
My fortune with tonight's chinese food was: "You are a happy man." Oh, fortune cookies. Sometimes you get it so right.
Somehow i have come up with Halloween costumes for myself for the next several years, except that i doubt i would have the motivation to make some [most] of them. BUT. If i dress up for Halloween some more times, i have a pretty big bank of ideas of things i would totally want to be! LET ME SHOW YOU THEM:
- Marion Ravenwood (Raiders of the Lost Ark) - The Prince of All Cosmos (Katamari Damacy) - Max Fischer (Rushmore) (too cliched hipster jackass, i know. BUT RUSHMORE! it is my favorite Wes Anderson movie!) - Ellen Ripley (Alien) - Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon) (guaranteed to look like an idiot: CHECK! yeah there's no way i would ever do this one, but it's fun to imagine.) - Toph Bei Fong (Avatar) - Art Garfunkel (YEP) (blond fro) (THE END.) - Turanga Leela (Futurama) - X-Wing pilot (Star Wars) - Alice OR the Cheshire Cat but probably the Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland) - Kaylee Frye (Firefly) - Patti Mayonnaise (Doug) - Rowlf or Fozzie Bear (Muppets) OR Grover (Sesame Street) - HAL 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey) - The Bride (Kill Bill)
Marion is at the top of the short list for next year. If i dress up for Halloween next year.
My first year of college i thought it would be totally friggin sweet to dress up as Sydney Bristow. It would have been red wig Syd + black sweater and pants from the pilot (super easy!!) or if i were remotely able to pull it off (nope) it would have been blue wig Syd from Almost Thirty Years. :/ TOO BAD!
I am realizing that i am both too old and too young for my age. EXAMPLES: i knit while watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy and i do crossword puzzles every week. Also i eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch almost every day and my favorite tv shows are cartoons and sitcoms and mostly what i do for fun is play video games. HEY WHY DON'T I HAVE FRIENDS??!? It's a mystery!!
- 11:25 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I went Halloween costume shopping with my friend today (i already have a costume, but she didn't. this will officially be the first time i have dressed up for Halloween since 6th grade.) and something startling came to my attention! Halloween is a pretty sexist holiday! Of course it is a universally acknowledged fact that once you're out of childhood, Halloween is just an excuse for girls to dress like sluts, ha ha ha barf. But looking at an entire wall of pre-made costume choices made me more uncomfortable and angry than ever before about this sad fact of life! Here is an actual sampling of the selection of costumes for men: Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Darth Vader, a Jedi, BEETLEJUICE, A GHOSTBUSTER (@&*$^&*@!), Lt. Jim Dangle (ahahahaa), a number of fake fat suits, a doctor, a caveman, monsters, etc. etc. And here is an actual sampling of the selection of costumes for women: a sexy nurse, a sexy doll, a sexy bee, a sexy fairy, a sexy wizard (i am not even kidding, it was even a Gryffindor uniform except with a super low-cut sweater, a tiny short miniskirt, a tiny robe, and a comically small tie. EXCUSE ME, THEY DO NOT LET YOU INTO HOGWARTS WEARING THAT), a sexy Dorothy, a sexy maid, a sexy hippie, a sexy devil, etc. etc. ad infinitum, EVERY SINGLE ONE WAS EXACTLY THE SAME. So, ladies, unless you are able to come up with a costume idea on your own, you'd better resign yourself to dressing like a tramp!
Maybe some of it has to do with me liking more traditionally guy-oriented things, like i was really super tempted to get a Ghostbuster costume (just to wear the jumpsuit in day-to-day activities, even!) and i could still be a Jedi or Princess Leia (not in the gold bikini though, HAH) or whatever and nobody says a girl can't dress up in a dude's costume (that is the point of costumes!) but like, they don't even seem to OFFER cool stuff for women. There were about twice as many girl costumes and they were all generic boobs and miniskirts and grossness. That isn't really what every girl wants to dress like for Halloween, is it? I guess they kind of made a joke like that on s2 of The Office with Pam and Phyllis and Angela all dressed up like cats, or obviously in Mean Girls, but why does it have to be true? Please be more creative, world.
And IF THE TABLES WERE TURNED: every single costume for guys involves a banana hammock. DONE.
- 10:33 PM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
In the Shadow of the Moon: REALLY REALLY GOOD. It was like everything i think about regarding the space program and mankind and the universe and all my depressing existential feelings and i probably got choked up about fifty different times, if not more. I get so sad thinking about the glory days of NASA, when people everywhere actually cared about space travel. ALSO, the movie had really supremely awesome old footage and it reminded me so much of why i love '60s/'70s space/sci-fi movies (2001, Alien, and THX 1138: the holy grails of sparse, retro-futuristic design. also, some little franchise called Star Wars? you probably haven't heard of it, not many people have.) MOTHERFUCKIN SPACESHIPS, MAN.
This weekend i watched all of s3 of The Office with my friends in TWO DAYS. ....TWO. It really flows great watching it like that! HOLY CRAP I LOVE IT. AND i got to go to Sea World which i hadn't been to since HIGH SCHOOL and despite getting rained on too much it was awesome, and on Sunday i went to a Ken Andrews show and dude live music rules. And then Monday was the 25th anniversary of EPCOT and that was both awesome and depressing because i got rained on too much there too and so much of the original spirit of that park is gone in terms of technology and communication and the future and science and discovery and i really miss the old days, but i also still really love it there, so.
- 10:30 PM