Monday, July 09, 2007

 I don't know what's wrong with me, i am suddenly so weirdly fixated on Transformers. I keep rehashing in my head how much i hated the movie and how much it seems like everyone else in the universe loved it, just going over it and over it and searching my soul for a reason WHY. My opinion doesn't usually differ so wildly from the majority, it makes me feel like i'm wrong! I watched the old animated movie this weekend and it was awesome, so much AMAZING '80s music (Weird Al's "Dare to Be Stupid" -- WHY????) and casette tape Transformers and Megatron saying "Starscream, you're an idiot." which is my favorite line ever and i repeated it like fifty times in the past two days and every time i thought of it it made me happy. If the new movie had been cheesy in a cartoony, '80s way it would have been great, but it was cheesy in a horrendous, 2007 way and... not good at all. I don't know, maybe i'll find that cheesiness awesome in 20 years. In any case, i feel like i almost want to see it again, to maybe force myself to like it (which i won't. the bad stuff will be just as bad.) but mostly to see the kickass robot stuff again. Daaaaammmmmit, i need to let it go. But i can't. :( WHAT. IS WRONG. WITH MY BRAIN.

- 12:40 AM

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

 Holy god, i've been to the movie theatre three times within the past five days, and there isn't even a Star Wars movie out. I think it's pretty funny that the order in which i saw this stuff also worked out to be in decreasing order of goodness. Ratatouille on Friday was AWESOME, it was so mind-bogglingly gorgeous and funny and cute and happy and good. Pixar wins again! Live Free or Die Hard on Sunday was entertaining enough- still not as great as the original, but nothing ever can be, really. The action was cool, although they showed most of the good stuff in the trailer as i had feared. It was pretty funny, though. And then Transformers yesterday was awful. I had been so excited for it, and while the Transformers themselves and most everything involving the Transformers kicked ass, otherwise it was just painful. And yet it seems like the entire rest of the world loved it. WHYYY?!?!? IT WAS SO BAD. It wasn't even something in which i could just turn my brain off and mindlessly enjoy it, the plot was so tedious and the humor was so offensively terrible and the people were so obnoxious. (p.s. i really love the role of women in movies aimed at 18-34 year-old males! LOL Maxim models, you're so sassy and complex, i can totally relate to that!)

Seeing Die Hard and then Transformers also made me realize, with their ridiculous incorporation of the internet and hackers and computer viruses, i really want to see a current action movie set in the '70s or something, JUST so they can't fall back on annoyingly generalized technology and technobabble. "Oh no the bad guys are uploading a VIRUS to our MAINFRAME, they will wipe out all of our FILES! How did they crack the PASSWORD to our DATABASE!" It gets so friggin lame. I miss when action movies weren't all about the internet.

ANYWAY. On top of all that, we've been rewatching the Harry Potter movies in order, what with the new movie and FINAL BOOK (!!!!) coming out soon and my older brother finally- after five? six? years- showing an interest in the series, which is amusing since he doesn't seem at all like the type to ever find Harry Potter cool. It really does have universal appeal! ...To GEEKS. :D

- 4:09 PM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y