Thursday, May 31, 2007
So today was probably the most depressed i have ever been on my birthday? MILESTONE!! I did get to go out for lunch and dinner to restaurants of my choosing, and i got the few [awesome] presents i asked for, and i didn't have to work, and yet. I can never think of anything fun and special i want to do on my birthday, the one day of all days when you are supposed to do something fun and special, and it just brings into sharp focus how fucking lame i am. I played video games and got bored and it was gloomy outside so i got progressively more depressed and then i kind of took a nap on the couch and then i felt really old. I am 23 and my retarded life is going nowhere.
I am also apparently living in the past a lot lately! Most of the only music i listen to anymore is oldies, between playing Guitar Hero a ton and the only good radio station around here being 80s music and American Idol reminding me of old songs i like. And with the tv season being done, i watch a lot of Nick GAS (Games and Sports for Kids! WHOEVER CAME UP WITH THAT EMBARRASSING CHANNEL NAME, YOU'RE FIRED) with my brothers, which is good fun. Legends of the Hidden Temple and GUTS and Get the Picture which all have hilariously awkward kids on them (the other day on Legends there was this one kid who looked like he was incredibly pissed off and exhausted being there, and we couldn't read his name tag except for the last letters being "AD", so we called him "SAD". And then one of the kids who got to the temple, when Olmec said his name his face lit up and it was hilariously adorable, like he was SO EXCITED that Olmec talked to him. And then HE WON! He beat the fucking temple, which has only happened like three times ever because that goddamn thing is impossible. And it was all because of his positive attitude, a lesson to our dear friend SAD.) Oh my god i totally don't know how to use parenthetical statements to my advantage. Hey, remember the 90s? They also show Double Dare 2000 all the time, but it doesn't have the nostalgia factor and without Summers it's just a piece of crap, the host is incredibly smarmy and terrible. Incidentally, Summers on Unwrapped on the Food Network is hilarious! That show is so boring but we get a kick out of how he says everything EXACTLY! the SAME WAY. Good Eats is our main tv staple right now, Alton Brown is my hero.
ALSO! I watched Moulin Rouge last night which i haven't seen in YEEEEARS, and WOW did that bring back memories. I was reminded of how much i needed to rewatch it from hearing "Your Song" on the radio in the morning and i can't listen to the original without thinking of Ewan singing it (A.K.A. BEST PART OF THE MOVIE), and then rewatching the movie was just like... damn, i had forgotten how well i knew like every single line and song and every nuance of Ewan's performance. HEY I KIND OF LIKE THAT GUY. And i swear it never made me cry as much as it did last night; i already knew it was sad, i thought i'd be able to just enjoy it! BUT DOOMED LOVE STORIES ARE SO SO SAD. I should watch Baz's Romeo + Juliet now, I KNOW that one makes me want to kill myself! LOL CRYING AT MOVIES IS SO EMBARRASSING.
Anyway! Happy Birthday to me, i'm an old lady who's going to die alone while watching old school Nickelodeon and reminiscing about when being a kid was cool, not like these hoodlums running around today.
- 12:06 AM
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Spider-Man 3 was not as bad as i was expecting! In fact, i quite enjoyed it! I just laughed through the whole thing and it was alright. I even genuinely liked MJ for probably the first time in any of the movies. Good fun! The ass-kicking was still the best part and there still wasn't enough of it, but what can ya do. Peter Parker can't even be evil without being a giant nerd. :D DANG, now i want to watch more Spidey.
Last night i went to my older brother's house and hung out with him, and we actually talked about our lives in a way we never had before. It was kind of weird, but nice! I basically learned more about him in one night than i ever have in my almost 23 years of knowing him. I get along with my family great and we're all buddies most of the time, but talking about meaningful stuff just isn't one of my strong suits. Communication is, like... hard. And junk.
- 11:37 PM
Friday, May 04, 2007
Ugh. I do not get to see Spider-Man 3 today. And while i was not very impressed with the second one and am not even SUPER excited about this one (that is to say, i am? because it is new Spider-Man? but i am not because i have seen the commercials too much and it's going to be dumb anyway.) i still really want to see it and it was all i had to look forward to today. :/ I don't know how i ended up being so batshit insane over the first one! I guess i was a lot younger and had less discriminating taste, even though high school really wasn't that long ago. My love for Spidey was a lot newer and awesomer back then, and... I DUNNO! I just really really loved it. With the second one i couldn't see past the boring parts and the cheese, so apparently life has sucked away all of my childlike innocence and joy and being entertained by dumb things. OR it had less ass-kicking? OR i just really like origin stories? I DUNNO! Anyway. Waiting like an extra day and seeing everybody talk about it possibly increases my chances of being even more disappointed by it. Gosh, i am such a delicate flower when it comes to movie-going!
I saw like a split second of Tobey Maguire on one of the late-night talk shows the other day, and he is a boy robot. He really is! It's kind of cute. BEEP BEEP DOES NOT COMPUTE.
- 4:18 PM