Thursday, November 30, 2006

 LOLOLOL, i did not even come close to finishing by this morning. The deadline is actually pretty lenient for getting it to the framer, so uh... i've got some more days. Today became a day of rest.

Oh man, this is all so fascinating to read about, I KNOW! I am a pro at crastination.

I keep thinking of all the things i wanna do when i'm done, like i've got Christmas shopping to do (i am actually already accumulating gifts, well in advance of the day before Christmas Eve!! THIS IS A BIG STEP FOR ME), tv shows/dvds i want to watch/rewatch, website redesign stuff, maybe some artsy projects (HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHHA, totally unlikely unless there is a deadline and payment involved, amiright? that is so sad, but i am so unmotivated.), OH catch up on video games! I miss my DS, and of course the Wii is calling to me. But yeah, i think about all sorts of productive or fun things to do with my free time when i am so busy working i can't do anything else, but then when i get free time again i... sit around refreshing livejournal? Uhhh.

- 10:18 PM

 Not starting on the last third of a painting until 2 AM the night before the deadline when i have had an entire month to work: PROBABLY A RESULT OF VERY POOR PLANNING. Hey, let me know if i live through this, 'cause i'm not gonna be lucid for most of it. ...Then again, really, that's just about the best way to paint.

- 2:17 AM

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

 Yeah, uhh, so much for painting today. I DID, however, get to see Casino Royale, so nonetheless i'd call this day a success. Seriously, it was flippin awesome. I've been excited about it since first seeing the trailers, and i don't really get excited about Bond films (especially since the past few have suuuucked). Somehow, despite Daniel Craig having a case of serious ugly, he still comes across as completely hot. ???? I was so unimpressed with that casting when it was announced, but HELL, the dude sold it like a cheeseburger to a fat person. SO BADASS. The movie itself was totally entertaining and non-cheesy and just... such a classy spin on Bond. It didn't even approach twenty puns a minute! EXCELLENT.

- 12:25 AM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

 All i did today was play Wii, which is the freaking FUNNEST THING EVER. Both of my brothers got one, waited in line till midnight on Saturday and everything- and i am a freeloader who gets to play the games anyway. :D I was planning on painting at some point, but that, uh, never materialized. Playing shiny new video games all day without a care in the world totally made it feel like Christmas, it was nice. Except i actually, REALLY have to do my work tomorrow, NO JOKE. Thanksgiving and family time are gonna eat up the rest of the week, and i have to be done by December 1st. Ha! Ha ha! .....Yeah.

- 1:30 AM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

 HOW IS STAR WARS SO AWESOME?!? I rewatched the original trilogy on Sunday (i saw the end of ANH on Cinemax, and it's actually physically impossible to NOT stick around and watch Empire in its entirety... then later i watched Jedi on the ol' VHS because i was thinking "boy, it's been a long time since i saw a non-Special Edition!", so thaaaat's what i did.) and hey, to sum up that tangential parenthetical statement, i'm a pretty big nerd. IT'S JUST SO FRICKIN COOL. THERE ARE SWORDS MADE OF LIGHT AND SPACESHIPS AND BLASTERS AND MYSTICISM AND HILARITY AND CRAZY EPICNESS AND HYPERSPACE AND MUPPETS AND DID I MENTION SPACESHIPS AND SWORDS MADE OF LIGHT! It never, ever gets old. There are very few things in this world that i have seen billions of times over and yet still fill me with joy and wonder and sadness and excitement and absolute love upon rewatching.

So anyway right now i really like Star Wars again.

- 11:45 PM

Thursday, November 09, 2006

 So let's hear it for this election! I was thrilled last night, and today with winning the Senate and Donald Rumsfeld resigning it only got better. It's so strange to me to actually feel GOOD about an election. I only started paying any sort of attention to politics in high school, and by then it was the Bush/Gore shitstorm of shittiness, which 1) i couldn't even vote in, and 2) MY STATE RUINED IT FOR EVERYONE. The only time before this i've gotten to vote i was terribly let down- crushed, even- so it's nice to feel so much more faith in the nation.

It was cool to actually go to a polling place, too, since last time i voted absentee. (A.K.A. A USELESS VOTE, AWESOME!) I felt very grown-up and important. Hey, i'm not one of those shiftless, good-for-nothing youths after all!

In conclusion, i'd like to thank Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert for existing.

- 1:37 AM

Monday, November 06, 2006

 Borat was pretty much the funniest movie ever, true story. I laughed so hard i was crying and couldn't breathe, so i think it may have actually been death-defyingly funny! I had never watched Da Ali G Show in the past because i thought it looked annoying, but since seeing the previews for this a while back, my older brother and i gave a few episodes a go and it turns out it's goddamn funny. Incredibly uncomfortable, but funny! I kind of love Sacha Baron Cohen. KIND OF.

Note to Self: I don't care how cool you want to be or how cool you thought you were or how much you love The Big Lebowski- DON'T EVER DRINK WHITE RUSSIANS AGAIN.

So now i gotta go figure out who to vote for tomorrow. Man, it's like homework or something.

- 11:58 PM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y