Saturday, April 22, 2006
HEY KIDS! Wondering about a great new way for a hip, twentysomething college student to spend a Friday night? Well i'll tell you! IT'S AT SCHOOL WORKING ON WOODCUT PRINTMAKING!
Somebody remind me why i procrastinated the whole semester away again? Oh, right, because printmaking sucks. Then again, there is nothing better than when you finally get to leave, come home, take a shower, and SIT. Ahhhh.
I got my work hung in the gallery (man, hanging pictures so they're evenly spaced and level? ALSO SUCKS.), and even though the effed-up frames still piss me off, i'm really pleased with how it all looks. I've been working toward this for FOUR YEARS? I'M DONE WITH SCHOOL IN A WEEK?? JIMINY CHRISTMAS.
My entire life right now consists of school, sleep, and watching downloaded episodes of Prison Break. JEALOUS?
- 3:10 AM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
HOLY GODDAMN, COULD I BE ANY MORE OF A MORON? ...Don't answer that. I basically waited till the last possible minute to get my prints framed for the final art show, and since the frames had to be ordered, all weekend i've been thisclose to puking out my entire digestive tract from the sheer panic that it wouldn't get done in time (i.e. today). But SWEET MERCIFUL ZEUS they were finished this morning, and i picked them up and drove them to school beneath the rosy-colored, sunlit, rainbow-filled (read: grey) sky with an unburdened soul and a song in my heart.
But, of course, Zeus is an angry god. My school, as always, has only one parking space per every 50 students that need one, so i had to park a fifteen-minute walk away from the art building. That normally isn't so bad, but making two trips and carrying canvases and framed work against the wind... is. Bad. Anyway, the part where i'm a moron is that my watch buckle was banging up against the frames for the entire walk (come on, that's not a big deal, RIGHT!) and... OH HEY THERE'S A HUGE GASH IN THE MIDDLE OF TWO OF MY FRAMES AWESOME THANKS. Frames which cost a total of $344 and had been in my possession for a mere THIRTY MINUTES. Maybe that doesn't sound like a huge deal, but i'm anal retentive about things looking nice, and the frames! Looked SO NICE! And i always manage to find some way to fuck everything up! Because, as previously mentioned, i am a moron! THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR DOLLARS.
- 1:27 PM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
The thing about extremely philosophical, creepy space movies is that they leave you feeling pretty depressed, ya know? Heavy stuff. Sometimes you just need some fart jokes to distract you from the fact that we're all minute, insignificant specks in an unknowably infinite universe that our feeble minds and miniscule lifespans will never fully grasp.
2001: A Space Odyssey, man. That is some fucked up shit.
- 3:08 AM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
So i actually went and saw Slither. (we went to the theatre for Stay Alive [HAH!] but got there too late.) I hadn't been too interested in seeing it- despite starring Nathan (!) and the appearance by Jenna Fischer- because it looks pretty dumb, right? But hey, we got in for free. I like free stuff! And then it actually ended up being quite hilarious! Dumb, yes, and extremely gross, but entertaining and funny, and if you happen to like the word "fuck" as much as i do, well then, it's even better. Now i don't even understand why i didn't want to see it just for Nathan, because... NATHAN. Good to know he's still EFFING HOT. (by the way, i really wouldn't care anything about this movie, except it just so happens to be starring MAL AND KARA. KARA AND MAL. MALCOLM REYNOLDS AND KARA THRACE. STARBUCK AND CAPTAIN TIGHTPANTS. I rest my case.)
- 3:43 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
I did not even KNOW it was daylight savings time until i looked at my computer clock and it seemed like an oddly large amount of time had passed, and then looked at my bedside clock and noted the discrepancy. FAAAAAAKHADLKF BALLS. Losing an hour is a cruel punishment inflicted upon us by an uncaring cosmos, its only purpose to make it even more readily apparent how quickly our lives are slipping away before our very eyes.
- 4:33 AM