Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Well, Christmas was pretty awesome, got metric TONS of dvds and cds, per usual. The sad thing is, i get so excited about dvd caps, but it takes me ten thousand years to get through them. Even after all this time, i STILL have not finished capping Firefly. But... OMG SERENITY! Watched it last night, and it's still amazing to me that we got a movie. A REAL. MOVIE. Actual and whole. (......i can quote it appropriately, too.) I could honestly spaz out about it and say the same things over and over again until the end of time, so i'll spare you. But it's reeeeeeeally pretty. Really.
ALSO, i got a Nintendo DS along with both of my brothers, which is completely AWESOME. We've been playing against each other and pictochatting from two feet away, it's totally sweet.
We watched most of Tremors on tv Christmas day, i got very nostalgic because we used to watch that movie a lot when i was younger. (...i grew up on some weird things.) Giant man-eating worms: family fun, i'll tell you what. I remember having a huuuge crush on Kevin Bacon. I think i can recall every single embarrassing crush i've ever had, to tell you the truth. I won't share them, but they kind of crack me up. Oh, speaking of which, we've also been watching some of Sci-Fi's SeaQuest DSV marathon. Jonathan Brandis, i thought he was DREAMY. Too bad he kinda... died.
So, i leave to drive back to my apartment tomorrow, and my flight to New York is extremely early Thursday morning. Uhhh, HOLY SHIT ONE DAY AWAY. I'm scared of freezing to death, but other than that, very very excited! HOLY SHIT NEW YORK!
- 1:23 AM
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Just got back from seeing King Kong. It was amazing, i am such a sucker for the epic, heroic, HUGE-SCALE awesomefests. And so sad! I cried. Naomi Watts was fantastic, she's so absuuuuuuurdly pretty. And ADRIEN. Playing a hero? Named Jack? On a mysterious island? With monsters? WELL. THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR. (looooooove.) And Jack Black was honestly impressive, excellent casting. Gah, and the special effects! DINOSAURS! The '30s era stylistic stuff was completely freaking COOL, and just... it was such a spectacle. Awesome. It needs time to sink in, it was just so much.
ALSO, that X3 trailer remains totally kickass. I've become more optimistic about the movie based purely on the kickass...osity of the trailer.
KONG. Sob.
- 8:19 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
Saw RENT yesterday. I loved it, although it was very weird to finally see in movie form. What is it with tango scenes always being completely awesome, eh? And aww, Mark. Mark who only has his camera. Hey, note to the guy sitting a few seats away from me: try not to spaz out too much when two guys kiss! IT'S ALRIGHT! YOU'RE NOT GONNA CATCH THE GAY! Please don't see Brokeback Mountain, you might have a seizure and die.
I'm home (for the holidaaaaaaays) now, and my feet are freezing off. FREEZING. OFF. This doesn't happen at my apartment- maybe because the upstairs is like a furnace- but jeeeeeeeez. Two pairs of socks PLUS slippers and they're ice cold. From the inside. I think i'm resorting to the heating pad in a few minutes.
How am i going to survive in New York if my feet are freezing off when it is 57 degrees out? I just checked, it says right now NYC is TWENTY SIX DEGREES AND FEELS LIKE FOURTEEN. I am going to cry. Cry TEARS OF ICE.
- 11:14 PM
Friday, December 09, 2005
THE SEMESTER IS OVER WOOO! My last test effing suuuucked, but it's DONE HA HA HA. Now the only stress i have is figuring out what the hell to get my family for Christmas. Uhhhh. That part is hard. But- CHRISTMAS! WOOO! Annnnnd, in the happiest news of all, i am totally going back to New York for New Year's. (but omg i've never been up north in the winter! But omg NEW YORK!) So, yes. I like December.
- 3:48 PM
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Well, my drawing final was probably my most stressful one, seeing as i was COMPLETELY UNPREPARED, but i still managed to end up with a decent amount of work. "Self," i said, " are awesome." Printmaking and photography today went really well, i'm actually almost... sad that they're over, because i learned a lot, and the whole group of us in the photo class really kind of bonded. Aww. And, okay, so my printmaking teacher- who i got along with really well- thinks my work is awesome and tells me it's strong enough to get me into grad school and i'm good and i should do it. But, dude! I hadn't planned on going to grad school. And i'm so SICK of school i just want it to be done. And grad school involves, like, moving far away and taking a big step and it's SCARY! Buuuuuuuut, at the same time, as much as i've hated all this, in retrospect i've been incredibly productive and have come up with a lot of work i'm proud of, which i'm almost sure i won't be able to do outside the pressure of classes. It's just... i'm absolutely terrified of school ending. Because it will be the point when i'm the most free i've ever been in my life, to move anywhere and do anything and start a career and, i dunno, find myself? Spiritually? BUT OMG I'M NOT AN ADULT WHAT THE CRAP I CAN'T DO THIS. Terrifying.
Annnnnnnnyway. I'm not ready for that whole "real art world" thing. No matter how good you are, there's always about ten billion people out there somewhere who are immensely better than you, and you feel so insignificant. At least in school i feel sort of respected by my teachers and my classmates, like i don't actually completely suck at this. It would be so cool to live in New York (!!), but holy shit, that's the art center of everything and it's such a huuuuuuge risk and i'm sure if i want to be discouraged that'd be the place to do it. I DO NOT. KNOW. WHAT TO DO. WITH MY LIFE. There's so much pressure to do something. It's like standing on the edge of a cliff getting ready to jump and you're not sure if your hanglider has a huge fucking hole in it so you might just fall to the ground with a sickening splat. Or maybe, just maybe it'll work and you'll go flying and see some really cool shit.
That was an awesome metaphor.
- 10:02 PM
Monday, December 05, 2005
So, today i almost died. Of stress. I was at school from 6:30 AM to 3 PM (which, in comparison to some of my other weekends, is not bad at all) and when i got home my computer KILLED ITSELF. (TRUE. I have not seen a Blue Screen of Death in a very long time. It was horrifying. I was freaking out about losing all my files and having to reformat because Windows wouldn't start up and i haven't backed anything up in, like, a MILLENIUM, and oh god, my screencaps and icons and photoshop files and bookmarks and tv shows and mp3s and WHY GOD WHY?!?!? IF THIS IS A SIGN TELLING ME TO DO MY HOMEWORK I WILL DO IT, I SWEAR! ...And then, many hours later, with the help of the internet, the glorious, beautiful internet on my roommate's computer, i got it working again.) And, uh... where was i? I have slept a total of seven hours in the past two days. Now i have to draw all night and fake a semester's worth of work. (remember all those times i skipped class and didn't do any drawings? HA! HA HA!) Fortunately, i actually am almost entirely done with my printmaking and photography work, which is about ten billion times better off than i've been at the end of the past two semesters. My entire college career has been a case of Senior-itis.
Here's hoping i don't fail!
p.s. Remember that time Alias was cancelled and i was glad? (oh man, flipping channels tonight, i saw a split second of The Box and wanted to cry. It used to be so good. I used to care. How was that so long ago?)
p.p.s. The Potter scarf is coming along slowly but surely. I knoooow hoooooow to kniiiiit.
p.p.p.s. Mr. and Mrs. Smith is a hot movie. Not deep, but very entertaining. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are mesmerizing to watch. Like, too pretty to exist.
p.p.p.p.s. Still need to see RENT like burning.
- 2:37 AM