Sunday, October 30, 2005

 I went home for the weekend, and since it kind of got cool out this week, it felt like it should have been Christmas. That both made me happy (yaaaay Christmas!) and very sad (HEY it's not Christmas.) I really, really love when it first gets chilly out. Everything seems so pretty and the air is so fresh and relaxing and nice. I suppose it seems even nicer when, in comparison, about 5/6 of the rest of the year is HOT AS CRAP. Florida: We don't have seasons, we have Hot and A Little Less Hot!

- 10:29 PM

Sunday, October 23, 2005

 Hey, so that hurricane finally moved and is set to get here tomorrow. I was kind of... very worried when it was a Category 5 (see: previous post!), but now it's only a 2 and i am not so distraught over imminent death and destruction. School is cancelled! YAY. Best part of a hurricane, right there. (although, i've been almost always skipping class on Mondays anyway, so... eh. Tuesday would have had a WAY bigger effect on me. Still, at least this way i don't have to feel guilty for not going in.)

Today i got stung by a wasp. I have never been stung by an insect (other than mosquitos) before! I will tell you how it happened. I went to get a drink from a water fountain. The button was below the, uhm, fountain dish part thingie, and you don't normally need to look at the button when you go to push it if you automatically know where it is, correct? So i put my thumb on the button, and then OW PAIN PAIN OW WHY IS THERE PAIN THIS WATER FOUNTAIN IS BOOBY-TRAPPED. Apparently the wasp had been right on the button. My brother saw it beforehand, but i was too quick getting to the fountain because i wanted a drink! So i got stung and jumped around a lot holding my thumb because of the PAIN. It didn't hurt for too long, i was just... very surprised! I only wanted some water! That is not normally a dangerous endeavor! Moral: look before you touch, because there could be WASPS.

- 8:44 PM

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

 Shit shit fucking shit fuck fuck.

I don't like fearing for my home and family and general well-being and, you know, LIFE every year.

- 2:55 PM

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

 After class on the way upstairs to my car in the parking garage, i saw a fanmade sign promoting Serenity. And then i couldn't stop grinning. YOU MEAN THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE WHO LIKE FIREFLY AND ARE ALSO AT MY SCHOOL?

Actually, i was looking at that new school feature on livejournal, and it's pretty disturbing how many people from my school are on there. Uhm... GEEKS. (what is with people not concealing their online life as though it is a secret to be taken to the GRAVE? Honestly. I'm on the internet to avoid real-life people and social awkwardness, DUH.)

I like how i'm qualified to judge people who are most likely even less nerdy than i am. Heyyyyy, Kettle! This is Pot. YOU ARE SO BLACK. (but at least i have the good sense to be ashamed! DON'T YOU GET HOW LAME IT IS TO BE TALKING ABOUT "LIVEJOURNALS" AND "BLOGGING"? IT IS REALLY SUPER LAME!)

- 6:41 PM

Saturday, October 15, 2005

 So i, uh, shot a real gun today. ??!??!? A guy my friends and i went to high school with is visiting, and he likes to shoot guns and so we all went to a shooting range. PRETTY WEIRD! We were like "we don't know anything about guns! ha ha! hope we don't DIE!" It was funny once you get past the VERY FRIGHTENING part. I've always hated guns in real life, despite thinking they are completely awesome in tv and movies. (funny how that works! things are scarier when they can ACTUALLY KILL YOU.) But anyway, once i did it, it was fun, and we all kind of want to do it again! For some reason that makes me feel as though i have become some sort of 2nd amendment, Bush-supporting, NRA douchebag. Which... i haven't! It was just kind of like a video game, except with real bullets and recoil and loud noises. Fun! Right! It was certainly an experience i never expected to have. (p.s. i got to wear protective eyewear like this and thought of Kara the whole time. ......NERD.)

Saw Serenity again last night (with the aforementioned friends who just finished watching my dvds and loved it, although they don't like Simon and River, which- how? How can you dislike ANYONE? I DON'T GET IT.) It is seriously just... the most utterly enjoyable movie. I love the whole thing. And i don't think i will ever get over how RIDICULOUSLY PRETTY it is and i want the dvd RIGHT NOW so i can make caps and collages and the like. I think my love for the whole crew- particularly Mal (and also omg everyone else because you can't just declare love for one of them you have to declare love for all of them because they are a FAMILY!)- grows exponentially every time i see it.

Yesterday at Disney i saw a guy who startlingly resembled Alan Tudyk. His hair was exactly the right color and length, and his face looked like him and... everything. I kept looking at him the whole time i was in line thinking "...dude." It obviously wasn't him, but he was close enough that i was enjoying imagining that i was riding Tower of Terror with Wash. WASH!

Somehow, i have no homework to do this weekend. (hey! all that complaining paid off!) I'm thinking i might watch some Lost dvds. Because season one is awesome. And those island people are PRETTY.

- 9:32 PM

Monday, October 10, 2005

 Also- i have never paid more attention to box office totals IN MY LIFE. The numbers for Serenity are not looking good. GAH. NO. We need a sequel! WE NEED IT. I realize it's a miracle we even got this movie, and i can fully appreciate it as a whole, and, you know, OMG SERENITY AHGDOIYGDFOYW, but FUCK, DUDE. Firefly just has to be a continuing story. It has to keep going. I hated everyone who was proclaiming doom and gloom after the movie had only been out TWO DAYS (and came in second place!), but now it's like- OH NO DOOM AND GLOOM! I hate the moviegoing American public. Haaaaaaaate.

Today i smashed my fingers in a bathroom stall door. It hurt.

Am i tiring you with so much negativity? FLOWERS AND PUPPIES AND RAINBOWS AND SPARKLE BALLERINAS! I borrowed Katamari Damacy from my brother and have been playing that again with my roommate, it makes me happy. (i beat it tonight! while procrastinating doing more schoolwork!) I keep wanting to do a big Firefly rewatch, but i keep... not making time for it. Sob. But my other roommate wants to watch it and then go see Serenity, so yay!

- 1:43 AM

 I fucking hate school. Have i mentioned that? Because... i do. I have so much art crap to do, and half the time i feel like i'm not doing enough and procrastinating and being lazy, but then even when i DO my work, there's too much, and when i get a little bit done i'm already stressed about the five other things i have looming over me. I spent all weekend AT SCHOOL and i feel like i've hardly made a dent. I probably give myself too much free time, but then, why the fuck should i devote every waking moment to schoolwork? Seriously, spending all weekend at that shitty place? NOT COOL. Because then, hey, it's the school week again and WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY WEEKEND? I SPENT IT ALL AT SCHOOL.

I am so burnt out on all this shit, i can't motivate myself to work harder because it sucks so much. I'm in such a "FUCK THIS, i just want to get it DONE" mentality that i don't even CARE if any of my work is actually good. It compleeeeetely defeats the purpose of, you know, making art. Which, in theory, should be... good.

And i've been loathing school and wanting to be done with it for, like, SEVEN YEARS now (?!??!?!?!), but... what the hell do i do with myself when i'm done? I've been in school my whole life! I don't know how things work without school! And summer vacations! And grades and teachers and exams! WTF. Stupid... life.

I miss my family. It's very weird, i guess when i get completely stressed out and apocalyptic about school, i really look forward to going to Disney with them and hanging out. I, uhm... like my family? I know, it's crazy! They start to kind of annoy me if i'm around them too much, but when i'm living over here sometimes i just want to go back home. It makes me sad. I haven't been back there in, like, two months, and it's impossible to find a good weekend to visit because i always have to be- as previously mentioned- AT SCHOOL.

I need to be working on a drawing right now. I really, really, really, really don't want to.

- 1:41 AM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y