Friday, September 30, 2005
GAH. SERENITY. I was SO HAPPY to see it again. Three months is a long time! It was surprising, i went to a 4:00 showing and the theatre actually got decently full. There was a really good size crowd. I was so proud! Like, wow, other people want to see it too! AMAZING! And... very weird that it's not just our little show anymore. The funny lines got a lot of laughs, it was good. I checked the review from the local paper at home, it was very good (B+! And i usually HATE that reviewer!) And it's been getting other great reviews all over the place, which ROCKS. We have the critical acclaim, now people need to SEE IT! I am praying for the box office. PRAYING.
So i just watched Objects in Space, because it's totally my favorite episode, and... i love Firefly. A lot. It was actually pretty bizarre to watch an episode after just seeing the movie, the two formats have such a different feel. I WANT IT TO BE A TV SHOW AGAIN. I mean, of course, the big screen is fucking awesome, and movies are so pretty, but a tv show! You can get so much more development, so many more small moments, build things more gradually, and really explore all the individual characters and dynamics so much better, especially with such an ensemble cast. A movie is like "THINGS ARE HAPPENING! MORE THINGS ARE HAPPENING! THINGS! HAPPENING!" (Incidentally, this Salon article gets it exactly right, and says it way better than i can.) Ah, well. It's still FIREFLY. And it RULES.
I saw a little bit of tonight's BSG rerun (which... hee! BSG/Firefly OTP!), but we're only a week into the hiatus and i already miss it. WHY MUST ALL MY SPACE SHOWS ABANDON ME?
- 11:07 PM
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I... i can't believe Serenity comes out this Friday. I am DESPERATE to see it again because it is SO FUCKING AWESOME, but at the same time, i am dreading it, because there are some things i'm not sure i can handle seeing again. And again. And again. (ha ha, that is, in reality, a cryptic reference to how much the movie actually sucks. whatever you do, don't see it. ten thousand times. DO NOT. SEE IT. SEE IT. SEE IT. SUBLIMINAL MIND CONTROL. SEE IT.)
Whenever i see the commercials i get really ridiculously excited. I mean, DUDE! It's a real movie! Released for the entire general public! OMGWTF! I really, really, really hope it plays well for people not familiar with the series, but i have absolutely no way of gauging that because i'm so biased. All i know is that if you've seen Firefly, it will completely blow your mind. I wanted to force my family to watch the whole series, but we never got around to it. They've seen a decent portion of it, though, and i'm fairly sure they're going to see Serenity (because they certainly know I like it!) and i really really hope they enjoy it. I AM NERVOUS ABOUT PEOPLE LIKING THE LITTLE CANCELLED-SHOW-THAT-COULD!
Wouldn't it be awesome if it became some enormous cultural phenomenon? Yeah. That'd be awesome.
- 2:14 AM
Monday, September 26, 2005
I had to spend all weekend over at school processing photos (who knew it takes SO MUCH FRICKIN TIME?) and as a result of that (and my own laziness) i skipped class today. Again. My sleeping schedule is so severely fucked. It's also completely backwards that the class i am spending the most time on is the one that i'm taking that doesn't count for ANYTHING having to do with my major. I should maybe be putting a little more effort into, you know, drawing and printmaking. Seeing as those credits are kind of VERY important. To graduating. In a semester and a half. Uhm.
Today i got an old issue of Entertainment Weekly in the mail that i had requested a replacement for because i never got it originally (ever since i moved to this apartment, i've been randomly missing issues every now and then. Fuckers.) It was one from over the summer that, about a week ago, i discovered had a BSG article in it. I reacted to that information with a "WHAAAAAAA?? HOW DID I MISS THIS??" and checked and it was because, of course, it was an issue that i never got. And that obviously needed to be remedied. Pointlessly long story short, YAY BSG! I feel like i received something super special, even though it's something i rightfully should have gotten in the first place. My happiness in life comes from extremely trivial things.
- 9:40 PM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
God, House is the PRETTIEST DOCTOR SHOW EVER. The cast! And the colors! And the lighting! (...i fear those may be my only criteria for loving a show.) The episode tonight was fantastic. HOUSE AND WILSON! "Go to hell." sob. And CHASE. Oh, Chase. You are a stupid pretty asshole and i love you more with each passing moment. House/Cameron weird faux-ex animosoty is kind of making me like them a little bit, but i want Chase and Cameron to hook up, because it's just a pretty thought. My 'shipping on this show is completely random and follows no definitive pattern. I didn't even realize Stacy wasn't in the episode until it was over. Hugh Laurie's eyes are absurdly, brilliantly BLUE.
I'm feeling kind of underwhelmed by Gilmore Girls. Lorelai and Rory are both being stupid. But Luke and Lorelai discussed Star Wars! HEEEEEEEEE. I like to think that conversation was directed specifically at me. It continues to be unspeakably weird to me that they are a couple, let alone engaged. TIME FLIES!
I was thinking today what i would do with myself if i didn't watch tv. I think of people who don't watch tv and wonder if their lives are more fulfilled, because the idea of not watching tv certainly seems more intellectual. Like, i don't know, there are better things to do with life. Of course, it's just an enjoyable hobby, like fishing or stamp-collecting or building model ships in bottles, but for some reason it seems more petty or trite simply because of the medium of the entertainment industry. But there are so many engaging stories and characters and themes and artistic motivations, i like to think of it more along the lines of the fascination with storytelling that has existed throughout history, ancient theatre and myths and all that. I think i'm just trying to make myself feel less ashamed for living vicariously through fictional people.
Ah, who am i kidding? I'm just in it for the porn.
- 12:57 AM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I should be studying but i'm, uh, not. I've always been bad at it! And then i remember stuff anyways, so WHAT IS THE POINT? I skipped class today because i never did that drawing last night. (ha! ha ha! yeah.)
ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. It was awesome. The only bad thing about it is that it's SO HILARIOUS and they cram so much funny shit in that you inevitably miss something because you're still busy laughing at something else that happened a minute ago. And then the episode is over so quickly! So you have to watch it again. GEORGE MICHAEL AND MAEBY! (i was... a little bit excited. Just a little.) GOB! EVERYONE! "I don't see you crying, ROBOT!" (omg BSG! ......NERD.) I'm so, so glad it's back. It actually, like, comforts me to think about it.
It's so WEIRD that everything is starting up again, it seems like last season just ended. And it's kind of a little sad, because i was enjoying my one-fandom-at-a-time freakout. (House! VM! BSG! WHEEEEOOOOOOO.) Really concentrated obsessing is always fun. BUT, hey. New episodes! Favorite shows! I didn't have a life ANYWAY!
I also watched Kitchen Confidential after AD, because, dude, BRADLEY COOPER. His own show! I'm so proud. He did good getting out of Alias when he did. (even though i still miss Will, but, man... that show sucks now.) It was cute, i didn't think it was outright hilarious (although coming after AD, that's hard-- nay, impossible to top) but i enjoyed it.
I REALLY need to study. And i REALLY don't want to.
- 2:18 AM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
You know how i was complaining about leaving big drawings until Sunday night? Ha ha. I WILL NEVER EVER LEARN MY LESSON.
I've been half-watching the Emmys, pretty much just for moments like Zach Braff and Hugh Laurie presenting together (!!!) and Conan and Jon Stewart and DUDE Mitchell Hurwitz (AD!!) and Kristen Bell and that Matthew Fox guy. House won for writing! Oh, and JJ! For directing the Lost pilot! So there have been a few good things. Mostly boring, though. (who. in the fuck. wrote those jokes? were any of those jokes?) I've been looking up crap for my art history test on Tuesday. WOOOO.
It would seem that the more days that go by, the more obsessed i become with BSG. I was distracted for about five minutes simply because the subject of one of the pictures i was looking up for art history was APOLLO. Ridiculous.
- 10:51 PM
Monday, September 12, 2005
It's really not a good idea to start on a large drawing at 2 AM the night before it's due. Even though that same scenario is... all i've done this semester. (and school just started!) I just hate drawing for this class so much that it's nearly impossible for me to force myself to do it. We have to draw THE SAME THING WE DID IN CLASS OVER AGAIN! It's soul-crushing.
I also had to go over to school to work on a monotype for printmaking, which was easy enough, but going to school on a WEEKEND is about the worst thing ever. It's even more depressing because i had a really good day yesterday at Disney with my family, and just... having to get back to work when you were just enjoying yourself is never, ever any good.
I only have THREE EPISODES LEFT of Battlestar Galactica, and then i'm caught up. YAY i'll be caught up, but... NOOOOOO I'LL BE CAUGHT UP. One episode a week? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE ON ONE EPISODE A WEEK? I can't even limit myself to one episode a night. And the season will be over soon and then it's like... a YEAR till anything new. Well, at least six months! Ah, FUCK. Television is a cruel mistress.
- 1:52 AM
Saturday, September 10, 2005
I just finished watching the Battlestar Galactica season one finale. WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHATTHEFUCKFUCKFUCK.
Also: KARA AND LEE!!!! ("i clean up nice sometimes.") (!!!!!)
I sure am glad i don't have to wait to start watching season two! It's really gonna SUCK when i'm all caught up and have to watch it on a regular schedule with, you know, weeks in between and stuff. And that whole hiatus between seasons thing, yeah.
- 2:03 AM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Hey, last season's House finale was just on. STACY YOU STUPID WHORE. I... hate her. On the other hand, she makes me love House even more. He's so sad! And the drugs! And the sadness! I don't even like House/Cameron, and yet i was still kind of rooting for them. I think i just automatically root for anything that involves House. (but watching him lose is the best/saddest part!) WILSON! HE LOVES WILSON!
My day today was horribly, head-achingly long (well, all my Tuesdays and Thursdays are, but it was even more of a work day than usual and spending so much time printmaking and processing photos is tiring), and when i got to Target i didn't see the Lost dvds and was lamenting what a waste of gas it was to drive down there... but then i found them. So it was okay. I'm too tired to be properly excited, but, hey! Lost! I like Lost. And i like dvds.
And speaking of even more tv, i'm really really enjoying Battlestar Galactica. I like having something new to marathon (you can really get into a show when you watch a bunch of episodes in a row! Hi, Veronica Mars.) and, man, it's just good. I've seen it described as "The West Wing in space", which fits in a lot of ways. I love the religious/mythological/philosophical themes, and the relationships (i adore Lee and Roslin. She's totally his new mom!), and... the prettiness. Cute badass pilots! I love Helo, i'm not quite sure why so much, except i feel so SAD for him and he's cute and he's probably going to DIE. But then, none of them are really in optimal living conditions. Human race being hunted down and nearly wiped out and all. KARA AND LEE ARE PRETTY AND I LIKE APOCALYPSE STORIES AND SPACESHIPS. And dad issues! Pretty boys with dad issues! Probably every male character i've ever fallen in love with!
It's really killing me how many tv shows i'm obsessed with at the moment. This has got to stop. I HAVE HOMEWORK TO DO RIGHT NOW.
New Serenity poster!! SO much cooler than the domestic one, what the crap is that about? Although i'm not sure how i feel about the River picture. Completely badass (she's very bendy!) but... i don't know. It almost, almost borders on cheesy. Not quite! Almost. Suuuuuuch a better poster, though. (ahahaha, "Moderate violence". What, REAVERS? "Rape us to death, eat our flesh and sew our skins into their clothing"? Nah.)
- 9:38 PM
Monday, September 05, 2005
I just watched the Battlestar Galactica miniseries (finally! fiiiinnaaalllllyyy), and... DUDE. That was awesome. Apocalyptic ass-kicking in SPACESHIPS, maaaaaajor prettiness, awesome music and special effects (Firefly special effects! jump zooms! heeee), pretty people in space, surprise ending, ROBOTS. MAN. Parts of the Galactica endearingly remind me of Echo Base on Hoth (...Star Wars. I like Star Wars.) which makes me happy. Kara is seriously kickass (and adorable and hilarious and sad!) and Lee is just... really, really pretty. And, uhm, Number Six? Whoah, crazy hottie!
Oh man, this is so what i need. Another show to watch. (i'm only into fifty million things right now! what's fifty million and ONE?) Uhm, homework? School? I don't know WHAT you're talking about.
- 3:38 AM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Last week's Entertainment Weekly, in a review of House s1 on dvd: " played by the fantastically grizzled (and oddly attractive) Laurie..." YES. THANK YOU. You don't really look at Hugh Laurie and automatically think "wow, he's hot." ...but he IS. Really. I can't explain it. And then, of course, there's also the fact that he's just fucking awesome.
All day today i've been watching notable news clips of the Katrina coverage and reading depressing articles. It's all making me more and more disillusioned and upset (government officials saying they're pleased with the federal response? they didn't expect the levees to break? Bush staging photo ops? not letting people leave? I... just... WHAT??)- but it's at least slightly comforting to see the news media actually taking people to task for what's been going on.
On a less serious note, i've been avoiding homework all weekend but have not, alternatively, done much of anything worthwhile. Pretty weird how that happens. I am very much looking forward to being done with classes on Tuesday so i can haul ass down to Target and buy those Lost dvds. (!!!) AND, thanks to Labor Day, it's only a three-day week for me. Nice.
- 10:45 PM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Uhhhhh, holy shit, gas is ridiculous. I could/should have gotten it a few days ago, but i figured "naaaah, i don't need it right away, i'll wait!" And then, ho ho ho, yesterday! The station i usually go to was out of regular, and another one more out of my way was full of people. I finally filled my tank at one that wasn't overly crowded, and shit, i'm glad i did. On the way to the store last night, my usual station that i had gone to earlier had obviously gotten more gas (12 cents more expensive than where i ended up getting it!) and it was lined up OUT INTO THE STREET. Seriously, a HUGE line of cars, and it's a big gas station, too. I've only seen it like this before the hurricanes last year. JESUS.
And, speaking of hurricanes, looking at and reading about the Katrina aftermath is fucking frightening, because it's really, really way too easy to imagine if that had been my hometown. (which, yes, self-centered, but... depressing and scary!) It's just horrifying that it keeps getting worse and worse, i'm reading the news stories and looking at the pictures and it seems like it couldn't possibly even be real. It's too much to even think about, but it's impossible to ignore.
I feel fucking trivial complaining about gas and school. But anyway.
I'm taking a beginning photography class right now (i don't know how to do it the manual way! this is all very new!), and i just processed my first roll of film today. The darkroom is HARD. Trying to use a can opener and scissors and get the film on the spool when it's pitch black and you feel like you're BLIND... yeah, man. NOT COOL. All the chemical stuff is so technical, it's really interesting to learn such a weird new process, and get results (my negatives came out! yaaay.) Although, it was a test roll, so my pictures are really DUMB. Ah well. I'm sure i'll take something worthwhile eventually.
- 9:13 PM