Saturday, July 30, 2005
Just got back from seeing The Island. It was fairly mediocre, basically a lot of flash... but it was excessively pretty flash. I guess that's one thing you can count on with Michael Bay movies. Colors! Lighting! Lighting and colors and EWAN MCGREGOR AND SCARLETT JOHANSSON MAKING OUT!! Ewan running around in that tight white track suit was BRILLIANT. All movies should have that, like, just thrown in in the background or something. Also- TWO EWANS AT THE SAME TIME! Woooooo. The film did have its moments. In between all the heinously bad product placement.
I keep thinking about how much i need to see Episode III again. I haven't seen it for TWO WHOLE MONTHS! This is a sad state of affairs.
- 7:19 PM
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Trip was good. Took lots of pictures. For as long as i live, i don't think i will ever tire of watching Ghostbusters.
I don't know how i'm more than halfway through HBP, but i can only figure it's because it is OBVIOUSLY TOO DAMN SHORT. I've only been reading a chapter or two a day. I both love and hate it. I don't want to talk about it. I'm coping. I have this system, it's called living in an imaginary universe that revolves around me and my delusions.
- 4:26 PM
Sunday, July 17, 2005
I'm leaving for a road trip with the family tomorrow, going to Pennsylvania then Washington DC (yeah, the trip i didn't even want to go on? that one! Eh, it's okay, i need something to do besides stressing out about Harry Potter).
Speaking of which, Mom went to Target yesterday morning and bought copies for me and my brother (spoiled? NEVER.) So i've been reading. Going really slow (of course) even though i never really want to put it down and, well, unpleasant things lie ahead, i know, and all i'm doing is worrying so it's probably bad to prolong it, but... NEW HARRY POTTER! There's hardly EVER new Harry Potter!
- 11:21 PM
Friday, July 15, 2005
Oh, fuck. I may have just been spoiled for Harry Potter. I was talking to my brother, and i asked him a speculative question. MERELY SPECULATIVE. And he said "that's what they're saying on the internet!" AHGADHFHAFHHFGAJGDFY NO. NO! I DISOWN HIM AS A BROTHER. He said he doesn't believe it because so many things on the internet turn out to be fake. But... come on. They're saying it on the internet! I WAS SO CAREFUL AND AVOIDANT. MY OWN BROTHER! I'm trying to tell myself that i saw it coming anyway and that's why i asked in the first place. And it could be fake. And i don't know what to believe anymore. BUT I'M STUPID AND I THINK I JUST RUINED EVERYTHING AND I'M SCARED AND AGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH.
It's just a book. It's just a book. It's just a book.
- 7:05 PM
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Fuck. I hate crushes, especially when they are monumentally irrational. I hate being surly. I hate that i am a jobless slacker. I hate that i'm going out of town TWO DAYS after Half-Blood Prince comes out for a trip i don't even want to go on. And I HATE SPOILERS.
Yesterday evening i laid in the grass staring at the sky questioning the meaning of existence and got depressed. I'm so deep!
I miss my dog. It's very strange not having her around anymore. Whenever anybody would sit on the couch next to the dining room, she would put her head on the edge of the cushion until you gave her permission to get on. I've been reading HP on the couch every day. And going out on the boat for the 4th of July was weird, because she always used to come along on boat rides and go crazy. Even just getting home after being out feels like something's missing, because she's not there to greet us. I'm still not entirely used to it.
- 10:24 PM
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Hey, it's really nice when hurricanes stay really far out in the Gulf and all we get is some wind and rain! They should always do that! DO YOU HEAR ME, HURRICANES? YOU SHOULD ALWAYS DO THAT.
How is it only four days till new Harry Potter? HOW? It seems like only yesterday i was crying over Order of the Phoenix. Oh wait, that was yesterday... well, i mean, the FIRST time! I love fictional wizards, i really, really do.
- 1:44 AM
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Aw MAN, i was totally looking forward to watching Reign of Fire on ABC tonight (Bale! BAAAALE!), and we switch it on and it's some Frankie Muniz movie. Most likely because of the London bombings, which is, of course, absolutely horrific, but is it really necessary to be that overly sensitive? Sure it takes place in London, but the movie is about DRAGONS. Dragons! Now all i have to look forward to this week is a FUCKING HURRICANE.
- 8:15 PM