Thursday, June 30, 2005
Ahh, back to a computer. Just spent a week over at my apartment watching dvds (THE OFFICE!!) and... that's about it. My life is NON-STOP THRILLS. Oh, and i went to Miami and saw Serenity.
I'm pretty sure i had a mind once, but it's gone now. It's been blown. Forever. OMGFIREFLY AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!&*%#&(!(^!$#(
I don't want to wait three months to see it again. :(
Just got back from seeing War of the Worlds, which was pretty good. The end got a little anticlimactic, but the first half or so was seriously amazing and intense and fuckin scary as HELL. To me. DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY!! Awesome special effects.
AND. Saw a preview for The New World, which was all Colin Farrell Colin Farrell Colin Farrell oh, by the way, Christian Bale is in this too, here is a split second of him on the screen, Colin Farrell. All i had seen for that movie before was a non-descript poster, i had no idea who was in it. Bale. BALE. I was distracted for several full minutes after that. BAAAAAAAAALE.
I'm getting a little obsessed.
If i never see another preview for The Fantastic Four ever again, it will be too soon. I kind of liked it the first TWENTY TIMES i saw it.
- 8:14 PM
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Saw Batman again. Still seriously fucking awesome. Absolute worst thing about the movie continues to be Katie Holmes. Katie fucking Holmes.
I kind of started watching House a few weeks ago, because my parents were watching it and said it was good, and it's not like there's anything else on tv. I can never get too too into the procedural plot-driven shows, but it's enjoyable and House (the character) RULES.
I may be going to New York next Tuesday, but i may not. It's still up in the air. I am extremely worried. And, also, INSANE.
- 11:12 PM
Saturday, June 18, 2005
We're leaving very early in the morning to drive to Georgia. It would probably make sense for me to get to bed. Or... pack.
- 1:52 AM
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
So, Batman Begins was fucking AWESOME. I think the Christian Bale love is now set in stone. And oh man, Michael Caine as Alfred and Gary Oldman as Gordon- PERFECT. There wasn't a whole ton of humor, but what there was was brilliant. And... yes, awesome. I severely dislike Katie Holmes, but that can be overlooked. CHRISTIAN BALE.
I think i might have to become a Batman fan now. There was that time when Batman Returns was like, my favorite movie EVER (CATWOMAN!!!*#&!^#$*&!), but you know... man i want to see this again.
AND! I finally finally FINALLY got to see the Serenity trailer on the big screen. Now that i'm going to be seeing the actual movie next week. Uhmmmmmm. Still hasn't sunk in. Ahsgdkfgljafglgj.
- 8:05 PM
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Hey! This thing is back! Wheeeeeeeee. If you don't keep track of my lj (but why wouldn't you? One weblog of Marina is enough for you? I THINK NOT. And also, if you don't read that, you're probably not reading this because you don't know where to find it, soooooooo... hm.) Err, uh... where was i? I GET SIDETRACKED IN PARENTHETICAL STATEMENTS AND THEN I CAN'T GET OUT. Oh, right, so, if you don't read the ol' lj, in this site's downtime i have: gotten out of school, actually survived school (3 B's and 2 A's for totally slacking off! ROCK), gone to New York and lived on the sidewalk for two weeks (BEST TIME OF MY LIFE), seen Episode III six times, turned 21, gone to St. Augustine, annnnd sat around a lot. Summer is nice!
I'm really looking forward to Batman Begins tomorrow, because for the past week my family has been having something of a Christian Bale movie-fest: The Machinist, American Psycho (GODDAMN HILARIOUS), and Equilibrium. I was never a huge fan of him before because... i hadn't really seen many of his movies. Or hardly any. And he kind of creeped me out a little. He still kind of creeps me out a little, but he's AWESOME and hot and talented and i like him quite a bit. QUITE. A BIT. I still need to see Velvet Goldmine like it's my job (now not just for Ewan! egads.) But, uhh... not with my family. Anyway! Yay Batman. I was looking forward to it before because it looked frickin awesome, but now i REALLY care. Because Christian Bale rocks.
- 6:19 PM