Friday, March 25, 2005
So, did you know that if you have a cough, even if it's really weak, if you keep coughing it gets worse? And you lose your voice? THIS WAS UNEXPECTED. Maybe i should look into getting some actual medicine, instead of just... waiting for it to go away.
- 3:45 AM
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Well, i finished the paper. Except i didn't actually "finish" it so much as "stopped writing at 7:30 when it was time to go to class". It really sucks! But i talked about Office Space and The Matrix! And i put this quote at the end of it: "So I don’t have any bullshit left. I just ran out of it, you see." (from the movie Network, which i talked about in my introduction, HEY, it's relevant!) HAHAHAA. I hope my professor finds that as funny as i do. Because i think it's GODDAMN HILARIOUS.
I slept for two hours in the honors student lounge before my second class (technically, it's really a nap room. No, really.), but that's all the sleep i've gotten. I looked like a run-over zombie this morning, it was kind of funny. Interestingly (idiotically?) i have not gone back to bed since i've been home. I took one of the most refreshing showers ever, though! AHHHH, CLEAN.
- 3:53 PM
Well, i finished the whole book (I'M AWESOME), now i just need to write the paper (I SUCK). I don't like writing papers. Or coming up with thesis statements. Or, ew, introductory paragraphs! Maaaaaaaaaaan. This is lame.
And i can't stop coughing. It's not even good, hacking-up-a-lung-i-think-i'm-dying-or-at-least-my-throat-is-numb-from-pain coughing. It's just annoying dry coughing because my throat is constantly tickling. Like i'm choking on dust every now and then. JEEZ. Super lame.
- 1:54 AM
Monday, March 21, 2005
I have to read a 336 page book by tomorrow, so i can write a 3 page paper that's due on Wednesday. Uhhhhh. I should have bought the book at the beginning of the semester, but... i didn't. I just got it today. And, guess what! This is for my PRINTMAKING CLASS.
Dude, before this semester i hadn't actually read books for school since high school (non-textbook books, that is. ... although i haven't read those much, either). And, let me tell you- it blows. You know what else blows? Writing papers! And being an art major! And school in general!
AND i'm getting sick. My head is all stuffy and i have a headache and my throat is... disgusting. Save me, echinacea!
Wow. I don't think i could complain any more if i tried. Oh, wait! I still need to do laundry, and it's gloomy outside again, and my stupid apartment complex is re-paving so i have to drive all the way around the place to get to my apartment, and i'm quite possibly never going to get caught up on all the artwork i have to do, and i have to register for the next two semesters of school next Monday, and i'm DEPRESSED. Okay, there.
Actually, come to think of it, two things have cheered me up a little today. 1) I went grocery shopping and bought the Star Wars Cheez-Its (two UPCs + $2.99 = poster WOO!), which i hadn't even remembered until i saw them in the store. And 2) I was dreaming of Arrested Development this morning (seriously! it was weird!) and all day today i've been thinking of George Michael practicing lightsaber moves from last night's episode (George Michael ILOVEYOU!).
And now it's Fear Factor time! I'll start reading... later.
- 7:55 PM
Sunday, March 20, 2005
HEY, it's a new layout. Alias is no longer my number one crush. Sad, but true.
So, this week was spring break. It was cloudy and rainy the ENTIRE time. Until Friday. WOO PARTY! I was planning on getting a lot of work done, and that... didn't happen. Because it NEVER DOES! I think "oh, i've got lots of time coming up to do my work", and then i procrastinate it all away. It's a good system. It's worked for me for many years. Sooooooo, now, not only is vacation over, but i am also extra super depressed because i have to go back to school and actually get my work done. No, for real this time.
On Friday we went to Epcot and got to sneak preview the new ride Soarin' (twice! toooooo much Soarin'!). It was pretty frickin awesome. They had Explorers, The Right Stuff, AND The Rocketeer soundtrack music playing in the queue! And, you know, the ride was cool too. :D
- 5:23 PM
Monday, March 14, 2005
For some reason i got in the mood to watch Firefly about a week ago. I don't know why, i've just... felt like watching it again. My roommate has never seen it, so i coerced her into watching it with me for the past few days. We got up to Jaynestown, but i'm going home tomorrow for spring break, so the viewing has to be put on hold. This saddens me. I keep thinking about the moooooovie, and how if things had gone as they originally were going to, it would be coming out NEXT MONTH. And i definitely couldn't handle that. And... holy crap we're actually getting a movie. NEW FIREFLY AJDFAJFLFJH. If Simon and Kaylee don't seriously make out i'm gonna be piiiissed. ... Well, okay, i doubt i could be pissed at a Firefly movie. But.. i'll be... you know, slightly irritated!
These phases i go through are so weird. I love Firefly like whoah, but since it's not on the air anymore, i always have other things to be caught up on, and FF goes to the background. But then i'll watch some eps for whatever reason and then be like "AHHHJKADGGD THE LOVE" for a while. The same thing happens with Harry Potter, when there aren't any new books or movies! Or Star Wars! Or... everything ever, basically! The obsessions, they're always rotating.
SPEAKING OF STAR WARS. I've been feeling nostalgic for Episode I, so i'm capping the dvd now, because i never did get around to that. OBI-WAN ILOVEYOU!!#%#^! Call me. I saw the new trailer on the big screen on Friday (with Robots, which was cute). I was, literally, on the edge of my seat. Hoooooo buddy.
And HEY, uhm, speaking of... pretty people that i like? Yes, that was the topic. I just saw Quills. Joaquin Phoenix and Kate Winslet are GORGEOUS. Gah.
Dude, i miss Lost.
- 2:31 AM
Thursday, March 10, 2005
OMG SW TRAILER. So... i'm actually shaking. HOLY SHIT IT SHOWED SO MUCH. I can't believe it's only two months away. TWO! MONTHS! AJHGALHDKGLAHGDLHKGL!!#(^*$&^
- 9:05 PM
AGHGGGHJGJGJGJHBJHB. I had to do a self-portrait for today, okay? It's going to be a painting (watercolor on paper, full body actual size), a follow-up to the last self-portrait i did that was derivative of Egon Schiele. All my teacher told me i had to have for today was the drawing. So i did that! Okay.
Painting Teacher: Is there a reason you chose to do something so banal? Me: ....... Whaaaaaat do you mean? PT: Well, are you going to paint it? Me: Uh, yeah. I'm doing what you told me to do. THIS WAS MY ASSIGNMENT. Also, this is a painting class, YOU FRICK. (maybe i didn't say that last part. My memory is a little foggy.)
Dude, i didn't even WANT to do this thing in the first place, i had something else in mind that i told her about, but she assigned me this. I could have skipped this piece of crap completely and it probably wouldn't have mattered, since she didn't even remember what she had told me to do. BANAL MY ASS, IT'S NOT FINISHED!
Everything we talk about in that class is about the relevance and meaning of art, and it pisses me off every goddamn time. She talks about art like we're supposed to know the absolute, finite significance of it, and everything we make is supposed to be conceptual and socially pertinent. I know we don't create art in a vacuum, but i don't WANT to make things that are relevant, i just want to make what i want to make (even though i don't know what that is). This same issue bothers me in ALL my classes. I'm in another of my "maybe i should quit being an art major, because it sucks and i suck and everything sucks and i really am not good at doing this and if i don't enjoy it then there's really NO FUCKING POINT." I HATE ART. School has crushed my soul.
Hey, uhhh, it's spring break for me now! The thought of that isn't particularly comforting, because i have a crapload of work that i seriously need to get caught up on. How wonderful! It's just like high school again, when vacations weren't really vacations at all! YAY.
- 4:32 PM