Sunday, February 27, 2005

 Hey, you know what's not fun? Puking!

Despite feeling like crap since Thursday and not being able to, uh, eat food, i'm glad i was at least at home. Because nobody wants to be sick and not have their parents around to take care of them, right? Right! They even gave me Garden State as an extremely early birthday present when i got there! (before i was sick! i love my family.) But now, i am back over here at school. I believe the appropriate term is "BLEGH." I wish i didn't have so much goddamn schoolwork to worry about, because i don't have the time or energy to do any of it! Wheeeeeee.

Oh, you know that reading i had to do last week? Yeah, i totally finished that in half a day. Granted, i skimmed some parts and read really fast, but i managed to finish ten minutes before that class started. And it was a LOT of reading. Now i have to read the other half of the book by Tuesday. ... And do drawing and printmaking assignments because HEY IT'S MIDTERM.

I wanna go back hoooooooooome.

- 2:48 PM

Sunday, February 20, 2005

 Ehhhhwhh. I have to read half of Uncle Tom's Cabin by Tuesday evening, and i should have started this about two weeks ago, but... i didn't. And i don't think it's very likely that i'll be able to get it done now, because it's a laaaarge book, and the print is very smaaaaaall. And also, i just feel like watching Gilmore Girls right now. Hm. Interesting.

SCHOOL SUCKCKCKKSSS. A fact which is never more painfully obvious than on Sunday nights. How did the weekend go by so FAST? I was having fun watching movies and tv shows and not giving a shit about all the work i have to do! DAMMIT.

- 11:58 PM

Friday, February 18, 2005

 So, yeah, Constantine? Was pretty much fucking awesome. In my opinion. Entertaining and epic and funny and kickass, and all the gorgeousness almost hurt me. GUH. Comic bastardization or not, it was a damn cool movie. And dude, Tilda Swinton- AWESOME. Also, not one, but two people who have guest-starred on Alias! That made me laugh.

P.S. Why are chain-smoking characters SO FUCKING COOL? I want to be cool. QUICK, SOMEONE GIVE ME A CIGARETTE. THOSE TRUTH ADS DON'T WORK.

- 7:40 PM

Thursday, February 17, 2005

 I just now saw Fahrenheit 9/11 for the first time because, somehow, i am a moron who never gets around to seeing things in a timely manner. I've wanted to see it since it came out. If that counts. Anyway, it was absolutely fucking brilliant and horrifying and disillusioning and hilarious and depressing. The editing, and the message, and... everything, it was amazing. I don't have much to say, except that it's even worse to see now that the election is over. In case it wasn't enough of a downer.

I don't understand the world.

- 7:24 PM

 So, uh, school really bites. Last weekend i pretty much just worked on screenprinting- i basically spent all day Sunday over there. The printing itself is kind of cool, but cleaning up blows. It takes longer than printing does, and i wore out my hands doing it. And it's MESSY. I was up all night Monday writing a paper, which shouldn't have actually taken me that long at ALL, but i couldn't think of what to write and kept procrastinating every five minutes. It was bad. Then Tuesday night i had to finish printing after my evening class, so i was at school till 10:30 on no sleep. And last night i had to do a painting that was due today, but i didn't actually start until... 1 am (fuck that shit, man, TV NIGHT), so i was up all night again. I've gotten a little too used to staying up like that. It's only enabling me to procrastinate longer, because an all-nighter just doesn't seem like a big deal anymore. Before last semester, i hadn't done that since high school. Laziness is bad, kids. But yeah, of the three paintings i've done so far this semester, i haven't started a single one earlier than the night before it was due. Thus, my work = SHODDY. Annnnnnd... i hate art, and artists, and learning about art, and critiquing art, and I JUST WANT TO MAKE SHALLOW PRETTY THINGS BUT NO ONE WILL LET ME BECAUSE IT ALL HAS TO HAVE AN INTERPRETATION AND BESIDES I DON'T HAVE ANY IDEAS ANYWAY.

So, how are you?

I actually don't have too too much to do this weekend (and ALL my roommates are going to be gone!), so i really want to get caught up on some more tv/dvds/photoshopping junk. Because that stuff doesn't frustrate me out of my mind. Mostly. Oh, also, sleep. I'll catch up on sleep, too. Get re-acquainted. We've sort of lost touch the past few days.

Is it bad that i really, really want to see Constantine? I've never read Hellblazer, but i'm sure it's probably a total bastardization of the comic and i feel sort of bad about that, but it looks so PRETTY and KICKASS. I mean, seriously. SERIOUSLY.

Fuck, man, new Survivor tonight. I was so bored and annoyed by it this past season, i don't even really want to keep up on it anymore, but i feel like i should. I do not feel such grudging obligation towards The Amazing Race, however. I was sooo SOOO pissed that Freddy and Kendra won, but the whole thing is still just entertaining as hell. I hated Hayden, but Aaron proposing got me kind of teary. Jon and Kris still being happy, sweet, great sports at the end made me even more upset that they lost when they soooooo deserved to win. It took me forever to even remember who they were in the beginning (they were just the nondescript nice people who kept coming in first!), but i got to really like them. Oh, and i'm actually finally watching The Apprentice. I had only seen a handful of episodes from the first two seasons, but my family watches it and i saw the premiere with them, and i was entertained so i've stuck with it. Trump cracks me up, and George and Carolyn are awesome (especially Carolyn, i want her to be my bestfriend!). Also, i'm glad business people are so stupid. It makes me feel a little better about myself.

- 3:36 PM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y