Sunday, October 31, 2004
We finally got our Disney passes again and went back yesterday! Yaaay. I had been missing it. I don't know dude, we've gone to Disney so much for so long that when we don't go for a while, i go through withdrawals. It's pretty crazy. But yeah, this was the first time i've ever driven there myself, so that was fuckin' WEIRD. And now that i have a car, i'll be able to go there alone whenever i want, and thinking about that just freaks me out. Because i've only ever been with my family! EGADS.
So, we were at Epcot, and they have bands there a lot (we saw Davy Jones one time, hey!), and yesterday it was Survivor. So they played Eye of the Tiger, like, every time they went on. But they frickin made the audience sing the "eye of the tiger" part of the chorus EVERY. TIME. Lazy bastards. Anyway, walking around the park the rest of the day, every fifth person we walked by was singing the song, and we kept singing it, and it was hilarious. But i was singing the Starbucks commercial version, and my little brother was singing the real version. HAH.
I don't have to get up early tomorrow, because my only Monday/Wednesday/Friday class this semester is OVER. It was only ten weeks because the professor is from Scotland, and he had to go back. (it kind of sucks, though, because he's the coolest guy ever. But i will not miss having to get up at 7am to go draw.) So now? I only have TWO DAYS OF CLASSES. AND FOUR-DAY WEEKENDS EVERY WEEK. It's awesome. I've never actually had any day off, i've always hated my friends who've had some days without class. So now i finally get to gloat. PLUS, we got an extra hour today thanks to daylight savings. All this extra time! I almost don't know what to do with myself. ALMOST.
- 11:24 PM
Saturday, October 16, 2004
I saw Say Anything for the first time ever tonight (I SUCK, I KNOW). It was great, of course. So, uhm, why aren't there more Lloyd Doblers in the world? No, i mean, i want to know. I really do. REALLY.
- 1:26 AM
Friday, October 15, 2004
I got my absentee ballot yesterday, and i filled most of it out today (it really sucks that i know nothing about local government). But it just made me so, so happy to fill in that little arrow next to "John F. Kerry/John Edwards". Being able to vote this time around ROCKS. I feel so grown-up and important.
The weather actually got cooler today, so it's really incredibly nice out right now. It feels like fall! I love it when that happens. Makes me think of Thanksgiving and Christmas, and everything seems so much more comforting.
You know how i said i'm in love with Lost? Yeah. Well... yeah. Before the episode on Wednesday i got that giddiness, like i used to get with Alias, and watching the preview for next week i was all "ARGH WANT NOW CAN'T WAIT". I honestly do feel like i'm too into it already. Because as time goes on, the excitement and quality wear off, and liking it so early is like... it's going to burn out faster. And i always hate thinking about that. I'm such a freak, as soon as i start liking a new fandom i worry about not liking it eventually. Loooooooser. But anyway, it's WEIRD that it's also so popular! Like, ratings and buzz and everything. It kind of sucks to like popular things because, uhh, everyone else does, but then it's also nice because you get to see it everywhere. Double-edged sword, my friends.
- 6:13 PM
Monday, October 11, 2004
I have a take-home exam to complete by tomorrow that really, really sucks. First of all, the questions and answers are really long and take me forever to write (especially when i stop to take a break every time i write two sentences! AHAHA haha. ha. uhhh, sometimes i wish i weren't so good at procrastination.) Second of all, i have no idea what i'm talking about. Not so good on an EXAM. The only consolation that's keeping me going is the fact that i don't have to go to that class tomorrow (we're emailing the test answers because the professor is out of town), so i don't have to get off my ass late in the day and i can watch Gilmore Girls! Yaaaaaay. But i still have to actually finish the thing. Boooooo.
I'm quickly discovering that i've fallen a little bit in love with Lost. Kind of. Maybe... a lot. I got all excited when i saw the promo for the next episode again yesterday, and i'm already making stuff (which has a lot to do with it, i'm sure. me making stuff = TROUBLE) and constantly looking at screencaps. That is NOT GOOD. I don't get so into shows this early! I mean... DUDE. Three episodes. THREE. I didn't start reeeeally going crazy over Alias until halfway through s1. Well, okay, earlier than that, but it wasn't exactly the third episode. You can never TELL this early! ARGH!!HJ!@HK#H I blame at least part of all this on the availability of high quality screencaps. Alias barely had three fansites after s1! It may be because a lot of Alias fans just automatically sort of transferred over to Lost, but STILL. This rapid fannishness is freaky.
- 1:22 PM
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Oh man, i found the BEST radio station today. I was flipping through the dial driving back from school, and i heard something that didn't sound too bad, sort of hip and kooky, so i stopped on it. Then they played the Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Miles Away", and i was like "WHAT! I've never heard this song on the radio!". And on each of my four seven-minute trips to and from school, they played indie rock, and weird instrumental stuff, and Death Cab and Belle and Sebastian and other awesome music i've never heard of, and they mentioned the Garden State soundtrack. Yeah. It sounds very public radio, and agh, such good music. The kind of songs i download, not stuff you hear on the radio. I am in LOVE.
I have a painting due tomorrow that i had to work on today, but sweet mercy i got it done before 7pm! Last time i was up until 4am trying to finish. So that was NICE. AND i had my New Favorite Radio Station to listen to while driving, AND all day i was giddy and happy because of a certain show. About Girls. Named Gilmore. And i'm a dork, but i don't care!
Last week i decided that from now on i'm going to watch Lost when it airs and download Smallville on Wednesdays (AGH i hate conflicting scheduling). Because Lost is good and Smallville is not. I watched the season premiere of Smallville figuring i could wait for Lost, being that i had never seen it before and thus didn't have anything to get caught up on. But Smallville kind of ends up boring me a lot of the time now (and the preview for tonight's episode wasn't helping at ALL. Lana! That'll definitely get me to watch!), while Lost is new and exciting and i like it a BUNCH. Conflict resolved! Non-annoying show comes first!
- 1:13 AM