Saturday, September 25, 2004

 Well, i ended up coming home. My dad called me at like 7am and woke me up (which is when i have to get up every other day of the week, but... weekend! dammit! and i haven't had much sleep all week!), so then i threw my CPU and my most recent artwork into the car and set out. Fortunately, there was no traffic whatsoever (not even a little bit!), so that was much less stressful than last time. It's probably that a lot of people are staying put because they're all sick of this shit and are underestimating the storm, because it really only just started looking bad.

Anyway, despite the hurricane shit, i've actually had a really good day. When i got home i took a tiny little nap, and we went to lunch and Best Buy and i got STAR WARS DVDS AKHDGAHGFHAFDLAJH. Uh, yeah, i decided i really didn't want to wait. I was in Target yesterday and had to go to the dvd section and hold them in my hands and pine, so it just... it was too distressing. So now i have them. I will get to take my VERY OWN SW OT CAPS. !!!!

And then, we went and saw Shaun of the Dead. DUDE! It had looked hilarious to me, and it really, truly was fucking awesome. Oh man, i loved it. (it even got me teared up in parts! in the sad way! so good.) My younger brother and i keep doing the Shaun/Ed singing in the street part, it's GREAT. Shaun is my new hero. QUEEN!

And THEN, i finally got to see Lost because my dad had taped it! It was fucking intense, i was impressed (and so pretty and sad!). The very beginning just freaked me out. I love JJ, man. When he writes and directs, the stuff is top-notch. Annnnnnnd, Matthew Fox is so PRETTY. I never watched Party of Five, but i had a crush on him anyway. I wanted to watch that one UPN show he had, but then it got cancelled in like, five minutes. (I trust that Lost will stick around longer.) Also- ahhhhhh Greg Grunberg! Ahhhhhh Terry O'Quinn! That JJ, he's such a recycler.

- 10:43 PM

 I was going to post earlier about how there's another hurricane headed straight here but i'm not leaving and it probably won't be too bad. Then, in the space of the evening, apparently it's looking a lot worse, they closed school for Monday, and my parents are panicked and want me to come home. All of which i was oblivious to until a few minutes ago when i checked my phone and email. I finally start getting out of my room more because i have friends to hang out with, and the WORLD STARTS ENDING.

So fucking goddammit, this is fucking bullshit on top of ASS. Things just slightly start getting back to normal, and this shit happens again. It's like, i can't get things done, i don't want to start anything because it's just going to get interrupted by having to RUN FROM A HURRICANE. And the more this happens, the more stressful it is. There are only so many times you can get lucky and have the storm weaken or change direction. The probability just gets higher and higher that the horrible predictions will come true or it'll change at the last minute and you're SCREWED. I seriously just want this shit to end.

SO. I don't know yet if i'm going to head home tomorrow (in the horrible emergency traffic of DOOM) and have to pack my stuff up again or what. And i have lots of homework, and projects that i want to do (hey, collaging, internet fandom, whatsawhoosit?!), and shows i want to watch, and i can't DO ANYTHING. There isn't any fucking time.

Uhm... in non-apocalyptic news, i was also going to talk about this week's tv. So i will! (lalala forget about the hurricane lalalaaaa!) It's so odd to have new episodes of stuff again. Gilmore Girls, oh man, such exciting shippy goodness! Having to wait to watch it sucked, but The Amazing Race was great too, so it wasn't so bad (i'm so glad Chip and Kim won! Colin and Christie were great racers, but they were also BATSHIT INSANE). Wednesday i was so pissed off because there were three things i wanted to watch all at 8, and then there was nothing at 9. What the SHIT is that about? Scheduling blows. Anyway, i downloaded Lost and really really want to watch it, but haven't had a chance to yet. Smallville was weird, i could have waited to see that. But it was very pretty! You can always count on Smallville to be pretty. (Clark has good hair!! They've been making it ugly and dorky for forever, while Tom Welling has such amazing hair, all shaggy and curly. So now Clark has Tom-hair again, and i'm happy. Also, Chloe needs to come back now. The new guy is adorable, and cliche!art!student!in!Paris!Lana made me laugh and laugh. And Lex is hot. The end!) Man, and i still need to catch up on Six Feet Under and Everwood and Dead Like Me and Scrubs... and re-watch Gilmore Girls. And Without a Trace. But, oh, i DON'T HAVE TIME! AJGHDLJAFH:LJASHG:ASKGF

- 1:36 AM

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

 I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL THE GUITAR PLAYER NEXT DOOR. Guitar playing is fine and nice and dandy if you, uhm, want to hear it. But when you have to get up early in the morning or are trying to take a nap and it's muffled through the wall so it just sounds like shitty, obnoxious noise, it sucks. And when he's not playing guitar, there's Blink-182. Which i didn't mind quite so much the first 182,000,456,049 times i heard it last year from my old roommates, but, you know... it gets old.

- 1:16 AM

Monday, September 20, 2004

 It's amazing how much i don't care that i missed the Emmys last night. Usually i have a marginal interest in that stuff, but i just didn't bother this time. I guess because there wasn't much i was too invested in rooting for (Alias is... on the backburner. The back-backburner. Not even burning. The stove is unplugged.) I am, however, very glad to hear that Arrested Development and The Amazing Race won stuff. Woo!

Oh, speaking of Alias, the s3 dvds are out now, and i... don't care. I guess i want to have them, eventually, but i don't feel like watching the season over again yet. Or... ever. I really, REALLY want the Star Wars dvds that are coming out tomorrow (!!!!), but i might wait for those too, i don't know (i'm a bad fan!). I have a habit of waiting until Christmas and my birthday to get everything i want, so i actually have stuff to ask for and i don't have to pay for it myself. It's a good system! It works! I don't feel guilty after spending money that way! Even though i'm impatient!

I can't believe the new tv season is starting up again already. It's weird, because there's no Alias to be excited about (and the summer has not dulled my bitterness or not caring!) and i feel very un-fandom-y at the moment anyway. So when i think about HOLY SHIT Gilmore Girls starts TOMORROW, it's, uhm, freaky. I saw one or two previews for it and AJAHGDAHDFLA dude. It feels like it was five seconds ago i was rewatching and rewatching the finale wishing for the new season to start. And now it's HERE and i'm NERVOUS! I don't even get to watch it when it airs tomorrow because i have class until 8:30. So i'll have to tape it, watch The Amazing Race (finale oh no!) and then watch GG at 11 (and download Scrubs later). YEESH. I don't know if i can handle that.

- 1:21 PM

Sunday, September 19, 2004

 Er, yeah. Ivan was a bust, for a while it looked like it was gonna directly hit home (the way Charley looked) and i was STRESSED, but then the path just stayed toward the Gulf. Yay! Err, not for Louisiana, but yay for us!

I saw Garden State again yesterday. It makes me sad in a happy way. U KNO? The soundtrack is stuck in my head, because it's GREAT and because my roommate has it and we keep listening to it. Damn you trippy drug song and Simon and Garfunkel and Coldplay and The Shins! Daaaaaamn yooooooooou!

Seeing the trailers for The Life Aquatic and I Heart Huckabees again just makes me want to see them more and more. I also am kind of looking forward to Closer, a little bit, simply because of Jude and Natalie. YEP.

- 3:44 PM

Monday, September 06, 2004

 And, now Frances is gone. For the most part. Finally. It slowed down and weakened a lot before it even reached the state- they had been saying it would get here Saturday morning and DESTROY US ALL, instead it got here Saturday night/early Sunday and just hung around. Seriously, it was moving at like 5 miles an hour, so it just crept up and then SAT there. The path wobbled a lot once it slowed down, so it did end up hitting us over here, but it wasn't too bad or anything. It was windy and rainy late on Saturday, all day yesterday and half the day today. There was some strong gusting, a lot of branches and shit in the yard, and the tide got really high today, and that's it.

We never lost power (although they did the next street over! SUCKERS), so we basically just sat around, watched movies and ate. Yesterday, my dad got out the home video of the first hurricane i was ever in- Elena- which was this very weekend in 1985, when i was a year old. We had had to evacuate, and it was a semi-weak storm that just sat there- the news footage on the tape looked so much like the stuff they've been showing the past few days except 19 years old, it was pretty weird. (and it made me feel oooold! NINETEEN YEARS AGO WHAT?)

School got canceled for tomorrow as well (woo hoo!) and i just have to drive back over there. I hope the traffic isn't bad, because i REALLY don't fuckin feel like going through that again, but it's not like there's anything i can do about it. Hopefully we don't have to do this again in a few days, because Ivan is out in the Atlantic right now and looks to be on a path somewhere near us. The track isn't pointed as much toward Florida as it was before, it's a little more toward the Gulf, so like, blow really hard toward the south, or something.

- 11:31 PM

Thursday, September 02, 2004

 Well, i'm home now. The traffic was ASS. I knew that was going to happen, but it was still just so exhausting and frustrating, and i was worrying about running out of gas or, like, the car randomly falling apart in a heap by the cruel Hand of God (what? i don't know! there was a scary rattling noise for a little while, i could have DIED!). What is normally a two-hour drive took four and a half hours (my first time making the trip by myself! isn't that NICE?). I mean, i listened to music and it wasn't so bad some of the time, in the areas that weren't congested, but then having to deal with all the morons on the road and stopping and going and stopping sucked a lot. I kind of enjoy driving when you can actually, uh, move. But anyway, i was just relieved when i got home (and could rest my aching right foot AHHH).

So now they're predicting that by the time the hurricane gets across the state to where i am now, there will only be tropical storm-force winds. They keep changing the path (because nobody has any fucking idea what hurricanes do!), and i'm just hoping that my apartment over at school is okay. We taped up the windows and put some stuff in plastic bags and, you know, it almost reminded me of something i did a few weeks ago. Also, masking tape is MAGIC and will protect the entire apartment from destruction. True. At least not all of my earthly possessions are in the path of destruction this time.

- 10:33 PM

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

 So, they just closed school for the rest of the week (woohoo! Thanks for hitting during the school year, Frances!) and the path is STILL being predicted to go straight through Orlando. The really scary thing is that this stupid hurricane is even bigger than the whole STATE. Way way worse than Charley was. What the FUCK, dude. Mother nature is BULLSHIT. I'm going home tomorrow, so hopefully the course doesn't change so it hits there instead (wouldn't that be the height of irony!).


- 5:53 PM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y