Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Hey, i saw that Spider-Man movie! It was... good. See, i don't know. While both movies are painfully cheesy, it got to me more in this one (maybe because, as a sequel, you expect it to expand further beyond what was done before. Which it did, in other ways). Like, there were a loooot of boring talk-y scenes. Which is okay! I just really really REALLY love watching Spidey kick ass. Because he's all... flippy! And he swings around like he's flying, and he's all flexible and graceful, like a gymnast! And it's one of my favorite things about him! I wish there had been more of that, eeeeeven though it didn't fit into the story as much, sooooooo what. But the ass-kicking there was certainly did, uhm, kick ass. The special effects- and really all the action stuff- were primo, my friends. PRIMO. And DUDE, Doc Ock was awesome. The Goblin grated on my nerves, but Ock... rocked (d'oh!). Mary Jane actually had moments of not annoying me. (moments!) I'm still not a fan, cause DAMN she makes the story sappy, but there were... a few times... she was okay. Kind of. (she called Peter "tiger" again, heeeee) Jameson was still hilarious and perfect, of course.
Overall, i'm not sure. Sometimes i AM underwhelmed upon first viewing of movies i've been looking forward to- when there's so much expectation i tend to be overly nitpicky- so maybe it'll just take time to settle. (I want to like it more! And i keep thinking of parts i loved, sooo, hey!) Like the first movie, it's extremely comic book-y. The dialogue, the set-ups and cinematography, it all feels like the source material. Which could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. (see: first two Harry Potter movies; adherence to canon vs. emotional impact and utilization of artistic qualities of medium) Still, i love Spider-Man and the story, and it is enjoyable. But i think where X-Men (my favorite comic-book-as-film) really excels is that it isn't comic book-y, it's a serious story and all the characters have a believable, palpable depth, the world is much more real. The Spider-Man movies are entertaining, but not in such a dramatic and emotional way that holds up to serious scrutiny (aww, but i still love that angsty Peter, and it sure is fun to put your own spin on it!).
I actually watched most of the first movie like, right when we got home, too. What? It was ON! And i was in a Spidey mood! It's been kind of a while since i watched the whole thing. I'm not sure why i liked it so much more than the sequel the first time (err, several times) i saw it, although i AM a big fan of the origin stories. Plus it was all new and cool, and now it's old and boring! (ooh, i jest) It's fun to just watch. You know? Those silly movies that you just enjoy, for whatever reason? Yeah, those!
- 10:24 PM
Saturday, June 26, 2004
I saw PoA agaaaaaain. It's funny, i think i only saw Sorcerer's Stone in the theatre once, and then CoS twice (not even because i really, terribly wanted to, but because i went with my family who hadn't seen it yet, and i wasn't too opposed to that 'cause, hey man, HP). But this one... i just love it. Three times in the theatre is about my maximum for repeated viewings of good movies, i don't typically need any more than that (although Spider-Man i saw four times, and Star Wars... doesn't apply to those trends). Anyway, obviously it was still awesome and gorgeous yadda yadda yadda, i've said it a million times. I am obsessed with Harry's hair and track jacket, and Daniel Radcliffe needs to... stop that. Annnd, i need the dvd. I need it like AIR.
Oh, and speaking of Spider-Man, DUDE, i can't believe it's already coming out in a few days. I've been looking forward to it for so long, and i knew it was coming up, but just a day or two ago i realized how close June 30 actually IS and hey, it sort of snuck up on me very conspicuously there. When the first movie came out, it was the end of senior year and i was taking my IB exams and waiting for Episode II and that was a crazy damn time. Kind of makes me nostalgic, and somehow both feels like it wasn't that long ago and feels like ages ago.
I've been house-painting the past couple days, outside, which is really really hot, so it consists of me sweating a LOT, and then being tired the rest of the day. It's okay, though, at least i'm doing something that doesn't involve a computer or tv. Which is big, for me.
- 9:20 PM
Monday, June 21, 2004
We got a brand new van today! It's crazy, we've had the old one... well, since it was new, something like 11 years ago. My dad probably would have run it into the ground if he could have- he drives a lot a lot, and it was a trusty vehicle. It just had to get some minor thing fixed a month or so ago, and then the dudes at the repair shop wouldn't give it back to us, and then it had other stuff wrong with it, and then it was DYING. So all the sudden we needed a new one. (Whenever all of us have gone out for the past month, we've all had to cram into the car, too. THAT's an experience. Me and my brothers are too big to actually fit comfortably on a three-person seat anymore.) It's weird, and kind of... lame, maybe, but you get attached to vehicles. We've taken that van on so many road trips, it sort of was a little part of the family. But this new one? It's like the fucking van of the FUTURE. It has five (FIVE!) sun roofs (one big one over the front seats, and then a little one over each of the back seats... we haven't ever had a car with a sun roof!), an on-board computer thingie that tells you like, the temperature outside and tire pressure and stuff, a built-in cd player and dvd player-with-ceiling-monitor (OHMYGOD, who NEEDS all this stuff?), automatic doors, lights and air-conditioning vents all in the ceiling like an airplane... it's CRAZY!
The dvd player and monitor thingie is funny, because on long trips we've always brought along a little tv to watch movies. Man, we totally did that before almost anybody else. When i went to Space Camp with a group of kids from my elementary school, my dad was one of the drivers, and we were SO much better than all the other vehicles because we could watch movies on the trip. Everybody wanted to ride with ME! (Superficial popularity, it's awesome, kids!) Oh, and this new van, automatic doors, right? It's kind of sad, though, because a lot of times, instead of closing the sliding door (which sometimes could be a hassle on the incline of the driveway), my dad would drive a few feet out of the driveway and then brake quickly to close it, and that was our automatic door. Those were good times, man! AND, this van has the sliding doors on both sides in the back, which is just weird. I'm only used to getting in on the right side. Oh, but the back, trunk area? The floor of it dips down (sort of like a bath tub! kind of. a little bit. That's the best way to describe it.) and it's pretty big, and i fit in it! Which is, uhm, maybe a little weird, but it was fun to sit in, like a little fort, and it's the perfect size for me. I take joy in things like that. The sun roofs are awesome, though, dude. It's so pretty. AND! The best part! The authentic new car smell! None of that fake, bottled crap- it's NEW. And it smells SO GOOD. Ahhh.
Okay, i'm sure none of this is very exciting for you, but... it's a big deal for ME! New things are fun and strange to adjust to! It's just weird that it's coming at a time with all this other new stuff- redone pool, new house and car (well, used, but... new to us!) for my brother, and we're gonna be getting a used TRUCK too, for hauling stuff around while working on the house. It sure does make me nervous about money, though.
AND! More excitement! Well, it's not all that exciting, but it sort of was! Yesterday there was a car accident up at the corner, a block away from our house. As we were coming back from dinner, we saw the emergency vehicles and stuff at the street where we have to turn to get home, and getting closer, we saw there was an upside-down truck in a house's front yard! It was awesome. So when we got home, my dad brought the dog, my older brother brought his camera, and my younger brother brought a popsicle, and we walked back over to see it. It's actually rather morbid, isn't it? Nobody was hurt, though, so it's OKAY. But yeah, some car was pulling out from the stop sign at the corner, and apparently didn't see the truck coming down the busy street they were pulling out onto, and the truck crashed into it. How it flipped completely over in such a short space, though, we could not figure out.
WHEW! So much vehicular intrigue around here, i'm telling you.
- 11:20 PM
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Celebrity Poker Showdown on Bravo is really quite entertaining. So cool, too, that in the last episode i was rooting for Michael Ian Black, and he won, and tonight's episode i was rooting for Lauren Graham, and she won (i wasn't even expecting her to, but she kicked ass!). Annnnnd, poker is fun to watch, annnnd Dave Foley's commentary is hilarious (yaay Dave!).
I'm sort of kind of learning how to knit. Or, i want to. I don't need a(nother?) hobby, and i tend to give up on things really quickly (so watch me say "knitting? what?" in a few days), buuuut i think it would be cool, to... knit stuff. I admire people who can do that. It's like, productive and crafty! I don't really, uhm, know how to knit yet, though. I figured out how to cast on, using... a pencil. I need some actual knitting needles before i can do anything else. Yeah.
... Maybe i should just stick to paper crafts. Or clean out my damn closet.
- 11:18 PM
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Hey, i saw PoA again! It is still. so. good. Annnnnd now the HP obsession is back (well, it didn't really go anywhere, but the excitement from seeing the movie the first time was fading a bit). I wanna see it again. I want caps. I wanna read GoF now. AGGGGGGHHH!HH!!H!
Annnd they showed the Spider-Man 2 trailer, which they didn't show when i saw it last time. Sigh. It's edited so awesomely and has such cooool stuff in it. Seriously. Kickass. I LOVE YOU SPIDEY!!
And hey, i just saw Bridget Jones's Diary, finally. I still haven't read the book, which i want to, but the movie was very good. It made me feel all fluttery and sad and girly! And whoah, total freakout, it had Moaning Myrtle in it! Strange, because i just watched some of CoS the other day, and i don't really like her in it at all, but she was good in this. And the first scene she's in, she's crying in a bathroom. HA! Anyway, oh, Colin Firth is lovely. I actually haven't really seen him in ANYthing (yeah, i've needed to see Pride and Prejudice for, uhm, AGES), and yet i love him. Just from interviews, and... the prettiness. That's allowed, right? Sigh.
Hey, i love British people! Smashing, really!
- 2:31 AM
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Sooooo... yes. Harry Potter. We got to the theatre an hour early in the middle of the day and there was STILL already a damn line. Which really freaked me out, because i'm very specific about where i sit (yes, SPECIFIC. I have to sit in the middle, shut up! It's BETTER!) So i was worrying, and they finally let us in, and my little brother and i ran for it, and we got the good seats. No, you really have no idea how happy that made me. I neeeeed my good seats. But yeah, i was expecting it to be crazy busy, but it still pisses me off, when people get in my way. Why does it have to be such a damn cultural phenomenon anyway, huh? HUH? So, the movie itself was fantastic and immensely pretty and Alfonso Cuaron is excellent and i want to see it again. And all the rest of my spoiler-y, disorganized comments are here.
I think... i'm gonna start re-reading Goblet of Fire tomorrow. Or make fanart. Or SOMETHING. POTTERPOTTERPOTTER!
- 1:32 AM
Friday, June 04, 2004
NGUH. How awesome? SO AWESOME. I... just... yeah.
- 7:31 PM
Thursday, June 03, 2004
I CANNOT WAIT FOR TOMORROW. Because it is Harry Potter day, and it's gonna fucking rock. Having just re-read PoA, i'm even more excited for it, and just... man, i love it so much. And aaaaaallllll the stuff i've heard about this movie is that it's 19836147621 times better than the first two, not to mention it's one of my favorites of the books (along with... all the other ones). I mean, Sirius and Lupin, dude. And HOGSMEADE! So good. AND it's gonna be PRETTY. Ooooohhhh boy. Iiiiiiii'm excited.
Oh, i house-painted today (at my brother's new place). It was... hot. The worst thing about it was i had to get up in the morning. Ew! But i napped when i got home, and had the same exact day as i normally do except with the added productivity and usefulness at a time when i am usually asleep, so it all worked out.
- 8:17 PM