Monday, May 31, 2004

 Oh, oops, i guess i missed actually posting on my birthday, but eh, close enough. So i'm 20 now. HOLY SHIT. Not that i feel any different whatsoever, it's just... that's oooooold. It's way too much of an adult-sounding age, and i'm not ready to be an adult. TWENTY. Ugh.

But aside from my fear of old age, it was a good day. Pretty normal and uneventful- slept in, read more Prisoner of Azkaban, went shopping (because i only asked for a cd and a dvd and they haven't arrived yet, so i got precisely zero gifts. But my parents bought me a few good things i picked out at the store [GILMORE GIRLS DVDS!!], which made me happy, and it's not like there was a whole lot i really wanted anyway, so it's okay. It's fun opening gifts on your birthday, but, oh well. Oh, AND, i got to go to the comic book store yesterday and my mom bought me stuff there too, so i still got some good things. Actually, just going shopping and letting other people pay for it works out quite nicely.), and went out to dinner and got stuffed on mexican food. Then watched The Triplets of Belleville at home (wicked cool animation), ate ice cream cake, and now here i am, one year older.

Yesterday we went swimming for the first time since we got our pool redone last week. The surfacing had been getting really worn down and stained, and the tile was old, and it just needed fixing. It was really strange, because i don't think i've ever seen the pool empty, and we went in and walked around and stuff. Very weird. Our dog was really excited about it- for some reason, she doesn't like getting in the water and we have to coax her tons just to walk down the steps, but with it empty she loved getting in and walking around (and she would lay along the edge like she wanted to drink out of it like she normally does, which was funny). My parents thought that it would make her want to get in more once it was filled with water again, but she still doesn't like it so much. She's been walking around it like she wants to walk in, but won't get in the water- i think she wishes it were still empty. What a weenie. ANYWAY, now the pool has new tile and is nice and white and pretty again. Yay pool!

My life is just a constant stream of adventures, isn't it? I know.

- 12:18 AM

Saturday, May 29, 2004

 I saw The Day After Tomorrow today. Well, technically, by now, it was yesterday. Before... tomorrow? Wait, when did i see it? WHO'S ON FIRST! It was decent, pretty much a typical blockbuster movie, cliches and cheesy heroism and all. But, oh man, the actual disaster stuff and special effects were AWESOME. The tornados, and the flooding, and the freezing- really, seriously cool and intense, and i wish they had taken up more of the movie, cause it was spectacular to watch. AND, there was Jake Gyllenhaal. Jaaaaaake. He's so pretty and good. Pretty good. Even better when he's wet and running and freezing and being adorable and taking his clothes off! So, the main reasons i was looking forward to the movie were the special effects and Jake, and those definitely did not disappoint, which makes it okay in my book.

Whoah, my birthday's on Sunday! Yaaaay, birthday weekend!

- 1:08 AM

Monday, May 24, 2004

 Dude, it's funny how i was worried about the Alias season finale totally blowing my mind and reclaiming my undivided attention. Cause, uh... nope! That was just impressively anticlimactic. For a season finale of Alias? Unbelievable. It's so weird, i have NO post-finale-excitement. I'm not used to that. Three weeks ago i was really, seriously scared and apprehensive and excited. About WHAT? I don't even know. So yeah, i was already in hiatus mode, and now i am back to it. For seven more months. Woo. That seems like enough time to forget that this season left me completely unenthused, right? When it finally comes back, i'll be happy to see it, right? I think that's fairly likely. A long break should do some good.

And now, back to Gilmore Girls! Yay!

- 2:32 AM

Thursday, May 20, 2004

 Oh man oh man oh man. TV TV TV.

I've been insanely, giddily obsessing over Gilmore Girls since last night. LUKE! AND! LORELAI! Seriously, bursting with happiness. I couldn't sleep last night. I kept waking up, and i was sort of half-conscious the whole time, where you can't tell if you were asleep or not. I think the only time i was actually fully asleep for a substantial amount of time was after seven in the morning, when i became wide awake and then tried really hard to get back to sleep. I could not turn my brain OFF. Not since Syd/Vaughn, dude, that is the magnitude of my happiness.

And now Angel is over, and i still want to be in the happy place with Gilmore Girls (DAMMIT! i like the carefree grinny happy place!), but Angel keeps preoccupying me and i can't stop crying. I JUST did this exact thing with Buffy last year. The show ends, and then it hits me at various times throughout the night that it's really, truly over, and all the good stuff and the sad stuff comes back to me at that moment and i get all weepy. Both shows are over. No more Buffyverse, ever. Last year we at least still had Angel, now there's nothing. It's the end of an era! I'm glad it went out on a high note, though. It really was a great send-off.

And if all this isn't enough to consume my brain, the Alias season finale that i have absolutely no enthusiasm at all for right now because i am very very PREOCCUPIED is on Sunday. No. No, too much. It's too much! I don't need anything else, thanks, i'm fine. Really, i'm in hiatus mode already! Leave me be! I do not have room for any more fannish worries, i don't! I just... want... to go back... to Luke and Lorelai. Please! AGH!

Oh, and i've started re-reading Prisoner of Azkaban. Like i said- CONSUMING MY BRAIN, these obsessions.

- 2:30 AM

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

 The fourth season of Alias won't be starting until JANUARY. ... JANUARY. I heard last night, got unbelievably pissed off and nearly crawled in a corner to die. Everything else debuts in the fall, that's when shows premiere, fall is when it happens, FALL, AUTUMN, AFTER SUMMER AND BEFORE WINTER. I am going to be done with a whole semester of school by the time Alias starts again. JANUARY. My brain can't even comprehend how long that is, or how weird it will be to have to wait. Last summer i pretty much abandoned the show/fandom for a while, because that's what i do- when things go on hiatus, i move on to other obsessions, and it's a nice circle of life. But eight months... i don't know if my enthusiasm can last that long.

Although, right now, this morning, i'm feeling much more positive about it. The whole January part is still pissing me off, BUT, it will give them more time to get the show back on track. Make it good again. And the season will be uninterrupted, there'll be no three-week waits in between episodes (like *cough* RIGHT NOW, in between the second to last episode and the season finale, ooooh momentum, it's awesome). And absence makes the heart grow fonder! So it'll be even more exciting when it does come back. After eight months, my heart will be the fondest EVER.

But it still makes me want to cry.

- 2:30 PM

Saturday, May 15, 2004

 And now i have seen Kill Bill Vol. 2. I am no longer completely out of the loop! Except in many, many other respects. But anyway! Yet more awesomeness. I had heard it was a lot more talkie than Vol. 1, and that was correct. I'm not sure if i enjoyed the slower pacing quite as much, but still... it was a great movie. First one was action, this one was story, and that's cool. It's all one big long movie ANYWAY, so the distinction is pretty much irrelevant. And, as big long movies go, it was AWESOME.

AND i also just saw 28 Days Later, which was also very good. Depressing and creepy and hopeful, and it thoroughly kept my attention. That Cillian Murphy kid ain't too damn bad.

And those are the movies i've seen today. I like movies. Did you know?

- 11:31 PM

Friday, May 14, 2004

 I just saw Kill Bill Vol. 1. Just now. FINALLY. I've wanted to see it for a very long time, but circumstance didn't seem to work in my favor. Circumstance sucks. BUT. Dude. That was fucking AWESOME. Hilarious and kickass and sad and gorgeous and... and... awesome. Did i say awesome? It was awesome. Noooooow i need to see Vol. 2. Right now.

- 9:19 PM

Thursday, May 13, 2004

 Newish layout. I finally got around to updating it after all this time, and... still Alias. It's an incurable sickness, i'm telling you.

- 1:07 AM

Monday, May 10, 2004

 Got back from California yesterday. It was really fun, great weather, awesome hotel... pretty. You know, good stuff.

And the Friends finale! I seriously watched just about every end-of-series special that was on last week, and it finally really depressed me. Before, it hadn't quite hit, but then watching all the retrospective stuff it's like "noooo! It can't END!" The final episode itself was great, it just... it ended stuff really well, i think. Yaaay Ross and Rachel! Man, i have shipped them for the entire run of the show. If that makes me lame, i don't care. Anyway, it's just SO bizarre thinking back on all the old times. It started when i was in elementary school. And it sucked because i didn't know anyone else who watched it, while i was obsessed with it (in the first season!). And then in middle school i finally had friends to obsess over it with, and i was in love with David Schwimmer (don't judge), and i even had a Central Perk t-shirt like a total dork. And it was the first tv show i loved so much that i actually taped episodes while watching them so i could rewatch them later (i've only ever done that with Friends, The X-Files, and now Alias). There are some episodes i rewatched so many times so many days in a row that i almost can't watch them anymore (almost). And even though i've seen it all over and over and know all the punchlines, it's still funny and i still love it. I pretty much grew up on this show, and now... it's over. That really, really makes me sad. At least we'll always have syndication.

- 6:26 PM

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

 I am leaving for San Diego in the morning! I have to get up around 4:30, which is usually when i go to bed, so... i'll be interested to see how THAT works out. As it is 1 AM right now. Hm. So, i'm pretty much all packed. The trip is only 5 days, but it should be cool. Plane ride will be booooooooooring though. Maybe i'll be able to catch some sleep then. Or... not, because plane-sleeping is the worst, most difficult kind of sleeping. Although i did sleep pretty damn well on the way back from Europe way back in the day. But then, i was able to lay down across three seats... Anyway! Yeah! Vacation, woo!

- 1:13 AM

Saturday, May 01, 2004

 There are these two ducks, a male and a female, who have been hanging around our backyard and swimming in our pool. My parents told me about them when i got home, but then they stopped coming by until yesterday. So today i got to see them take a swim, and it was pretty amusing. We usually get birds out by the pool, but not IN it. There was also a heron out there at the same time, so the ducks were at one end of the pool and the heron was drinking at the other end of the pool. It was like a wildlife party. AND, yesterday, there was a snake on the porch. The porch that is connected to the rest of our house by large open doors, so he was basically in the house. And when i found him, it kind of freaked me out, because... you don't usually expect to see a snake inside your house, unless, of course, you keep it for a pet. And that's my story about the variety of animals we've had over the past two days.

Tonight i got to see the house my older brother is moving to. He and my parents have been looking at houses for a while now, and they finally found one that they've been able to mostly secure. It's actually pretty exciting, even for me, because... i don't know, it's just cool, the idea that he'll have a whole place of his own. And also strange that he's moving out for good. It's fairly close-by, and we'll be working on fixing it up pretty soon, if everything goes well. Summer fun, i'll tell you what.

- 10:12 PM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y