Wednesday, April 28, 2004

 I saw 13 Going on 30. Aw man, so damn adorable. When i first saw the previews, i sort of thought "eh, looks cute, i'll see it for Jen". Then i heard really good things about it, and saw more previews, and all the sudden i was dyyyyyyying to see it, because i am, in fact, a dork. I mean, i couldn't wait, you have no idea. But yeah, it was reallyreally cute and funny (and surprisingly sad at parts) and i enjoyed it a lot. In fact, in retrospect, i'm liking it even more now. I seriously thought the Thriller sequence was going to be painfully embarrassing, but that was actually one of my favorite scenes of the movie. Ha! And, you know, the fact that Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo are adorable as hell doesn't hurt either. Oh, and the soundtrack! Fucking rocked! So yeah. The girlcrush, it keeps on a-growin'.

- 11:36 PM

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

 So, uh, moved home on Friday (after the most uneventful week of finals ever, in that, technically, i didn't even really have any finals) Thursday night was kind of weird, just because it was the last night i would ever spend in the room i spent my first two years of college in. It's sad! Even though that apartment sucked, and the room was jail cell/coffin/breadbox size. But, you adjust to things. I also can't believe my second year of college is over. It's gone by so fast, and i've hardly done anything. What the hell! I just fucking finished high school! AGH!

Anyway, moving sucks. Every time i pack, i realize i have too much crap, but i aaaaalways manage to forget that. My room is currently a mess, even though i unpacked and organized a lot, i still have nowhere to put a lot of the rest. Not! enough! space!

Annnnd i'm going to California in a week. San Diego, to be precise. I just found out a few weeks ago-- i'm not used to going on vacation with such short notice. And i've only been to California one other time ever! It's exciting.

- 11:21 PM

Sunday, April 11, 2004

 Saw Hellboy yesterday. Very awesome. Excellent pacing, and special effects, and... dude! Hellboy! Best big red monkey ever! I'm a terrible comic book fan and haven't read it, but i want to now. Also saw Eternal Sunshine today. Shit yeah! Fiiiinally. It was brilliant, of course. Gorgeous, gorgeous cinematography, and story, and acting, and everything. Jim Carrey really is an amazingly good actor, and Kate Winslet rocked, and Mark Ruffalo omg heart! And Elijah omg! And did i mention the gorgeous? And funny? And heartbreaking? Gah.

And! Garden State trailer! On the big screen! Made me so happy. I mean, the movie could suck for all i know, but i love that trailer on its own. So much! The music, and the visuals, and it doesn't even have any dialogue but it's like this perfect little standalone movie/music video and i love it. And Zach Braff! And Natalie Portman! ILOVEPRETTYTHINGS!!

Sooo... yes. I fucking love movies. Did you know? I'm home now, have to go back to school tomorrow, but only for two more weeks, oh snap. I had delicious mexican food today, so that was good. And we went out on the boat, and that was also very good.

And dude, okay, i don't know, but now i'm sort of depressed and pensive and zoned out or something. On the way home from the movie tonight, right when we got back to the house, my dad commented on some seed pod thingies in the yard and asked where they were coming from, and my older brother answered "from URANUS." Yeah, really not that funny. But after a few seconds, i found it funnier and funnier because it was so random and because of the way he said it and stuff, and i laughed. And i kept laughing. And i laughed so hard i cried. But then i started sort of half-sobbing, too. For no real reason. Like, if i had stopped laughing a tiny bit, i would have been bawling. Once i got in the house i calmed down and i was fine, but it was... i dunno. Weird.

It seems like almost every time i've come home or been with my family this year, i've cracked up at some really mundane thing. Like at Thanksgiving at my grandparents' house, i lost my shit when my grandma said "dillweed". And i think, last fall, my younger brother broke a straw or something, and it wasn't even that funny, but i couldn't stop laughing. I don't know, man. I need to get out more.

Story of my life, folks. Story of my life.

- 12:19 AM

Monday, April 05, 2004

 Today i had my final art history exam, which i didn't study for until yesterday and even then i was like "la la laa skimming!" because i am, in fact, the worst. studier. ever. I seriously have no attention span for this stuff. And i always tell myself "oh, no, yeah, i'm totally gonna start studying days or even weeks in advance! This time i'll do it differently!", but, uh, no dice. And yet, i still manage to learn things at the last minute and do well on the test, because i totally knew most of the relevant information today. Positive reinforcement of bad habits! Rock on!

And now, the class is cancelled for the next two weeks, because that test was all the material we had left. Ding ding ding! Everybody wins!

- 9:29 PM

Thursday, April 01, 2004

 Duuuude, i can't WAIT to see Hellboy. When i first saw the trailers i was like "ooh, pretty! But potentially very, very crappy." But i keep seeing reviews of it that are saying it's FANTASTIC, and it just looks kickass, so i'm really, really excited. Wanttoseeitwanttoseeit! And, still haven't seen Eternal Sunshine. Still pissing me off. I'm used to seeing movies i'm extra super-excited about the first week of release. Sob!

- 12:59 AM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y