Monday, November 24, 2003
Looooved Alias last night. Dude. Jack, Vaughn, and Sloane. HELL YEA. Oh, and i guess there was some other stuff too.
Tomorrow is my last day of classes before the holiday! Yaaay! I am so damn excited for Thanksgiving it's ridiculous. Even last year i wasn't looking forward to it this much, but man, now it's all about TURKEY! TURKEYTURKEYTURKEY!! Nothing like college to make you appreciate a holiday based almost entirely on food.
- 12:50 PM
Monday, November 17, 2003
JESUS CHRIST. Apparently some enormous, mindfuck Alias spoiler came out today, and there are Will spoilers, and i have NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON. I caaaaaan't read them, but i'm going CRAZY hearing people be excited/pissed/wary/whatever. GAH. I hate spoilers. I mustn't think about it. I'm not gonna find out till it airs, so i must focus on the present, and the past. Not the future. I should watch some s1 dvds.
Anyway, also just saw The Boondock Saints, and DUDE. I am in love. Hot Irish guys, shooting, ass-kicking, and all-around awesomeness. GAH. LOVELOVELOVE.
- 11:50 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
EEEEEEK! The PoA trailer!!! DUDE. It's. so. PRETTY. The music is so lovely and slightly eerie, and it's so coooool, and just... HOLY CRAP it looks like it's going to be a gorgeous film. The lighting! The colors! EEEEE!!! *dies* Oh, yeah, and the fact that it's Harry Potter is cool too. ;D
Smallville tonight - CHLEX!!! CHLEEEEEX! I can't believe that was the Chlexiest episode ever. To date. DUDE. They had me curled up in a ball squealing during each of their scenes. HEEEE.
- 11:37 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
So i saw Elf today. Hee, it was cute. Will Ferrell just can't NOT be funny. And i totally didn't know Zooey Deschanel has such an amazing singing voice. Like, dude, she's soverypretty AND extra talented! I have now decided she should do a duet with Ewan, simply because of the pretty people with pretty voices, and it would make me happy. Yes.
Speaking of Ewan, i finally got to see the trailer for Big Fish on the big screen, hurrah! New Ewan movies are always exciting, plus it's Tim Burton. I have high hopes. AND there was the RotK trailer again. AAACCK. Be December now.
I also watched The Animatrix tonight, finally. It was awwwesome. I love the backstory it gave, and there was so much gorgeous animation. NEATO. Somehow, i managed to get myself into a Matrix kick right now. Like, Revolutions has grown on me some, and i keep thinking about the series and i wanna make art. Dude, what's up with that?
Oh, and because i can't forget the most important of all- Alias last night? AHJGDKJAFA. Excellent. My excitement has nothing to do with Syd and Vaughn. Except that it does. A lot.
- 1:32 AM
Sunday, November 09, 2003
Saw The Matrix again. I liked it soooo much more this time. I guess cause i knew what to expect so i wasn't disappointed, and i also understood it better, and just... yeah. I still hate the same things, but i was able to tolerate them more and focus on the good stuff. Plus, dude, IMAX. The sound was CRAZY, and the ginormous screen is totally of the good.
Alias tonight! Gah, i've been so hyped up since yesterday it's not even funny.
- 5:14 PM
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Saw The Matrix. Am quite perplexed. It still wasn't as good as the first one, and there were a bunch of things i didn't like, and it didn't leave me incredibly satisfied. Depressing. But on the other hand, a lot of it DID kick ass, and i'm still thinking about it, and trying to tie stuff together, and i do like that. I understand a lot of it, but i also want more answers, something more concrete, and i'm sure i can figure it out, i'd just rather have someone else explain it. I've got that same "i liked it but i didn't, WTF" feeling that the second one gave me. But... at least it was preeeeetty. Right? RIGHT?? Yes. Dude, i'm such a whore for gorgeous cinematography and lighting and colors. And, uhm, should i feel ashamed that i still find Keanu hot? I should, shouldn't i? I'm sorry! I can't help it! He's shiny and pretty!
ERRGH. But DUDE, the RotK trailer!!!! EEEEE!!!!!! So. fucking. exciting. LotR, you won't disappoint me! I LOOOOVE YOOOOU! It's such a lovely, giddy feeling. It really is. Also saw the preview for Troy, which would have been more aptly titled "Tons of Hot Guys, Hey, Check Out the Sexy". Dude. Shweet.
- 11:00 PM
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
FUCKING FUCK!! SPOOKS!! That was like, the craziest, coolest, awesomest fucked up episode ever. HAGDJHGAF!!!! And GODDAMN, this time we actually have to wait to see what happens, unlike the last season finale. AGGHH!H! Crap.
24 is interesting, because i inevitably compare it to Alias, and it's so different. Like, they have subtlety and stuff. It's amazing! You mean, Tony and Michelle are married and work together, and they DON'T have excessive PDAs in the workplace?? WHUUHH?? They're professional? And actually do their jobs? Boy, Vaughn and Lauren SUCK.
And i find it amusing that my Tuesday tv schedule includes these two spy shows, preceded by Gilmore Girls. Bwah. Aw, Stars Hollow! Now lets KILL SOME PEOPLE! Tonight's ep was good (yay Lane! Yay Kirk!), and the makeup and stuff for the paintings was freakin awesome. Bad thing: Luke and Nicole. NONONONO. Ugh. Luuuuuke you love Lorelaaaaai.
Anywhooooz. My test today went better than i thought it would, because we got craploads of extra credit questions that i actually answered. Yay! I love being able to relax and not have to cram information into my head after a test is over. Ahh.
Dude, The Matrix is tomorrowwww! That's really weird. I do hope it's good, but i've already heard a couple times that it's not that great. Meh. We shall wait and see.
- 11:20 PM
Monday, November 03, 2003
Ahh, Alias. Hot guys, kickass evil clones, snark, craziness, and did i mention the hot guys? And apparently, being stabbed and recovering from a coma really brings out Vaughn's sense of humor. Hee.
Man, i had to work on drawing projects allll weekend. That was pretty annoying. And i desperately need to study for my astronomy test tomorrow, because i'm definitely really screwed. But at least i won't have much work after that, and the slacking off afterward is really the most important part.
- 12:43 PM