Tuesday, October 28, 2003

 I watched my first episode of 24 tonight (dude, for the first time in a looong time i have nothing to watch on Tuesdays at 9). Ooooh. Seriously, all i had ever seen was a few minutes of the series premiere, a few minutes of the second season premiere, and that's it. I was working on homework while it was on, but it seemed pretty good. Definitely really crazy. I always thought the real-time thing would be weird to me, but it's not. So yeah. It's always strange to watch a show that you don't know much about. I'm not sure if it's something i could get crazy obsessed with, but i'll keep watching it.

Hee, on Spooooks tonight, every time they said "Vaughn" (albeit spelled differently... the WRONG way ;) i got all distracted. It made me think of fun Alias crossover possibilities. Whee! And duuude, the preview for next week was AWESOME. Season 2 finale! EEEP!!

- 11:06 PM

Monday, October 27, 2003

 So, Alias was pretty good. Frustrating as all hell, but pretty good. Needs less triangle, though.

Also, the promo for Victor Garber on It's All Relative? Fucking HILARIOUS. I mussssst see that. Now, WHY do there have to be about twenty other shows i watch on Wednesday?? ARGH.

Dude, i love daylight savings time. Sooo much. But only fall back, cause spring forward is evilevilevil. Yaaaay for gaining an hour!

- 2:10 AM

Saturday, October 25, 2003

 The World Series is OVER!!! Wahoooo!! You know why i'm happy about this, right? It means Alias won't be postponed tomorrow! Like it was last year because of Game 7! HUZZAH!! Seriously, i didn't care who won, but after Thursday i was all about the Marlins winning, because it would mean no Game 7. Heh. So yeah, THAT made my day.

Also happy: Bradley Cooper on Miss Match last night = HOTHOTHOTHOTHOT.

Maaaan, i have two horribly annoying tedious art projects to work on. Bah. Stupid crap. But, at least i can now rest assured that a new episode of Alias will be on tomorrow. And, ultimately, that's really all i need.

- 11:15 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

 AHH! I almost forgot about I Love the 80's Strikes Back! I had it written down and i was looking forward to it and everything. I SUCK. But i remembered just now, and only missed ten minutes of 1980. WHEW. Ah, i love this. MIB!!!! Yay!

- 1:17 AM

Monday, October 20, 2003

 "Damn, maybe I should ask him out."

HEEEE!! Everwood! Bright+Ephram4EVA! Seriously, the Bright and Amy scene, talking about Ephram, was about the cutest thing i've eeeever seen. And Bright is SO in love. ;D Also, DUDE, what is UP with me caring about Ephram/Amy?? Whuuuh? I've always been okay with them, but i didn't care all that much (except about Amy making Ephram sad allllll the time). But tonight, i was all "aw! squee! SOB!", and it's weeeeird. It must have been the overabundance of prettiness and angst. That usually does it. It may also have a lot to do with my newfound Amy appreciation (i didn't hate her before, but i didn't love her either). Hm. Ah, and, apparently, my Ephram-love knows no bounds, because i seem to become more enamored with him all the time. Bitter, sarcastic, sad, funny, pretty, and wears excellent sexy coats. Sigh.

- 10:23 PM

 Yep, i can tell how good an episode is by how long it takes me to settle down afterward. It took me a while to settle down tonight. If you already know that Justin Theroux is hot, and that Syd and Vaughn are in love, then this may be a little repetitive. Sigh. Gooooood episode.

Damn, i REALLY don't wanna have class tomorrow. Reallyreallyreally. How is it that Sundays can be so extremely exciting, and yet so crushingly awful? Meh.

- 2:35 AM

Sunday, October 19, 2003

 OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD ALIAS!! AHHH!!! Best episode so far this season. And FUCK, can it be next Sunday RIGHT NOW?? PLEEEEEEEASE? Crapcrapcrapcrap gaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

- 10:04 PM

 Ah, i'm home till tomorrow, which is nice. It's quite relaxing being out of that horrible little apartment up there. Except that i have to go back. Bah!

Duuuuude, i saw Blade Runner! I've never seen it before! I'm a bad geek! But yeah, that was awesome. It was the director's cut, so i'd be curious to see the original version and what makes that one not as good.

It seems like i've been listening to a lot of music lately. Not that i don't listen to music a lot normally, but it's just been extra amounts the past few days. I like music. You know what i don't like? School. Yeah... that sucks. But music is good. Also good: movies, tv, food, and sleep. Just so you know.

- 1:40 AM

Monday, October 13, 2003

 Awwww, Everwood makes me happy. Even though it's, uh, sad a lot. It's a good comforting normal show. And seriously, how is it that Gregory Smith looks about ten times hotter this season? I always lurved him, but damn, he's looking even prettier lately. What the hey. Also, i've never been a big Amy fan, but i'm liking her quite a bit now with the depression, a lot of which has to do with how impressed i am with Emily Van Camp's acting. She really pulls off the melancholy, selfish, pissed off stuff well. And, apparently, i'm good with my female characters being melancholy, selfish, and pissed off. (*cough*Sydney*coughcough*)

Eeergh, i am currently avoiding a stupid project i have due tomorrow. It sucks, and i really shouldn't be putting it off, but... yeah, i'm definitely way too lazy. If i don't get started soon, i'm gonna be really screwed. Hm. That's something to think about.

- 10:28 PM

 Egads, Alias make me insane. Dude, i was soooo giddy during the ep, but now that it's over i'm all depressed and stressed about school again. I really don't like that. And... ugh. School sucks. Must! think! happy! thoughts!

- 3:39 AM

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

 Aggggghhhhhh, do you KNOW how screwed i am for this test tomorrow?? Holy CRAP, i'm going to die. I know a little bit, but not nearly enough to feel secure with having a test on it. And dammit, i was going to read and study all weekend. Of course, we know how well that ALWAYS works out. Gaaaah. Studying is not my friend.

- 1:27 AM

Monday, October 06, 2003

 So that Alias tonight... that was HELLA awesome. Poor Vaughn. Poor Syd. YAY SARK! AHHH WIFE!!!!! Ah. I love my show. Lots.

Ergh, i reeeally need to work on homework. I have a huge crappy test on Tuesday that i am utterly unprepared for, so that's not so good. And another model due. And a paper due, but i actually finished that today (whuh? i know! i didn't procrastinate so much!) Stupid school. Totally harshing my fangirl buzz.

- 12:27 AM

Sunday, October 05, 2003

 HOLY GOD. squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! That S/V kiss, that they showed in a preview but never aired... yeah. EEEEE!! GUH. That was seriously just what i needed with all this crushing angst lately. It MADE MY DAY (and we even have a new ep tonight!) And... dude, i can't believe they cut that out. Come on guuuuuuys! Everybody needs more gratuitous S/V make-out sessions! And, hey, way to go Vaughn, shut her up by kissing her. To think of all the times he would have done that in s1 if he could have... Tee. hee. hee.

Excuse me while i continue into a fit of giggles. S+V4EVA!!!!11 :D

- 2:23 PM

Thursday, October 02, 2003

 I finally saw The Godfather!! (yes, finally. I've only needed to see it for ages and ages and ages.) I watched it with my roommates (the sisters are obsessed with it); i thiiiiiink i understand now why it's one of the greatest movies Of All Time. Absolutely awesome. And gah, Al Pacino really used to be pretty. But yeah, just another one down in my list of classic movies i really should have seen by now but never have. Yay for me!

- 2:27 AM

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

 Duuuuuude. Tonight's Spooks was SOSOSOSO awesome. Tom, angry, yelling, with gun = The Hotness. I only wish i hadn't read exactly what happens in the ep when Nicola was raving about it months ago... cause back then i was sure i would never end up seeing the show. Damn my lack of foresight! But yea, even though i was spoiled? Still went insane at the end. That was some crazy intense shit. And... and... "Sitting in a posh restaurant in the middle of the western world thinking THIS is the worst thing that could happen to me." OHTHELOVE.

Ah, and i so love the description of Alias in this week's Entertainment Weekly: "How could Vaughn go and get himself married like that? It's so maddening!" Hee! The word "maddening" makes me giggle.

Mergh... i have quite a bit of schoolwork for this weekend that i'm not looking forward to. And i'm completely stuck on making a collage for the Alias premiere, and when i get stuck i get frustrated and preoccupied and it's no good. Sigh.

- 3:50 AM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y