Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Okay, this is pissing me off. I can get online fine, but i can't get into hotmail at all, and i can't post to my LJ. Everything else works except for that. What the FUCK? Screw you internet connection! You little bitch!
I'm sorry, Internet. I didn't mean that.
Anyway. Classes have been going... uhm, like class usually goes. Tediously boring. My two gen ed classes sound easy, my two art classes sound like a PAIN IN THE ASS. Especially 3D design, because i don't DO 3D design, and the prof sounds strict as a mofo. Garrrr. At least i get to sleep in tomorrow, but it didn't help that today felt like Wednesday or Thursday. That's just not cool when it's actually much earlier in the week. Just. not. cool.
- 1:02 AM
Friday, August 22, 2003
Well, back at school. And didn't have to wait a whole day for internet to start working! Yay! For some reason i'm not as bitter as i usually am coming back here. Although it's still pretty sucky. And i do miss the family. It just feels like i was never gone, even though summer was, like, the longest one EVER. Hmm.
Oh! And the roommates seem really cool! They're nice, and two are even art majors like me! Crazy. So my worrying may have been for nothing. Heh. Pessimism what? When?
Yeah, anyway, got moved in, did grocery shopping (stab stab stab), and finished it JUST in time to watch The Amazing Race! Yay! It was very very intense, and i guess i'm pretty okay with how it turned out. I found myself rooting for Kelly and Jon, though. Even though they could be obnoxious and rude, they were funny, and good racers, and they made a good couple. And Jon's naked task-completing was hi-larious. Hee! I felt kind of bad for David and Jeff being just left out of the end, but they were dumb, so... eh. And i still wish the clowns had made it. :( Now i have to worry about the show being renewed for another season. Argh! It's definitely one of the best reality shows, i don't know why the ratings are low. Why can't everyone just watch the shows I watch? No worries about brilliant shows being cancelled! The world would be a much better place, for me. Personally.
- 12:43 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Ugh. Today was very busy with the packing and the shopping and the stressing. And the packing. When the HELL did i get so much stuff? SERIOUSLY?? I actually left out a whole box of stuff i brought last time, and there's STILL too much. What. the. fuck. I think packing automatically increases the amount of your belongings threefold, and everything is bigger and heavier than you ever thought. New physics! Gah. So yeah, moving back up to school tomorrow. Don't want to go back. I finally got used to living at home again, and now i'm thrown back into limbo. Not cool.
- 2:00 AM
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
So, HOLY SHIT dude. The tv guide online picture. With, uhhh, Vaughn's wife. Is freaking me out. I didn't read the article for fear of spoilers, but, uhhhhh. I'm freaked the FUCK out. It only takes a picture to screw with my head, people. I'm just finding it hard to comprehend that she's real. Like, she's actually there. The ring is no clever ruse, my friends! VAUGHN IS MARRIED! He has a wife! An actual non-Sydney wife! Gaaaaahhh!! This is all so disorienting. Season 3 is gonna be FUCKED. UP. GAH!!! I am so excited/apprehensive/nauseous in anticipation of what the HELL is going to happen. I! just! don't! know!
Anyway. I Love the 70's started tonight!!! HUZZAH! I'm so glad all the awesome people are back, and it's all just as hilarious as I Love the 80's. Super excellent. I love you Michael Ian Black and Rich Eisen and Mo Rocca and Hal Sparks! <3 4eva!
Oh dear. Going back to school in TWO DAYS. Crap.
- 2:06 AM
Monday, August 18, 2003
Project Greenlight tonight was goooood. I actually... kind of... liked Kyle and Efram. Same thing happened last week. Huh? What? But dude, they can be really funny when they're not being total asshats. I'm amazed. And i was very reassured by everyone seeming to be happy with the final product. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie and how it actually came out in the end. Only sucky thing is i won't be able to watch the season finale of the show next week because *shudder* i'll be back at school. ajdhahsgflkdjhg
Speaking of the evil-that-shall-not-be-named... err, school. I've been packing. It sucks. Packing is really bad. Don't ever do it.
- 12:10 AM
Saturday, August 16, 2003
Hee, we just got Ghostbusters on dvd today and watched it. Ah. I love that movie. So classic, and hilarious, and awesome, and it's such a huge part of my childhood. Just one of those movies i've seen so many billions of times i know it like a part of myself, and i'll still never tire of it. The music rocks too. Such good 80's-ness. KICKS. ASS.
I also fiiiinally got the FotR extended edition dvd, AND the Cowboy Bebop movie! Huzzah! I love you, dvds!
Oh, yesterday we went up to EPCOT in the evening cause season passes kicked in again. Went on Mission: Space for the first time ever, and it is WHACK. Like, it kicks total ass. The G-forces are INSANE, it's soooo fucking cool. There was much hysterical laughing and yelling and excitement. Going back tomorrow. (uh, if you don't know, my family goes to Disney World pretty much all time. We have forever. We're weird, but it's fun. So NYAH.)
- 9:30 PM
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
BWAAH! Michael Ian Black was on Reno 911! Fucking excellent. That show is so absolutely brilliant.
So, yo, i went swimming today and got some sun. You know, a week before summer is over. Better late than never, right? I'm working on my TAN. Bwahahaha.
- 11:42 PM
I've been in a better mood today, so, ya know... good. Actually managed to make a new layout for Day Late that'll go up soon (i only change it ALL THE TIME).
Oh GOD, i watched The OC AGAIN. I feel dirty. It's just... Seth is the best character ever! And... and... i have no excuse. And Spooks RAWKED. Dood. They seriously know how to shock you, cause, uhm, whoah.
- 12:54 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Meh. I feel fuckin crappy. I've been trying to collage something, and it's definitely not working out. That always brings me down. Plus, i have to go back to school next week, and i've started having bad dreams about it again. I fucking hate it. I don't want to go back, i don't want to do fucking school work, and i don't want to live with fucking strangers again. Fuck. Sick of it all.
- 2:11 AM
Saturday, August 09, 2003
Put up a page of all my old LJ icons here. Proving i'm a big big dork. Cause there are a lot. Woo!
Man, it was dark and rainy ALL day, and i just sat around and read HP fic. Duuuude. Good times. Hey guess what? Harry+Hermione4EVA!!!!!1
- 11:59 PM
Friday, August 08, 2003
I finally finally FINALLY watched The End of Evangelion. Finally. (watched Death and Rebirth on, uh, Monday) And, uhm... wow. I mean... wow. Right afterward i was just sort of weirded out and confused and sad, but i've been mulling it over for a few hours and reading stuff online, and... WOW. That was... wow. I really really like it. Crazy but cool and awesome and beautiful. And it's depressing me.
It's so weird to think i started watching it about 6 years ago. Whoah. It's just SUCH an amazing series. So GOOD. But yeah, needless to say, i'm in sort of an obsess-y place right now. I can't believe it's all over.
Hold me.
- 8:55 PM
Fuckfuckfuckfuck. I got my roommate list for this year, and two of them are SISTERS. SISTERS???? So, like, they're sisters away at college, who wanted to live together some MORE. This worries me. Couldn't i just get 3 other roommates who are complete strangers? Would that be so much to ask? Gahhhh. Maybe they won't be so bad. But, i mean... it just seems like it's gonna be annoying as hell. SISTERS.
I just want good roommates! That's all! *sniffle* Hopefully my luck will improve and none of them will be sorority girls. Pray for me.
- 3:00 PM
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Fucking fuck. The Amazing Race. Clooooooowns! Nooooo! Is there no justice in this world? Bah. Out of the final three, i despiiiiise David and Jeff, they just bother me. Stupid and dumb and stupid. I'm sort of neutral on the other two. Why do the best teams always ALWAYS come in fourth?? Argh.
Christ, i actually have The OC on now. Man this sucks. But aww, Adam Brody. And Lady Heather! Heh. Hey, look at how obnoxious rich people are! Woo! Oh, but they're also tortured and angsty. Deep. Someone please take my tv away from me.
- 9:37 PM
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
So it seems like a fair amount of people watched The OC (THE Orange County. Whuhh huuuuhhhh?) I never considered watching it, cause, uhm... crap. FOX. And crap. Crappy FOX. Crap. Stupid. Crap. Plus, ya know, conflicts with about 20 BILLION other good shows. The only thing about it i'm sorry i have to miss is Adam Brody. Adam Brody! Dammit. It would be so much easier if he would just stay on Gilmore Girls and i could keep with the Dave Rygalski love, but noooooo. Daaaave! Lane and Dave!! I'll miss you so. Sob.
- 1:37 AM
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Spoooooks tonight: TomandZoeTomandZoeTomandZoe!!! Tom! and! Zoe!! Next week: ASH ASH ASH!!! Tonyyyy!!
That is all.
Anywayyyy. School started for my younger brother today, which brought upon the crushing realization that i have to go back to school in three weeks. Gahhhh noooooo! I don't really mind having to go back up, i just mind the having-to-do-schoolwork part. Crap. And it's crazy, cause this has been the longest summer break EVER, and yet it's still gone by too fast. And i didn't even DO anything! What. the. shit.
- 11:28 PM
Sunday, August 03, 2003
Went up to my grandparents' house yesterday with the family and spent the night. It was fun- my grandparents are cool. We were watching the World Series of poker on tv (for real! it's corazy.) so last night my dad taught me how to play poker AND black jack. I never knew how to play before (but i am an ACE at crazy eights, go fish, solitaire, war... dude. easy card games REPRESENT!) and i'm still not all that good, but i'm proud i finally know the basics. I'm ready for some GAMBLIN'! Woooo!
- 5:35 PM
Saturday, August 02, 2003
I've finally seen one and a half episodes of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and dude! That is brilliant stuff. The guys are so fucking FUNNY. It's just entertaining as hell, and sweet too. And Kyan is rilly hot. Mwah! I just wish the regular airtime didn't conflict with Spooks! Argh! Dammit man, there is hardly ANYthing on, but i have shows conflicting?? Whuuhh? Not fair!
- 1:44 AM