Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Dude. I think my vow to not see PoA has now officially gone out the window. The vow has been shot down and is now being devoured by rabid beasts. LOOK. LOOK AT THE PRETTY PICTURES OF PRETTY BRITISH CHILDREN. AGGGGHHHHH!! I may have just become a Hermione/Draco shipper because of that one picture. Wait, let me check. ... Okay, only just a little. WHY ARE THEY ALL SO PRETTY AND GROWN UP??? WHY IS RUPERT SO VERY TALL?? WHY ARE THEY DRESSED SO COOL??
- 3:36 AM
Dude, Spooks tonight was sooo good. The ending was amazing, really brilliantly done. That is some fine tv. And, on a completely superficial note (which, come on, is what i'm all about)- Matthew MacFadyen looks DAMN good in jeans. I'm just sayin. Sigh. And he has really pretty eyes. REALLY. Uhm... i'm not smitten at all. *stares dreamily off into the distance*
Gaaaahh. Sigh.
Anyway. Ya know what's the funniest show ever? Besides lots of other stuff? I'm With Busey. Dude, when i first saw commercials for it, i was disturbed. And it is indeed scary, but it's fucking HILARIOUS. Adam- the host- is damn funny himself, and Gary is just insane. I mean, really. Truly. INSANE. It is the funniest thing ever. It is GREAT.
- 1:28 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2003
AHH! AHH! AHHH!! Harry and Hermione!! Dammit, stop making me want to see this movie! Now, why would i say that, you ask? See, i've decided that i don't want to see the next movies, because i really don't want to have how i picture everything screwed around with. Especially Lupin and Sirius. Even though i really love the movies. And, you know, really love HP. Yes, that's really stupid of me, but i'm all weird like that. Maybe i'm just a purist. OR, maybe i'm just a fucking loon. But... Harry and Hermione... the kids... are so cute... nooooo. And PoA could be soooo cool. Damn. Damndamndamn. Whatever will i dooooo? Fuck. I'm probably gonna see it anyway. Damn movies and their mighty hold over me!
- 1:08 PM
Friday, July 25, 2003
Hee! Conan's Joaquin interview! Fuckin GREAT. "It's like a cool album cover!" Bwah! Joaquin is just so very funny, and Conan does simply the best interviews. Him and Jon Stewart- best. interviewers. ever. Yes! And i just heart Joaquin. He was great on Letterman last night too. Yay! I wanna see Buffalo Soldiers! DUDE! Joaquin AND Anna. DUDE.
And i still wanna see Pirates again. Gaaah.
Oh, man, Amazing Race tonight ROCKED! Even though they hinted it was a non-elimination round, i was all "maybe they've gotten sneaky and are trying to trick us"... and i was RIGHT! Yes, i rock. I'm so glad Chuck and Millie got the boot, they were damn annoying. I was actually kind of rooting for Jon and Kelly, just cause they came from so far behind... and i'm glad Reichen and Chip and the clowns are up front. Woo! Supah excellent.
- 1:19 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Woooo! Spooks! MI-5! Same thing! SO cool. I love Tom. Even moreso. Cause Tom? Is hot. And Zoe? Is hot. And Tom and Zoe? Need to hook up. Like, a lot. Hee. Pretty! British! Spies! <3 <3 <3 Oh, and dude, Americans are bastards! Damn, there was just a lot of bad America in that episode. Bwah. Florida kills people! Whooooo! I'm so proud. Or... not. But anyway- yay Spooks!
- 1:04 AM
Monday, July 21, 2003
HOLY SHIT!! Fuck, this totally just blew my mind. Kyle and Efram are the dudes that made Alias: The Lost Episode. AAHHH!!! Kyle was Sydney!! AAAAHHH!!! I didn't realize that at ALL. Dude, this is really fucking with my head, cause i watched that thing ages ago, and it's actually funny... and it was Kyle and Efram. That's insane. My world is changed forever.
- 1:07 AM
"There are two options. Either they're naive, or they're passive-aggressive manipulative fucks."
Bwah! Dude. I love Project Greenlight. Sooo entertaining, and it's even fucking stressful to watch. In a good way. But man, I love Jeff and Chris and Erica. They rock. Kyle and Efram (the directors. THE DIRECTORS!) are total fucktards. Gah! Seriously. And this is totally cementing my love for Shia LeBeouf. Dude. DUDE! Totally.
Hm. I wanna see Pirates again. Now you may ask "But... WHY, Marina? You just saw it again the other day! This is madness!" Or something like that. But... dammit, i looooove it. Looooove. This always happens to me with movies i'm in love with. I can't wait to see it again, and then i do, and then i can't wait to see it again. It's a horrible, vicious cycle.
Sigh. Man, it's tough to be a fangirl.
- 12:50 AM
Saturday, July 19, 2003
Okay, i saw Pirates again (YES!!) and i just fucking love it. I mean, i already knew that, but damn, i think i enjoyed it even more this time. Jack and Will (hee!) are simply the prettiest pirates there eeever were. Who could possibly resist pretty boys, as pirates, kicking ass?? WHO? No one, i say. No one. And the music is so fucking COOL, and the CGI kicks your booty. It all just rocks, dammit. Marry me, Captain Jack Sparrow. Marry me.
- 8:01 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2003
Emmy noms! Jen! Victor! Leeeena! WooHOO!! I'm so very happy. I especially would love for VG and LO to win, cause, dude. They deserve those awards like nobody's business. Now, what is it i have to sacrifice to the tv gods? Virgins, or sheep? Hmm...
- 1:50 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
You know sometimes when you get so depressed that you're just exhausted? Yeah, that's what i'm like right now. I've just been sitting around, or laying around, and i can't DO anything. I'm just all weepy and wiped out. All because of a BOOK! Man, i'm a dork.
I posted a few more detailed spoilery thoughts at the LJ... although everyone else has probably gone over all the important stuff by now. Ha.
I don't even want to think about having to wait for the next one. (which is why i dragged out reading this one for so long. New Harry every day is a good good thing) But... at least we do still have more to look forward to... sigh.
- 11:04 PM
Also, i am quite proud to be probably the last person to finish OotP. Like, ever. Ha! I told you i would make it last, did i not? YEAH! And i remained unspoiled the whole. time. I am so good at being spoiler-free, let me tell you. Anyway... please excuse me, i need to get back on track and go drown in uncontrollable sadness now.
- 5:47 PM
nonononononono. finished harry. no. nonono. cried so much. it's really hard to read when crying. i don't want it to be over. so. sad. but happy. and sad. and i'm very sad now. and it really hasn't quite sunk in yet. i want the next one. right now.
- 5:25 PM
Shit, dude. I have been looking at so many pictures of Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Michael Rosenbaum, and Bradley Cooper today... i am in a veryvery pretty boy obsession place. It's making me WAY too giddy. Damn. Too obsessed with the pretty. Damn damn. It's just... ajkdasgfhjgaslfhgsldazgfh! Gaaah!
I watched the promo for MI-5, and it looks soooo cool! Because i need another cool spy show. Really. But no, i've been wanting to see it ever since Nicola started talking about it... so i really wanna call it Spooks. It is called SPOOKS! Not MI-5! Silly America.
- 3:30 AM
Sunday, July 13, 2003
Well, i saw the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen today... i didn't really want to see it, but i had nothing better to do, and we got in free with comp tickets we got when we went to see Pirates (sound was bad). And, it was... meh. It had a few good things, but overall it was pretty underwhelming. Especially the ending... ugh. Crap. And the surround sound was off, so we complained and got more free tickets. We got free tickets for a movie we didn't even pay to get into in the first place. My family is funny.
And dude, this just made me want to see Pirates again even more. Arrgh! Arrr. Matey.
- 10:32 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2003
Holy... what the... SHIT! DUDE! I had no idea it was gonna be so close to the release of season 1! AND it comes out only one week before FIREFLY on dvd! This December is gonna be the best month ever!
- 6:59 PM
Dude, MTV's new Spider-Man show? SO cool! The people are a bit freaky-looking at times, but costumed Spidey and the fights kick ALL kinds of ass. And Peter is voiced by Doogie Howser! Heh. Which can be slightly disconcerting, cause, well, it's DOOGIE! But he's an appropriate Peter voice. And it's made by the dudes that did ReBoot! Wheee! Good stuff.
- 3:38 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Saw Pirates of the Caribbean! Wheeee, it was awesome! When i first heard about it i thought it was gonna be crap, but when i saw all the previews i thought it looked awwwwwesome, so i just hoped it wouldn't suck. And it didn't, hurrah! Damn entertaining. Johnny Depp was fookin brilliant, seriously dude, Jack Sparrow is my new fucking hero, and Lando is just so. very. pretty. Yes, yes. Jolly good. And, dude, Keira Knightley looks so much like Natalie Portman it's damn near disturbing. Which of course would be why she was a handmaiden in Episode I, but STILL. Dude. It freaks me out.
- 9:26 PM
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Adrianne won America's Next Top Model! Fuck yea! Dude, i was so pissed that Shannon made it to the final two over Elyse, cause, uhm, she didn't even DO one of the shoots, which should be worthy of elimination in itself. I thought Shannon did a little better than Adrianne on the runway, and i started to get really fucking worried that she would win because it would make absolutely no sense. I was getting ready to be pissed, so I was SO relieved and happy that Adrianne won, cause she rocks and is awesome and unique and yeah. YEAH!!
I'm definitely a loser. But... Adrianne rocks! ashjfsgdgjhlkj
And hey, i put up a few photos from the DC trip here. Photography is PHUN.
- 10:50 PM
So, hey, i'm back. Vacation was fun. The people we stay with we've known forever, and they're hilarious, and good times were had. The fireworks were awesome and crazy loud, but damn it's fucking hot out. And we watched many, many movies.
Dude, Top Gun? Is the gayest movie ever. I saw it so many times when i was a kid and it's fucking classic, and i was never able to realize this until now. We watched it a few days ago and... man. It is very gay. Maverick/Goose, Maverick/Iceman... this is not just my newly developed HoYay monitor, this is fact. "You can be my wingman anytime." So gay!
Saw T3, even though i thought it looked like complete crap and had no desire whatsoever to see it. I mean, really, i loathed the idea of going to the theatre for it... but it was actually really good. I had the lowest of low expectations, so i was very pleasantly surprised. I'm still surprised that i liked it so much.
I finally saw Dr. Strangelove! I'm so proud. Dude, it's hilarious. Fucking awesome. Annnnd watched the usual classics- Back to the Future, Spaceballs, etc. etc. and so on and so forth.
Movies are good.
- 12:35 AM
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
I have a confession to make. I've been watching America's Next Top Model. And i like it. *kills self* Dude, i flipped over to UPN on Tuesday several weeks ago, expecting to watch Buffy, but this was on instead... and first i laughed at it (well, i still laugh at it) but then i got hooked. Dammit! But dude, Elyse and Adrianne ROCK. It's been so obvious the entire time that they're gonna be the final two, and i'm glad, cause not only are they good models, they're awesome and hilarious and cool too! "Elyse, will you be my boyfriend?" Bwah. There've been some neat photos, and... and... it's entertaining. And the despicable people make it all the greater (the bible-thumpers! Robin! Janice the evil judge!) Yes.
Shut up. Don't judge me.
Anyway, i'm leaving with my family tomorrow morning to go up to DC till the 7th... road trip! Wheee! We do this practically every summer. Part of me likes it, cause of the adventure and travel, and we do get to watch movies in the van... but part of me hates it, cause it gets so uncomfortable and monotonous and uncomfortable and monotonous. And, you know, being cramped in a minivan with my family for over a day. But we have fun, too. It's good and bad. So yeah, don't miss me too much, okay?
- 10:51 PM