Monday, June 30, 2003
Ack, i don't like this new blogger interface... change sooks! i was used to the old one! gaah. im all confuzzled.
hmm... saw Charlie's Angels, it was pretty fun. I didn't really like it as much as the first one, but Bernie Mac was hilarious, annnnd Justin Theroux is SEX. You can even spell the word 'sex' with his name! It's just that true.
And dude, that kid Shia LeBeouf? He's awesome. I always liked him on Even Stevens (Disney Channel, rawwwk! yea, shut your mouth, it's COOL.) and i've seen him in interviews and he's hilarious and great. Yes.
- 3:17 AM
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Dude, ya know what worries me? Hearing all this stuff that people aren't happy with the new Alias spoilers. This always happens with spoilers, because i don't read them, so i just know people's reactions to them, and it drives me INSANE wondering what the hell could be going on. Seriously, it's not cool. But gaaaaah, so weird that already stuff is trickling in about the new season. LALALAAAAA not listening!
Harry Potter will take my mind off it! Hee. I'm SO not far at ALL, and my little brother is already almost done with it. I do hate having to avoid the comments of all the people who are already finished reading. Bah. The book is gooooood and i am enjoying it muchly and this will last a while. ::wallows:: I LIKE having new Harry to look forward to every day.
- 2:58 AM
Saturday, June 21, 2003
Hee, well, i got the book. All is right with the world. ;) Just reread the last few chapters of GoF to re-familiarize myself with all the details. Good to go.
- 9:43 PM
Dude, you wanna know how much i suck? I don't have the new Harry Potter book. I KNOW. This fandom craziness is all very new and strange, because i totally wasn't obsessed with it when GoF came out. But, when i DO get the book, i so won't read it in a day, because i love making stuff last. Although, i wanna read it sorta faster-ish, because i'm so fucking paranoid about getting spoiled. Why is the mass media so obsessed with spoiling people? "Secrets revealed!" "tells all!" - FUCK YOU! Some people don't wanna find out until they read/see/experience it themselves, you bastards!
Annnnnyway. So, ya know that new Michael Vartan picture in EW? Yeah, that one. That damn sexy bitch. I do believe i spent the better part of yesterday staring at it. Every five minutes it was: hmmm grab the magazine, flip to the page, ahhhhhh. Grab, flip, ahhhh. Grab, flip, ahhhh. Good times, let me tell you. But, dude, i mean, not only is it like, the best subject matter, but it's a gorgeous photograph too. Pretty lighting. It appeals to my art dork sensibilities AS WELL AS my hot guy obsession! It's the best thing ever!
Okay, yeah. I AM a nerd. But i'm a happy nerd. And that's what counts.
- 5:57 PM
Sunday, June 15, 2003
"I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Squishy."
Hee! I got to see Finding Nemo again today! It really is the best. The BEST! In fact, i would go so far as to say it is my favorite movie this week. TRUE.
Ohhhh dammit, i have to go to the dentist tomorrow! FUCK! ME! That totally cuts into my busy schedule of sitting around. And, well, it's the DENTIST. Death satan evil things! But... Finding Nemo has a dentist's office! That's comforting. A little. Not really.
- 10:27 PM
Friday, June 13, 2003
Bwahaha! Conan's Lauren Graham interview just now? That was HILARIOUS. Oh man. "How to sell a musical instrument: 'Hi, may i help you?'; How not to sell a musical instrument: 'GO DIE.' " BWAHAHA! And Lauren is adorable. Hee! Good times.
- 1:12 AM
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Dude, i watched the new Real World the other night, and i liked it. I never actually like, make an effort to tune in, but if i flip over and it's on, i'll watch, and i end up getting hooked for about a day. It's funny. But yeah, it was entertaining. Simon and Ace and Leah and Mallory are adorable. Yeah.
quote of the night:
Dave Letterman, getting stitches on the air: Yowza! I felt that one in my pants!
- 12:16 AM
Friday, June 06, 2003
So i saw Finding Neo again today. AHAHAHAHA i mean, Reloaded. I crack me up. But yeah, i think i liked it even a bit more this time. Although, i tried to listen harder to the long talky explanation stuff, and i actually think i ended up understanding less. Curse you, rabbit hole! CURSE YOOOOOU! Ah well. It's preeeetty. I want the next one!
- 7:42 PM
Dude, how much did i love Will Ferrell on the MTV Movie Awards? SO much. "Ergo, vis-a-vis, concurrently... i have no idea what i'm talking about." That was fucking brilliant. (i'm still so sad he's not on SNL anymore... and now Kattan left too! GAH! sad.) And Andy Dick in the Zion dance scene? Bwah! And Gollum! Bwahaha! And, hee, Adrien, i love Adrien. Yes.
And Jen winning, soooo cute. I honestly think she takes the taco as the Cutest. Person. EVER. And she can kick your ass.
So, yeah, well. I am pop culture's bitch.
P.S. Note to self: You need to see Igby Goes Down. Like, NOW. Dammit.
- 2:10 AM
Tuesday, June 03, 2003
"Fuck you, car, you're LOCKED."
Got to watch the Six Feet Under finale- yay! So good. I love Claire, and David and Keith (that line? cracked me up.) And closure. Closure is good. More mostly pointless thoughts over at the LJ.
And i finally got to see the Everwood pilot tonight! Since i only started watching in the middle of the season. And, wow, that was a great episode. Best thing ever? Andy and Ephram screaming at each other. Dude, that scene brought tears to my eyes, it was just so well done. And i've never been a huge Amy fan at all, but when she punched Bright... that impressed the hell outta me. And Dr. Abbott, well, he just rocks. As always.
- 12:45 AM