Saturday, May 31, 2003

 Oh, and more about Finding Nemo... The sea turtle? SO ME. Cracked my shit up, what with all the 'dude's. Funny just because it was funny, and funny because it made me think of me. ;) And Ellen DeGeneres was fucking brilliant, she always ALWAYS makes me laugh. And Allison Janney! Dude! Yay! And if you go see it, stay for all the credits (which i always do anyway... i am elite, BIOTCH!)... lots of good stuff through the whole thing. And "Beyond the Sea"! Sung by Robbie Williams! :D (just always makes me think of Ewan, though. Totally. Or creepy X-Files... but mostly Ewan.) I would also suggest going to see a later showing, because, really? You WANT to avoid the noisy childrens of doom.

Best movie ever. (Yes, i realize i say that about all movies i like. But i swear, if i say it, it means it was reeeeally good, okay? Trust me.)

- 1:28 AM

Friday, May 30, 2003

 Dude, Finding Nemo? Best movie ever! I just wish kids' movies didn't appeal to, you know, KIDS, because damn that was an annoyingly noisy theatre. Attention spans of zero are not fun in quiet scenes. But, still, it was soooo good. Hilarious as hell, sad, and sweet, and soooo pretty (of course). Love love loved it.

Got some cool swag, not much, but what i asked for: cds (because i like owning actual official ones and not burned copies. mwah.), books, a new scanner! Score!

And yo, thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes! Word to your mother: rose, mercedes, karen, lj homies, and anyone else who i forgot or who is really secretly and invisibly sending the love.

19! GACK!

- 11:59 PM

 So, today's my birthday, huh? Crazy. Not doing anything particularly exciting, but i get to eat whatever i want (including ice cream cake later, huzzah!) and we're going to see Finding Nemo (woot!)... that's good enough for me. Dude. I'm turning 19. What the SHIT is that about?!? I'm oooooold. Gaah.

- 12:42 PM

Thursday, May 29, 2003

 Dood, Amazing Race started again! Yay! I've missed the theme song, it's the best. And Phil! Phil rocks. The beginning is always the worst, though, cause there are so many teams and you don't really care about them yet, or quite know who the assholes and the cool ones are. But the best was that one team, who EVERY time they were on, the screen said "Dating 12 years / virgins". REMEMBER, they're VIRGINS! That's important! Don't forget! Virgins! Man we laughed so much at that. Brilliance.

- 10:56 PM

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

 Oh, and just because i never stop thinking about Alias... watching the episode last night was craaazy, what with knowing how things turn out later in the season. Seeing Syd and Vaughn in the warehouse, it's, like... whoah. The UST! I had almost forgotten about those good times. Except not at all. And maybe it's because we know how shit ends up, or just because it's been a long time since i saw it, but for some reason i was able to watch the "I'm your ally" scene more objectively, and it really was very well done. Those kids did a good job with it, and i liked it.

Yeah, Alias is good. At least now i'm not going apeshit over the season finale, and i've finally settled into the "no new episodes for-fucking-EVER" routine. Sigh. I want season one on dvd nooooow. Whyyyy couldn't they have released it for my birthday?? (which would be this Friday, which would be a good time to have season one on dvd, don't you agree?) That would have been AWESOME. Getting to rewatch the old days over the summer... i would have enjoyed that. Sigh.

- 2:29 AM

 Stupid fucking Jason Mraz, who i hadn't heard before today, but saw his name EVERYwhere and i am sick of reading about him and i knew i did not want to hear his music, and now "The Remedy" has forced itself into my brain, and the only good parts are the fast-talky-ish parts, and i say his name "EM-RAZZ" in my head whenever i read it. Stupid fucking Jason EMRAZZ makes me write run-on, poorly contstructed sentences. Dammit. Emrazz.

- 1:26 AM

Sunday, May 25, 2003

 I've been reading this feature, 13, in my local newspaper, and it's incredibly entertaining. The last part was just published today, and it's just... really good. I got addicted to it really quickly, it kept my interest like a fanfic, plus it's just scarily accurate to real life. Reading it, i was just like "wow, yeah, that's middle school. I remember that." I could relate to the kids so much, but also view them through the eyes of an adult... It was just really fascinating to read. Yes. Good stuff.

- 11:21 PM

 Whoah. What the SHIT, i've already had four weeks of summer?? How did that HAPPEN? What have i been DOING all this time??

All valid questions. Huh.

But hey, if i were in high school, i would have only just gotten out of school last week. Haha!

- 3:05 AM

Saturday, May 24, 2003

 Dude. Just saw X2 again. Dude. It still rocks. DUDE. GAH. There were tons of annoying noisy people in the theatre (and not the GOOD kind of noisy like cheering geeks... ah. I miss opening night in NY.) but... it still rocked. Sigh. I love it all. I mean, really, all of it. It would just be too long to comment on everything i loved, because, dude? ALL OF IT. I want the next one noooow!

- 9:47 PM

Thursday, May 22, 2003

 Okay, dude, Paul Rudd rocks. He was just on the Daily Show, and it was fucking hilarious. Every time i see him on talk shows he's just so funny and adorable... i've seriously loved him ever since Clueless. Dude. Yes. And when i heard he was gonna be on Friends i was sooo excited, because he's great. And very cute.

Moral of the story: Paul Rudd rocks. Thank you.

- 11:34 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

 Well, you begged, you pleaded, you... probably don't care all that much, but i finally made a site for all my general art. Because i actually AM obsessed with things other than Alias! Shock of all shocks! ;)

Revisionist (isn't it funny i have three separate art sites? yeah. I thought so too.)

- 11:47 PM

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

 I can't believe Buffy is over.


It still hasn't really registered... but i'm pretty happy with how it went out. Probably more thoughts at the lj later. And Smallville. Ah, Smallville. Just... yeah.

Have to watch Gilmore Girls now! Whee!

- 11:28 PM

 I got to see Down With Love today!! Which is just very happy, because Ewan is only, ooohh, my favorite person EVER. Dude, it was INCREDIBLY adorable, sooo funny and stylish, i loved it. And Ewan. In a towel. And with the singing, and the comedy... he's just the best. Ever. And did i mention the towel? Yeah.

And Everwood... godammit. Soooo saaaaad. I knew they would end it like that, i kneeeeewww it. Andy didn't look very happy. Dammit. Noooo! I've had a bad feeling all along that they would kill off Colin (whenever somebody i like isn't a cast member, i get paranoid... e.g. WEISS) and, come on, they done set it up GOOD, but... maybe! Maybe there's hope! But... no. GAH. Dammit.

- 12:53 AM

Sunday, May 18, 2003

 meh. I feel craptastic. Whyyyyy? I don't know. Oh, i suck at getting started at collages. Dude. It's the most fucking frustrating thing EVER when i can't get started. Like... no. I have pictures, good pictures, pictures to use, usable, useful, good pictures. I CAN'T MAKE ANYTHING. I feel so fucking antsy when that happens, and then i'm too impatient to even TRY to do anything. ahgdfasjfgajdh

I keep thinking about The Matrix... i liked it. I did. It's better when i surround myself with the snarky and positive opinions of my brothers. Not when i listen to the opinions of obnoxious stupidstooooopid fanboy nerds who pick shit apart just so they can sound cooler than thou because they SUCK. Not that ALL fanboy nerds suck... in fact, quite a lot of them are good. But... the jokes about Neo wearing a dress were funny, oh, uhm... NEVER. A COAT! What's that? Asstastic fuckwits.

- 1:27 AM

Friday, May 16, 2003

 Hm. Well, i saw Reloaded, and i have to say... i'm not sure. Damn i knew i'd be stuck in the middle. Parts of it FUCKING ROCKED OMG WTF, and other parts... meh. I, of course, choose to focus on the good, because that is WHAT I DO. I think the coolness-to-suckiness ratio favors the coolness factor. Yes! Yes it does. But the first one is still far better.

Ah, sigh. Disappointed, but also happy. Contradiction IS my middle name, by the way. And Denial is my mother's maiden name. And... oh. shut up.

- 9:55 PM

 I watched The Matrix yesterday, because i'm all pumped to see the new one (in a few hours!), and, dude, i love that movie. And i hate that people are saying Reloaded sucks. See, i just can't seem to convince myself it'll be bad, because i keep getting so excited and it just LOOKS COOL. Dammit. Some reviews i've seen say it rizzocks, but people i knoooow say it sucks... and both sources i have disagreed with in the past. I can't gauge what to expect when i don't know who to BELIEVE! Argh. Screw everyone, i'm still excited. And, hey, if it sucks, the first one will always be COOOOOOL, biotch.

- 2:58 PM

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

 "Babies come with hats."

The West Wing- I. Love. Toby. The baby stuff was absolutely brilliant. I mean... gah. I got all choked up. Damn, Richard Schiff rocks. I actually haven't watched much lately because it conflicts with Angel, and i just don't. have. enough. time!, but that was a great episode. And I love Toby. Toby should become a dad every episode. Toby is the BEST! Well, and Josh. And CJ. And Leo. And Donna. I forgot how much i love this show. Too bad Aaron Sorkin AND Tommy Schlamme are LEAVING! Gah. I mean, GAH. Sucks the suck of a thousand sucks.

Oh, and Smallville last night? Chloe and Lionel scenes are my favorite thing EVER!! Chlooooeeeeee!! And dude, the Clex hug!! EEE!! So much cute. Lex and Helen is still ridiculous... so glad Lex is lyyyyying to her. Hee! That's my Lex! And Clark and Lana- Hey guess what? Nobody cares! Haha!

[ETA: i find the juxtaposition of this post endlessly amusing. From The West Wing to... Smallville. haha! Ah. yeah.]

- 11:56 PM

Monday, May 12, 2003

 Agghhhhh, i got to watch Alias again Saturday night (the family hadn't seen it yet! ACK!) and, uhm, yep, still FUCKING INSANE. And, because you're so interested, more detailed thoughts (which really just consist of more elaborate expletives and rambling about insanity): I laughed, i cried, i screamed, i got my mind fucked. It's a touching story, really. And, just so you know, that is an extended essay of rambling incoherence. Like, don't even read it unless you are very patient and like me a WHOLE LOT. Because it's insanely long and crazy. No, REALLY. But, hey, two episodes! Lots of crazy! Yeah.

Oh, and, how about Survivor? GAAAAHH! Jenna? JENNA??!??! By a LANDSLIDE??!?! And this had been such a good season. Dear LORD. I still love Rob. Rob shoulda won. Or at least Matt. But JENNA??!? JENNNAAAA??!??!? Fucking hell. I do not understand the world.

- 2:30 PM

Thursday, May 08, 2003

 Okay. Fuck. I'm veryvery tired and i need to sleep because, yeah, definitely leaving again tomorrow. I just cannot think about Alias right now. Except it's fucking CRAZY and it is EXHAUSTING MY BRAIN POWER.

Ooohh this is gonna be a fun review to write. Err, except completely incoherent and long and retarded. Fun! Right?

ooooohhhh exhausted. Hey! I just got back from New York! That's crazy! I've written, like, five posts today! Wow! Crazy!

Hey! Summer is a LONG TIME! FUCK!

- 1:12 AM


I honestly don't know if i liked it or not, but i do know i had an ANEURYSM. Hello, Mindfuck! How are you today?

The more i think about it, the more my BRAIN SEEPS OUT MY EARS.





- 12:24 AM



- 12:03 AM

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

 Oh DUDE! And i didn't even mention: X2??? BEST! MOVIE! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! No, you don't even understand. EVER. And i saw it in New York at the ZIEGFELD with tons of geeks and it was the BEST. So much cheering and excitement and it was just. so. great. I love eeeeveryone, and have done soooo much freaking out. I can't WAIT to see it again. Sooo much prettiness and coolness and ASSKICKING and AHHH!!! The best the best the BEST!

- 4:48 PM

 So, just got back, and maaaaaaan, i don't wanna be HOME. This place sucks. New York is COOL. Yeeeeeaahhh!! So much fun. Good times, good times.

Still haven't seen Alias. Am watching tonight. Am preparing to have mind FUCKED. AHHHHHH!!!! I don't even know what the episodeS(!!!) are ABOUT, and i'm avoiding everything that could possibly spoil anything. So it's all very exciting and scary. It feels very VERY weird that the Alias community is probably going insane right now, and i don't know ANYTHING. So left out. So ALOOOOOONE.

- 4:43 PM

Thursday, May 01, 2003

 Yeah, part of that test screwed me. But it's all okay, because it's OVER! So i don't fucking CARE! HA! I'm home-home now (as opposed to school-home) and, let me tell you, moving sucks. Everyone probably knows that, but it deserves to be reiterated again and again. Because it SUCKS.

Heyyy, Alias! Whee! I mustn't dwell on the fact that i'm still going to miss the season finale. Except that it's the TWO-HOUR ALIAS SEASON FINALE. Weirdest feeling EVER.


- 1:03 AM

Marina, 24, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y