Monday, April 28, 2003
No, you really don't understand. I AM SERIOUSLY SCREWED. I don't know aaaanything, and i have to write essaaaaaays, and that's baaaaaaad. Government is confuuuuuusing. ARRRGHHHH!!!!! I just want this crap to be OVER. I'm sick of lobbyists and congress and public opinion and political action committees and bills and campaign finance and voter turnout and FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK. not good.
hey, how many times do you think i can say 'fuck' within 5 minutes? As it turns out, a LOT.
- 1:02 AM
i am soooooo ffffffffuuuuuuccccckked. just thought i'd mention that again.
- 12:20 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2003
ACCCCCK new Alias! It's been sooo long... i almost forgot i like the fucking show. Okay, not really, but a MONTH?!?! That's just WHACK. The preview for next week was INSANE. I can't believe. season finale. next week. two hours. NEXT WEEK. fucklfuckfuzxvjxznvksndvc FUCK WITH THE FUCK AND THE FUCKING FUCK FUCK
And oh, why, hello government final that i have tomorrow! Ready to screw me over? Okay! ... no way in hell i can concentrate on studying. ffffuuuuuucccckkk im screwed. and veryvery scared. eep.
everything. is. crazy.
- 11:06 PM
Friday, April 25, 2003
Heheeeee, Michael Vartan on Craig Kilborn... hee. "Aren't you too good-looking to be a hockey player?" Ahh, so true. "A THOUGHTFUL GUY who's going to a STRIP CLUB this weekend." Bwahaha! Hehe. Good times. Dude, he is just abnormally pretty. GAH.
And aaaacccckkkkk mentioning the Alias season finale! ACCCKKK!!! I'm going sooo fucking insane thinking about it. Because apparently it will be the craziest thing ever. Crazier than Phase One?? Possibly? HOW? I have no idea. I can't wait. And I'M NOT GONNA GET TO SEE IT WHEN IT AIRS. MOTHERFUCK!!! I must not dwell on it. Mustn't mustn't mustn't.
Survivor tonight was so good again! Rob rocks, and i really like Matt now. Very entertaining. Yay! But Heidi and Jenna must be stopped. Ugh.
- 2:00 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Woohoo, i have a livejournal now! I am soooo one of the cool kids. Okay, i really just wanted to make the icons. Good times!
6 days till NY, 7 days till X2!!! Foooook yeeeeaaaa!!!!
- 10:20 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Hee, i definitely watched Center Stage when it was on AGAIN yesterday. Uhm... yeah. Sort of an exercise in procrastination, sort of because [mumble]i really liked it[/mumble]. Ooooohhh i'm a dork. And i watched Annie! The one i watched a BILLION times when i was little and haven't seen in forever! THAT brought back some memories.
Everwood tonight was soooo sad. Colin's getting almost creepy, and it's upsetting. And Ephram is still the best. They're too pretty to be angry and sad, dammit! But... ahhh, angst.
Today was the last day of actual classes, so all i have left of school is a couple tests. Then it's off to New York next week, and X2!!!!! YEEEAAA!!
- 2:35 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2003
So today on tv i watched Can't Hardly Wait, Center Stage, and Bring it On (motherfucking TWICE. twice??? TWICE. what? TWICE. But, i heart Eliza, and Jesse Bradford is damn cute.) I managed to draw the line at Never Been Kissed, because i've seen that sucker waaaay too many times. I think i've fulfilled my teen movie quotient for the yeeeeear... even though there's that cheese-tastic part of me that actually enjoys them. And seriously, USA Network, show something OTHER than the same ones over and over and over. Gah. Or, you know, i could NOT WATCH CRAP AND DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE. ... naaaaaah.
- 11:01 PM
Duuuude, i have been watching X-Men a ridiculous amount this week. Like, you don't even KNOW. I've made hundreds upon hundreds of caps, and i'm not even sick of it. It's good times! Love those crazy mutants. Oh, and, uh, yeah, only THIRTEEN DAYS TILL X2!!! What?? AHHH!!!!
- 2:22 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2003
So, yesterday was a really nice day. My mommy came up to visit me and we went out to lunch and then she took me to see The Pianist!!! Because my mommy loves meeeeee! (hey, shut up.) And, uhm, yeah, i definitely love Adrien... even though i already knew that without having actually, you know, seen him in anything. Ha. Yeah. But, suuuuch a good movie, so amazing and sad. And now i'm even HAPPIER he won the Oscar! Yaaaay for talented pretty people!
Annnd i got to watch X-Men even though i've seen it ohhh a bajillion times, and, X2 is definitely only THREE WEEKS AWAY!!! Gaaah.
AND i saw Lena Olin in "Havana", and, really, could she BE any prettier??? No. The whole time, this is me: "She's so preeeeetty!!! Look! Soooo pretttttyy!! Pretty Lena!! Preeettty!!" Because i don't do that ENOUGH during Alias.
So yeah, it was a good day. :) Definitely don't want to write a paper now. Really, School, why all the papers? Huh? You hate trees, don't you? DON'T YOU?? You anti-environmentalist BITCH!!
- 4:04 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2003
- 10:11 PM
So, apparently the Alias season finale, TWO NEW EPISODES IN A ROW, will be aired on May 4. WHEN I WILL BE ON VACATION IN NEW YORK. WHEN I REALLY MAY NOT BE ABLE TO WATCH TV. FUCK. ME. IT'S NOT FAIR!!! NONONONONONONO missing just one new episode would be unbearable, but TWO?!?!?! AND IT'S THE SEASON FINALE?!?!?!?!?! YOU. DON'T. EVEN. UNDERSTAND. No. No, i definitely cannot handle that.
It's only tv, it's only tv, it's only tv... except it's my LIFE.
You know, sometimes, it's hard to be a dork.
- 10:02 PM
Hey guess what? School still sucks! But only about two and a half more weeks left, so, woo. I definitely should be working right now. But ya know what, School? Screw you.
I, personally, liked tonight's Angel. It made me sympathetic to Fred again, which i haven't felt in a long time. It was saaaad! Plus, Gina pretty. Fred pretty. Wes pretty. Connor pretty. You know. Pretty.
Know what else is pretty? Everwood. Simply because i am becoming veryvery enamored with Colin/Ephram. They. are. the. best.
Annnnd Alias is good. Still. As always. Really. A lot.
I have determined that boys make me giddy. Even though i didn't really have to determine that. But it's true. Boys! Wheeeeee!!
So, to sum up: School is bad, pretty things are good. Thank you and goodnight!
- 3:26 AM
Thursday, April 03, 2003
This week has just seemed to be really bad. Bad.
First realize have even more work than would care to admit, and once this week is over will have more next week. Art class sucks and am no longer finding professor amusing. Then hear about Jen and Scott (yes, first-name basis) and that is just incredibly upsetting and is really way more depressing to me than it logically should be, but they always made me happy and now veryvery sad. And yes, that was a very poorly constructed sentence. And don't want Miracles to be cancelled because Monday's episode was verygood and am getting too attached. And just read Night, which had never read before, and really, most depressing book ever. And am very tired. So... not good.
Want it to be Friday so can rest before another crap week.
Must listen to happy music now. Think happy thoughts. Saw Greg Grunberg on tv. That was good. And Colin Farrell. Gina Torres on Angel. Happy. happyhappyshinyhappy
- 2:12 AM