Monday, March 31, 2003
Gaarrrrr school BLOWS. I've been working on a little something i like to call "The Art Project That Ate My Weekend". Because it DID. I did absolutely NOTHING but paint, and it's STILL NOT DONE. *stab stab stab*
But, eeee! Alias good! Me like! Dude, i only SOUND like a blithering idiot. I'm really not. Really. Okay, maybe a little. A lot.
- 3:27 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2003
Why is it, exactly, that i put off going to BED? I'm fairly tired, and i have nothing to do... but i won't go to bed. It's QUITE a conundrum.
- 3:23 AM
Dude, tonight's Survivor was actually entertaining! I haven't really enjoyed it for a while, the past couple seasons have been booooring. But yeah, i heart Deena and Rob! They may be cocky, but they're fun and i like em. Hooray!
And Angel was gooood. Note to Evil!Cordy: you suck.
I'm really starting to like Adrien Brody waaaay too much. I mean, LOOK at Tiina's new design! Eeeee!
And while i'm plugging stuff, Terra wrote a purrrrdy, angsty S/V fic that i luuurrrve. And it's her FIRST FIC. You BITCH. If only I could write coherently and intelligently. Sigh.
- 2:07 AM
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
What is WRONG with me?? I'm sitting here, needing to write a paper that's due tomorrow, and yet i keep checking sites and boards and random crap and NOT WRITING MY PAPER. No, really, i'm practically hitting myself to write but my fingers keep CLICKING THINGS THAT ARE NOT MICROSOFT WORKS! They click about as if independent from my brain! I really AM the best procrastinator ever. Huh.
Oh, and, uh, X-Men 2 clips during Smallville tonight? AAAHHHH!!! No, i mean, AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Holy crap, it's only like a month away. Whooooah.
Annnd... i love Jon Stewart. On the Daily Show last night about the Oscars: "yaaay Michael Moore! We applaud your vocal activism! Yay vocal activism! ... Vocal acitivism?? Booo!! Why are you being vocally active??" Bwahaha! Best thing ever. So true. So very, very true.
Argh... running... out... of things... to... talk... about... can't... write... paper...
So, how about... that... weather?
- 1:02 AM
Sunday, March 23, 2003
Ahh DUDE, not that i REALLY care about the Oscars, but Adrien Brody won! Even though i haven't seen The Pianist (DAMMIT), that was AWESOME. Made me sooo happy, and just... yeah, he rocks. And he made out with Halle Berry! And he actually made the music stop for him! Dude.
Annnnd... you know i have to mention that Jen looked GORGEOUS. Hee. Yeah. She's so purdy. Makes me proud... for... some.. weird reason.
Movies i NEED TO SEE: The Pianist, Frida, Gangs of New York, The Hours, Adaptation... yeah. I suck.
And Nicole Kidman won! Yay! She's soooo prettyyy. And Catherine Zeta-Jones won! Yay! She's pretty too! And Velma is awesome!
Okay. Well. This week is going to sucker punch me, and i really don't wanna think about it. I have toooo much work to do. And a test tomorrow! Oh BOY! A TEST THE DAY WE GET BACK FROM VACATION! That's so COOL! Fuckers.
Spring break! Where have you gooooooone??
- 11:31 PM
Monday, March 17, 2003
Hey! It's that show that i like that i talk about way too much! Good times.
So, Gertie has the new TV Guide scans up, and, yeah, that Bradley pic? Gave me a heart attack. Couldn't breathe, too hot. Not to mention David and Michael! Boys boys boys lalalaaaa pretty wheeeee!
- 9:49 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2003
Accckkk!! Whyyyyyy must Alias be so good?? WHYYYEEEE?!? Not that that's a bad thing. Sigh. Happy and sad and, above all, PRETTY. Ah! And i have NO SCHOOL ALL WEEK! Dude, this is the BEST SUNDAY!
- 10:36 PM
"That was Dr. Schrödinger. Kitty didn't make it."
I'm home, and i got to watch Six Feet Under! (my parents taped the premiere, and we watched the repeat of the last ep) Yaaaay! Even though i already read what's happened, i'm soooo happy i got to see it. Because... yay! Good stuff. And Ben Foster! Hee! I swear i'm probably the only person who still loves him from Flash Forward. Ohhh yes. (just like Jewel Staite! I follow those kids around, i'm telling you.)
We went out on the boat today and watched a couple dolphins... our dog goes crazy and practically tries to jump in the water after them, it's hilarious. It's reeeeeeally nice out too. ahh. I'm glad.
- 12:36 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Only. one. more. day. till. spring. break. Although the days really aren't as important as "only two more classes and one more paper to write till spring break". Fiiiiinally. This week has really sucked with the school.
Things I Plan to Do:
1) Read (books annnnd fic, both of which i sorely need to catch up on. Recreational reading! Whee!)
2) Make collages (ouch. yeah. Hopefully i get to take my computer home with me.)
3) Swim and generally Go Outside (outside? what? yeah.)
4) Most important of all, SLEEEEEEP. Ah, and eat good food.
Oh, yes, spring break does not equal "party" to me. It is lazy vacation time! LAAAAAZY. Ah.
- 12:17 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
I loooove Gilmore Girls. Yeah. I only started watching this season, with the season 1 repeats on Sundays, and... it just makes me happy. I heart Luke and Lorelai (i am so very conventional. But DUDE, it's the most obvious cutie cute cutiest 'ship in the WORLD, thus i must love it.) And Jess is a fuckwit, and i'm so glad he's leaving the show, but CuteDean is leaving tooooo! Noooo!! I couldn't give a shit about Jess, but not CuteDean! CUTEDEAN! DO NOT LEAVE ME! Argh. And with the exception of FuckinJess, everyone on the show is adorable. Funny and happy! Flowers and rainbows and FUZZY BUNNIES! Whee!
And also, since my life revolves around television, you know... This week i have to watch cable news shows for my government class, which is weird because i am so incredibly apolitical, but i'm glad too, because i've always wanted to know more about... things. Anyway, today on Hardball, Chris Matthews quoted The Princess Bride, and that just makes me LAUGH. Hee.
I aaaaaam putting off writing a paper. I have to write too many papers. Like, every day! School is DUMB.
- 10:37 PM
Sunday, March 09, 2003
I watched the Phase One rerun tonight, and damn if it doesn't STILL freak me out. I don't think i'm ever going to be able to get used to all the shit that happened. ;) And HOLY SHIT, that preview for next week?? WHOAH. WHOAHWHOAHWHOAH. I love new episodes! Wheeeee!
- 10:25 PM
Friday, March 07, 2003
Hee. I like Alias. I watched it again and, just... sooo gooood. How is it that so much insane shit ALWAYS happens?? I mean, really. All the time. There is no comfort zone with this show.
I have no homework for the weekend! Yaaay! I really need to make more collages. Siiigh. I suck.
- 11:37 PM
Monday, March 03, 2003
So. MICHAEL FUCKING ROSENBAUM. When we (me and Tiina!) got there, the tickets for an autograph were sold out (even though they SHOULDN'T have been because we got there before the time they were supposed to start selling them! stupid crap!) But we still got to see him, and hear him, IN REAL LIFE, and i'm still freaked out. Even though i feel like a stalker. ;) Too many of my pictures came out blurry, but ooooh well.
The angle we stared at him from most of the time. Lookit! Smiling! EEE!!!
When he got up to go to the bathroom... dude, look at his backside. Look at that shiny bald head. Ahh. Just look.
Before he left. I can pretend he's looking at me! ...Laughing at the girl taking a picture of him taking a picture with someone else. The beanie! EEE!!!
AS he was leaving. He passed by LITERALLY two feet away from us. TWO! FEET!
But. yes. So i didn't even actually meet him, or get a picture with him, or anything, and that is definitely sad. But i got to be in his presence, and that is really really good. And like i said before, i don't SEE famous people. EVER. So this is just DAMN big for me.
- 10:00 PM
Sunday, March 02, 2003
I am soooo tiiiiiiired and sooooo freaked oooooout. I had to get up early and i was standing most of the day, so i could REALLY go to bed now and actually fall asleep (which would make this the earliest i've gone to bed, in, uhm... years, probably.) But... i'm INCREDIBLY freaked out about Alias and, uhm, Michael Rosenbaum. Oh hell, i think i just might sleep. But... FREAKED OUT. Ahhh well... i'll spaz more tomorrow. It's been a good day. :)
- 10:40 PM
HOLY SHIT!! Tonight's Alias was FUCKING INSANE. WHAT THE FUCK. OH. MY. GOD. There are simply faaaaar too many unbelievable things that happen on this show. I mean, DUDE. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
Annnnnd i've seen Michael Rosenbaum in real life.
MY GOD it's been a crazy day. I have toooo much to be freaked out about. Just... no. Too much. TOO MUCH.
- 10:11 PM
- 7:17 PM
Saturday, March 01, 2003
So. Tomorrow. Is Megacon. Where i shall lay my eyes upon that Michael Rosenbaum kid. IN REAL LIFE. You have no idea how freaked out i am. No, i mean, REALLY.
I have no idea if i'll even be able to get his autograph or anything, but DEAR GOD, i'm scared. I keep wondering if maybe i'll be so nervous by then that i just... won't be nervous. Or maybe, i'll just die.
DUDE. REALLY. The only famous people i've ever seen in real life are Joey Lawrence (yes! WHOAH! ha.) and Hillary Clinton. Plus, this is someone who, i'm, you know, IN LOVE WITH, so it's different. (not that i didn't like Joey Lawrence back then- it was in elementary school, by the way- but i wasn't so tremendously obsessed with him).
I really shouldn't be this freaked out. BUT I AM. Expect many pictures of every possible glimpse i can get of the man. Because... asgajhdgajhsgfkjgka AAAHHH!!!!!!!
- 3:59 PM