Thursday, February 27, 2003
Oh, and people actually noticed my haircut today! I feel special. Just because.
I need to study for a test tomorrow... now that it's 3 AM. GOOD PLAN, ACE! Haha, like i've said, worst. studier. EVER.
- 3:22 AM
Yay! I finally got to see Jen on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and it was fucking hilarious. Heeee. She's tooooo too adorable. The girl-crush, Martha Stewart "will you visit her in jail?", Jimmy freaking out about Daredevil "i told them to switch over!"... it was just great. Hee! Funny stuff.
And Alias got renewed! WHEEE!! I was always fairly sure it would be back, but everyone talking about it possibly getting cancelled freaked me out, so i'm relieved. Because, you know, if it were cancelled, i would DIE.
Dammit i need to buy this month's GQ! (with Jen on the cover... dude, i'm not obsessive.) But they didn't have it at the bookstore on campus... and i can't get off campus because i have no transportation... so i need to persuade someone to take me off campus... for a magazine. Uhm. Yes.
Wow, my life is incredibly boring. It just might be possible to have TOO MUCH free time. Wait... no.
- 2:40 AM
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
I am literally pouring m&m's into my mouth at this very moment. dude. seriously. must stop.
Buffy tonight was fucking HILARIOUS. I love Andrew! And Smallville was great. I love Chloe! And Lex! tv good.
I saw an awesome promo for the new season on Six Feet Under yesterday, which just pisses me off, because 1) I don't HAVE HBO up here; and 2) It conflicts with Alias, so a) ratings will go down, and b) i wouldn't be able to watch it even if i DID have HBO. Yes, that was indeed an outline of the reasons i am mad SFU is starting again. I wanna seeeee it.
I totally just finished that bag of m&m's. A one pound bag.
Now i must write a paper! sonofaBITCH!
- 11:18 PM
Mwahaha! My collaging dry spell is over! For now. I hope. Ahh. And it really wasn't that long, but it was frustrating nontheless.
John Mayer is really quite cute. I've heard a bunch of interviews with him lately, and he seems like such a fucking sweetheart. It's a shame that i don't really like his music... i feel kind of bad now.
hilarious quote of the night:
Letterman's Top Ten - Messages on Paul Simon's answering machine: "Hey, it's your old friend Darkness. Dude, give me a call."
Yes, that made me giggle insanely. Hehe. Sooo funny.
- 2:57 AM
Monday, February 24, 2003
Ahh, i don't have nearly as much work now as i did last week! Which means i have time to... do dorky stuff! Hellooooo photoshop! I've missed you so. How's everything? Good? Good.
Oh but i could have missed Alias yesterday, which was horrifying. But i didn't! Hooray for my parents catering to the fact that i am, indeed, an obsessed freak! Speaking of Alias: sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows! Meaning i'm happy. Buuut... an hour is too damn short. I wait AGES for it, and then it's over! And now i have to wait another week! It's an endless, painful cycle.
I also got my hair cut, which also makes me happy! Not incredibly noticeable to anyone but me, but it was bothering me and getting too long, so instead of chin-length it's back to ear-length. I liiike it. And yes, this IS all immensely exciting. I'm glad you think so too.
- 3:50 PM
Friday, February 21, 2003
On second thought, i don't REALLY wish it snowed here. It sounds quite unpleasant (although, hey, snow would be kinda cool the first couple times... i've only seen it twice in my LIFE! It's true!) But, seriously, it doesn't need to be hot out. I mean, it's HOT. How much cold did we get? Two months? What the FUCK is that about?? Florida sucks.
And you know what else sucks? SCHOOL. I've had projects to do every day this week, and have used the free time i DO have to sleep (because my sleeping schedule? yeah, it's incredibly whacked). I haven't even opened photoshop, which is just so MANY types of abnormal. And i'm going home this weekend, but i don't even get to stay in my own room or sleep in my own soft soft soft bed! And i have even MORE homework to do! What. the. fuck. I really don't like having to, ya know, DO stuff.
But... but... new Alias on Sunday! And that's really all that matters. Yep. Two weeks is a loooong time.
- 1:51 AM
Thursday, February 20, 2003
You know what i miss? Talk Soup (on E!), when John Henson was the host. That was one of my VERY favorite shows to watch in middle school. I still recall when Godzilla came out, John playing with a big Godzilla toy and making roaring noises... that was one of the funniest things EVER. I wish i could see it again. Skunk hair, i miss you so!
- 12:47 AM
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
I kind of wish it snowed here. Having school closed would be niiiice. But, you know, FLORIDA. Instead, it is hot out. Eh.
OH, OH! BEST CLIP EVER! Alias spoilers... which i never ever EVER look at and avoid like the plague. But, but... MOST ADORABLE THING EVER!! Ohhhh happy happy happy. Is it sad that i've been insanely giddy since i first watched that? No? Good. My face kind of hurts from grinning so damn much.
Do you know what pisses me off? My roommates used up all my band-aids. See, okay, so that's not so bad, but, no one ever asked me to use a band-aid. And they were in MY drawer (sitting on the floor, one of those plastic things... very obviously separate and NOT YOURS), which you would have to dig through to get to them. The whole principle of that bothers me. I'm not friends with you, and you go through my stuff and use up all my band-aids? And there were 20 of them. I've used two all year. HOW the HELL do you use that many band-aids?? And they had Spongebob on them. SPONGEBOB! Those bitches. So, yes, i may be slightly obsessive and psychotic. Yes, i know it's not THAT big of a deal. But it's the PRINCIPLE of it.
I really am insane, aren't i? Ahhhh. Yeah.
- 8:50 PM
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
School. sucks. my. ass. It really, truly does. I have several annoyingly craptastic papers and projects due this week, which i really don't want to do but reeeally have to. BUT I NEED THAT TIME FOR SITTING ON MY ASS! It sucks. Dammit.
AND i absolutely have lost the ability to use photoshop. Tons of ideas and lyrics, can't make anything. Just can't. No more creativity. MY POWERS! I HAVE LOST MY POWERS!!
Sigh. Only one more week till new Alias. Oh, and Jen on SNL was sooo cute. And... and... dude, today, i totally flipped over to Entertainment Tonight the VERY SECOND they did a little thing about Jen, plus some of the Best Cast Ever! Being cute! I love my Alias kids! So, you know, it's the little things.
- 1:38 AM
Saturday, February 15, 2003
I SAW DAREDEVIL!! AND SOLD OUT MOVIE THEATRES SUCK!!! So, although i've been excited forEVER, i went into it with very very low expectations, because, uh, reviews, and my friends are evil bastards. ;) But, but... it was coooool. Not great (which is depressing, even though i set myself up for it), and not as good as Spidey or X-Men, but decent. I need some time to contemplate. It had its good moments. Hehe, Colin is great. And honestly, Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin is PERFECT. But what takes the cake... Jon Favreau as Foggy. Dude... that has made me happy for MONTHS. And he did not disappoint. The BEST. Ben did fine... whatever. He was a decent Matt. And, well, of COURSE i love Jen. Her ass-kicking still always impresses me. Elektra rocks! And, PRETTY!! But, uh, i hate teenage guys. Seriously. Note to males: i really don't need to hear you splooge your pants as soon as she walks on screen. I will be the first to say that Jen is FUCKING HOT and i love her, but seriously. Dude. Shut. Up. Even though i squeal with delight over hot guys... okay, it's not the same! Fuck you!
Oh, and the green eyes didn't bother me like i thought they would. Didn't notice them as much as in the trailers, which i am glad for. And KHASINAU was in it! I sooo recognized him right away, and that was insane. Hehe. And allll the comic shout-outs: Miller, Mack, Bendis, Quesada... Stan Lee AND Kevin Smith cameos... hehe, good times. It's fun to be a dork!
And... uhm... X-Men trailer... uhm... asasjfhasjgfakjgasdgh'alsgh. ONLY THE BEST THING EVER. AHH!! I mean... holy shit. I think i forgot over half of what happened in it because, WHOAH. I mean... asakjdksajfjfsd. Holy shit. Best. thing. ever.
Whew. Okay. Nerd. I need to sleep.
- 3:02 AM
Friday, February 14, 2003
Heeee, Jen on Conan! Sooo funny. Seriously, she's TOO FUCKING GORGEOUS. It's really really ridiculous. And as always, Conan is my hero. "Snuck isn't a word, Conan." Bwahaha! She's really too adorable. Hee.
Okay, seriously, i am so screwed for that test tomorrow. I am the worst. studier. EVER.
- 1:15 AM
Thursday, February 13, 2003
Daredevil tomorrow!!!! YAAY! I'm very very excited. I hooope it doesn't suck... but that really doesn't matter much anyway. Because, you know, nerd. It's suuuuch a good comic! And there's Jen kicking ass! And, and... ass-kicking! Good stuff!
I have to study a whole damn lot for my american government test tomorrow. Hm. Maybe i should get started on that. eeeeeehhhh. or not.
- 10:30 PM
Monday, February 10, 2003
Likes: pillow talk, fast cars, sunglasses, and pretty people. Dislikes: Not much.
Oh, how i am a dork.
I've finally watched Everwood! Twice in the past two days! I've read enough about it, so i wanted to see it. Because i really need more television to watch. Oh, wait... NO. But yeah, it's cuuute. And, as everyone and their mother's sister's cousin says, Ephram is the BEST. Yay!
- 11:24 PM
Saturday, February 08, 2003
I went to bed last night at 5am. For no particular reason other than I'M A MORON. And i slept till 2:30 today, and i am getting a cold. Blaah. Ugh. And i have to write a paper. Please excuse me while i go DIE.
But i got to watch Alias again yesterday! Or, as i like to call it, "Being John Markovic". Hey, guess what? SYD AND VAUGHN!!!
- 9:09 PM
Thursday, February 06, 2003
Hehe, i watched Rushmore earlier today... when i first saw it, i didn't think it was that funny, but now i've seen it about a million more times, and it's so hilarious. I love it. "Frank, you enter stage right with the bag of cocaine."
Egh, i have the shittiest design project to do by Tuesday. It involves making a black and white picture out of tape. This is true. It's such crap. Art sucks. Bah! BAH i tell you!
- 1:52 AM
Wednesday, February 05, 2003
SO, last night on Smallville, do you know what happened? Chloe and Lex interacted!! Kind of. Well, a little. They acknowledged each other's presence! Yeah, bitch, that's right. So i finally had to make a Chlex collage. BECAUSE I AM JUST THAT COOL. And now? Must make an Alias collage. Yes yes yes.
Do you know what's extremely annoying? Having horrendously loud, SQUEALY roommates. Oh, how they squeal. I loathe them.
- 11:34 PM
Monday, February 03, 2003
I think about Alias too much. To do: get a life.
Hey, that show Miracles is good. So, i'm just waiting for it to be cancelled. :P
- 11:32 PM
Guh. Huh. Muuhhggfffmmmuuuhhh. Guh.
So, Alias (because WHAT ELSE do i talk about?). The episode was pretty mediocre, it was weird, didn't feel... right. But. There was Syd and Vaughn. And i'm so obnoxiously obsessed with them, that i'm happy. Soooo pretty. And... uh... GUH. With the... and the... muh. Hummina. Yea. whoooooo boy.
And there was a new Daredevil trailer! Holy crap, less than two weeks!! YAAAY!!! Happy.
- 1:06 AM