Friday, January 31, 2003

 So, i watched Alias. Again. And i have even more to say about it. Haha.

The week is DONE! All my crappy work is DONE! I'm so fucking happy. I took a four hour nap. Whooo that was good. I'm kind of excited for Sunday. Just a little. A lot. I like new episodes of Alias. Can you tell? I like old episodes too. Hell, i like episodes that haven't even aired yet. I'm that cool. Did i say cool? I meant INSANE.

- 11:24 PM

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

 Okay, seriously? My obsession with Alias? Getting a little ridiculous. It's been, what, 48 hours since the episode, and my excitement hasn't diminished. AT ALL. Considering i've basically been thinking about it nonstop, you would think i might have adjusted, or gotten sick of it, or SOMETHING. No. Syd and Vaughn, yeah, i'm still fucking freaked and excited and giddy as all hell. I. want. the next. episode. NOW.

And i only happen to have tons of crappy schoolwork this week. That just... no. Too much stress. Can't handle. Brain... too full. No mas.

- 1:45 AM

Monday, January 27, 2003

 Coherent thoughts on Alias. Because i am JUST THAT MUCH OF A DORK. Been replaying everything in my head through all my classes today, so i should know the stuff pretty well. Homework? What homework?

- 7:15 PM

 There is simply no way i can function as a normal human being after that episode. I'm going to suffer post-traumatic stress disorder.

I really need to stop talking about it. BUT I CAN'T. Can't stop thinking about it, can't focus on anything else. I honestly have no idea how i'm going to calm down enough to go to sleep. I'm going to be randomly grinning like an insane person all day tomorrow... no, wait, for the rest of the week. No, wait, month. Yes, the next five months.

I CAN'T STOP BEING EXCITED. I really shouldn't be this freaked out. It's not normal. Fucking hell. I just want to shake JJ Abrams' hand. That's all. Oh, and have his babies. Yeah, that too. Oh, and marry everyone on the show.

What happened tonight? I really have no idea.

- 1:54 AM





It's simply the most mind-blowing television show i have ever seen. EVER. Seriously.

- 1:18 AM



So. I've been proven wrong. Apparently it IS possible to have a heart attack every five seconds. I had not been aware. Because Alias. Was the most insane thing i have ever seen in my entire life. And i can't even begin to fathom a notion of an inkling of WHAT JUST HAPPENED. HA! I thought The Getaway was the craziest thing ever! HA! HAHA!!

Alias as we know it is over. The show has ended. I have read fanfic that includes some of the very premises of this episode, except they were FIVE YEARS IN THE FUTURE. Every five minutes was a new climax, i think i hurt my voice screaming so much, and i felt sick (in a good way) the WHOLE TIME. I am completely dumbstruck. THERE ARE NO WORDS.

This was a season/series finale, plain and simple (except not so plain, and very much the opposite of simple). I can't believe i actually have to focus on classes and homework and tests this week, because there is no way in hell that that is even remotely going to happen.

It's funny how all this sounds so calm, because my mind is utterly decimated.

So. Yeah.

I need to go in a corner and cry, and sleep, because all of that was a pipe dream.

There are no words.

- 1:04 AM

Sunday, January 26, 2003

 WE WON!! I can't fucking believe we won! by so much! We kicked ASS. I'm in awe. Eat that... other pirate team!

And now, i'm excited about ALIAS!! AHH!!!! It's a good night.

- 10:32 PM

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

 So i've been watching Felicity kind of a lot lately.. i don't really know when it's on, but i manage to flip channels and catch it once in a while. I used to really love it, but stopped watching after i think the second season, not because i stopped liking it, but because it conflicted with other stuff and i never had time to go back and watch my tapes. Today the series finale (before the whole time travel thing, which i never even saw, but i know. yes i know.) was on, and it's weeeeird, and very sad. I can't believe she actually ended up with Ben.. Noel is waaaay better. Like.. dude. I HEART Scott Foley. Mr. Jennifer Garner! Hee! This is still one of the prettiest pictures EVER.

But yeah, Meghan rocks, and it's weird she and Felicity finally got to be friends.. and SEAN! Love Sean. Hehe, kind of like i love... Weiss. Hmm. Greg Grunberg also rocks. And Meghan and Sean as a couple combines the two very best supporting characters, and it's crazy in a cool way.

Okay. Well. Just felt the need to say that. Felicity was a good show.

- 11:07 PM

Monday, January 20, 2003

 dude, the Bucs are goin' to the Super Bowl! Not that i like sports at ALL! It's just kind of exciting when it's your home team. And i've actually watched the super bowl the past couple years, so yeah. PLUS Alias will be on afterward, which i cannot wait for.

Speaking of which, Jen should have won the golden globe last night. And she was so. fucking. pretty. Buuut what can ya do? At least Chicago won stuff.

So now i'm back at school, and it sucks. A lot. I hate coming back to this place.

- 10:26 PM

Sunday, January 19, 2003

 YES!! I got to see Chicago!! I wanna see it again, because it was just. fucking. awesome. I adore musicals, yes i do. Something about the singing, and dancing, and coordination, and costumes... basically all of it, i love. So much energy and vivid artsy-ness.

- 12:41 AM

Sunday, January 12, 2003

 And some more thoughts. Because i could really just go on forever...

I am completely ignoring what syd told francie. HA! Since the whole episode was a hallucination ANYway. Kane can rot in hell. And Sloane is an EVIL. GENIUS. The more i think about it, the more amazingly good that ending was. And i still love Marshall. And Weiss. And those two dumb crazy lovely spies.

I don't even know.

- 11:01 PM

 [warning: Alias. lots of Alias. far too much Alias.]

Okay. Let's see. I believe i yelled "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST" about, oooooh, 900 times. In the past hour. I'm fairly certain it was just a constant stream of obscenities, really. Because OH MY GOD. I now know what it feels like to have five heart attacks simultaneously.


yes. indeed. uhm. I cannot even comprehend what happened. Like, my brain? Yeah, it's completely fried. I think i fell in love with the ep. within the first minute, and then it just. kept. going. Jack kicks ass, i've always said the show needs more awesome car chases, Jack and Irina working together just rocked, the s/v fight seriously physically HURT. ow. In a good way. I LOVE it when they're bitter with each other. Whooo boy.

Now France. Uhhhh. "I'm not gonna ask if you just said what i think you just said because i know it's what you just said." (<-- XF shout-out) That pretty much sums it up. I don't even think i can comment on anything that happened. Really. Just can't formulate sentences. It was all a hallucination. oh and what makes me happiest the mostest? VAUGHN KILLED TWO GUYS. Oh yes he did. Oh and french-speaking, the speaking of the french, yes there was french. Speaking french.

Punk rock Syd was awwwwwesome. SO awesome. Best accent ever. Except she needed a way cooler tattoo, and waaaay better music (No Doubt, noooo! it actually worked okay, but... meh.) And the end! WHUUUU?!?!? I saw it coming once the scene started, but i don't even understand. In a good way, of course.

But what makes me happiest most of ALL?? WEISS!!!!!! WEISSWEISSWEISSWEISSWEISS!!!! MY FUCKING HERO WEISS!! Agent Sean is my boyfriend.

None of this even conveys my utter bewilderment. In a good way. Seriously? I have no idea what happened tonight. My brain? Jell-o. And there's always room for Jell-o!

Hooo there will be no concentration tomorrow.

- 10:35 PM

 AGGHHH my government paper is killing me. slowly. and. painfully. Yeah, uhm, i love my freedom, but the Constitution? MOST BORING THING EVER. This is not fun. I'm so screwed.

And whoah, hey Jess! And Celli! And Vlada! Uhm, yeah, crap, now people know i have a blog (only for, oh, three years now ;) shrouded in secrecy! or not!) I always like to think no one reads this. Cause, you know, boring. Egh.

I want it to be Alias time noooooow.

- 6:06 PM

 I watched that new mtv show Made today... it was so sweeeet. ::sniff:: I'm so cheesy, but i liked it. I'm such a dork. Whoooo.. been watching far too much mtv. Not good.

- 1:46 AM

Saturday, January 11, 2003

 You know what's funny? The fact that i've written Alias fanfic. I mean, that is fucking hilarious. I've written, like, four now. It's my best kept secret, that is not so secret anymore. HA! Granted, they're all about 4 paragraphs long, but still. Oh, and none of them are happy, i refuse to make characters happy... unhappiness is just so much more interesting. To me at least. Because i am a disturbed individual. And i'm a terrible, awful writer, and yet, i keep writing. I am an enigma.

I watched the movie Stealing Beauty on tv tonite, because i was bored... it was nothing spectacular, but it reeeeeally made me want to go to Europe and be artsy and be surrounded by prettiness and fall in love. But that's just me. Ah, and i saw some of Chasing Amy, which i fucking love, because it is wonderful.

And now... yay for weekend! Boo for homework!

- 2:54 AM

Friday, January 10, 2003

 I want to see Chicago sooooo badly. Agh! Really. No fair.

I have two goddamn papers to write this weekend! Maaaan that sucks. BUT, another new Alias on Sunday!! With shippiness! New and shippy! Shippy and new! I am excited!

- 7:32 PM

Thursday, January 09, 2003

 New design! Alias. That's so surprising.

Classes have started up again, and it's all very lacking of the fun. Eh.

- 1:04 PM

Friday, January 03, 2003

 Hehe, i got to see LOTR again tonight! So that's three Thursdays in a row... i know i'm not gonna be able to keep that nice little routine back at school. Damn. ;) I looooves it. Just... EVERYthing. And i think i enjoyed it even MORE this time, too.

Christmas was good. Got good things. Good. ;) Oh, and i did manage to finish my shopping by Christmas Eve. So... WHEW.

I don't wanna go back to school and have classes! Egh.

- 1:39 AM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y