Sunday, December 22, 2002
I. Love. LOTR. Seriously. My heart SWELLS when i think of it. I have to stop everything and watch when a TT commercial comes on because of the LOVE. And i get all grinny and complain that i MUST SEE IT AGAIN.
I'm still not done with my Christmas shopping! AHHH! This is absolutely the most i've ever put it off. I simply have NO good ideas for anyone. I was at two different malls for HOURS today and i got ONE thing. Not good. No not good at all.
But know what? LOTR!! Love.
- 11:32 PM
Friday, December 20, 2002
SO AMAZING. And now i'm depressed because it's over. And i need to rest, because it's JUST. SO. MUCH. Rocks my socks right back into their drawer.
I want to see it a billion more times. LOOOOVE!!!!!
- 12:24 AM
Thursday, December 19, 2002
Oh, and The Amazing Race (shut up, it's cool)- BOO fucking FLO won. SHUT UP FLO. But YAAAAY ZACH WON! He did everything, plus he rocks for putting up with Flo. And stayed cool, and was funny ("a beefy one!" "the ol' spinners" BWAH!) And he has the best hair. I heart Zach. He should get to keep ALL the money. Boo Flo.
And TOMORROW! I! GET! TO! SEE! L!O!T!R! except now it's TODAY! TODAYTODAYTODAAAAY! I really need to calm down.
- 12:20 AM
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
tomorrow! tomoorrooooowwwwww! tomorrowtomorrowtomorrow!! it will be the BEST DAY. TOMORROW!!
i am simply FAR too excited about this.
- 11:42 PM
So. Well. I finished the book today (AH! sad!)... going to see it TOMORROW (ARGH! but we can get there early, so that's good). All the talk about Legolas is K.I.L.L.I.N.G. M.E. I'm so fucking excited. Like jumping-around-the-room-squealing-like-a-lunatic excited. Cause yeah. MUSSSSST SEEEE IT (PRECIOUSSSSS) (<--haha! dork.)
- 7:12 PM
Holy CRAP, Christmas is in a WEEK!! And i don't know what i'm getting for ANYONE!! Well shit. That's kind of stressful. And the only thing i'm concerned about right now is Lord of the Rings. HAHA!! Oh, wait. No.
- 1:50 AM
Bwaah! I read all day again today... almost done. AND i watched FotR tonight. I am so completely immersed in everything LotR now it's insane. Dude, just give me some pointy ears and i am ALL UP IN IT. I MUST SEE THE TWO TOWERS NOOOOOW.
ah. I recall very well my obsession last year. It's good to have it back. With the love. And the prettiness.
- 1:00 AM
Monday, December 16, 2002
GAAAH i'm so obsessed with LotR. I've been reading allll day. It's really quite pathetic that i haven't read TT till now, but in all fairness, i DID start it way back after Fellowship and got about a hundred pages in, but school got in the way. So now i'm reading like mad. And man, they added stuff into the movie that's not in the story yet (like, yeah, Arwen? NOT IN IT AT ALL), and i'm so pissed at myself cause i didn't bring RotK home to read ahead. Damn damn DAMN! It's just like when FotR came out, and the whoooole end of the movie was the beginning of TT, so the first viewing i was COMPLETELY distracted by the fact that none of it had happened yet. And that's gonna happen again. Dammit. I'm FAR too picky about things. And acronyms=good.
Anyway. Dork.
- 10:29 PM
Friday, December 13, 2002
Firefly is cancelled. Yes yes it's been a possibility forever, but i always had hope. WHYWHYWHYEEEEEE?!?!?!?! I'm so fucking angry and depressed now. It's the BEST show. I got so goddamn attached to it, and ALL the damn amazing characters, and now it's gone. Please GOD let another network pick it up. PLEEEEAAASE. I love it so. :(
- 10:21 PM
Thursday, December 12, 2002
Randomly: I wish i were British, or at least in England surrounded by Britishness. I wish i could wear fashionable scarves and coats and be in the cold with flurries of snow. I also wish i were hip and modern in a casual and nonchalant way. I also wish to go to New York.
Thank you. That is all.
- 1:30 AM