Saturday, June 29, 2002

 ssssooo, did that college orientation junk... i am now a college student! i am registered for classes! that's pretty weird actually. hm. And i feel so weird keeping on officially declaring im an art major... i feel like it isn't right, im not ready, im not reeally an artist, what are you talking about? People keep asking me what i plan on doing, and you know what? I have no idea! Surprise! Where the hell is an art major going to get me? Really? Working at a craft store. Fuck.

And this always gets me... fine art is the absolutely least glamorous, least public, least recognized field you could do of all the arts. There are famous musicians, famous actors, famous writers... all the really, truly famous artists are dead. Weee. Not that i want to be famous, and not that there aren't tons of poor, unsuccessful musicians, actors, and writers, it just bugs me how art is not one of those embraced sort of media. I just want to be successful. Kind of. I guess.

So hey, that turned sort of rambly. Good. Night.

- 3:16 AM

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

 Well i am back! Totally pantsed (<-- reading a british book... best expression ever!) from the time change... plus it feels like i never left, except i did, so i'm just sort of missing two weeks... but it was fun! Lots of surfers, cool fish, cool plants, great views, and i am now addicted to saying mahalo (thank you... they say it all the time there)... florida sucks. bah! and i neeeeeed to see star wars again! aggggggh!

- 2:20 AM

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

 Well, i'm off to Hawaii tomorrow! ALOHA! (you know, that means both hello and goodbye! it's true!)

- 10:51 PM

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

 You wanna hear something really, really sad? Yes? Okay. I am leaving for Hawaii on Thursday, HAWAII! Paradise! Everything you could ask for in a vacation! And ya know what? All i can think about is when i'm gonna get to see Star Wars again. AGGGGHHKJAHKDGJHG give me some money because i need some dollars and SENSE.

Oh, and by the way? I love Star Wars.

- 12:32 AM

Friday, June 07, 2002

 I am no longer a high school student! And i have the piece of paper to prove it! Huzzah!

- 5:02 PM

Wednesday, June 05, 2002


- 8:32 PM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y