Sunday, March 31, 2002

 How the HELL is spring break OVER??? fuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK whhhhyyyyyyy??? i hate school so much dammit damn damndamndamnit

cursing will solve all my problems! damnhellcrap

OH, my dog caught a squirrel today and killed it. WHAT? How the hell did that happen?? She never catches anything! Must have been one dumb squirrel. poor guy. Yeah, anyway, i saw her chase it and i just thought she was being dumb, but then i saw the thing in her mouth, and was like "wha--??". It died shortly thereafter. Now that's the Easter spirit! eh. My little brother and i did SPEED easter egg hunting today! I won! I got 35 eggs, he got 28. EAT THAT! heh. yes, i still go easter egg hunting. You know what? fuck you.

- 10:18 PM

 I dooooon't wanna go to scchooool on Monday!! arggghhhhh noooooooooo The end of vacation is the worst. thing. EVER. DAMMIT. craphelldamnshit I HATE SCHOOL

ANYway... I saw Panic Room yesterday... i was really looking forward to it because it looked very cool, and David Fincher- cool. I reeeally liked it, not quite as good as Fight Club, but had some very veeeery tense stuff, and surprisingly lots of hilarious stuff too. Cool movie.

46 (!!!) days til Star Wars!

- 12:14 AM

Friday, March 29, 2002

 AACKKK!!! SO, i saw a commercial for Lord of the Rings promoing the footage for Two Towers at the end of the movie. Holy shit on a stick. I haven't finished reading the book, so i reeeally shouldn't see it... but so. hard. to. resist! argghhhhhh

AND. i saw a new commercial for Spider-Man. AND. I am way too overly obsessed with Ewan and Moulin Rouge right now. AND. I love Star Wars. AND. I wish vacation would last forever. AND. I hate school. Goddamn do i hate school. Amazing how depressed that can make me. aaaarrrgggghmanfmdsgfjsbdgb

- 12:17 AM

Thursday, March 28, 2002

 Holy shit, spring break is more than half over now. And you know what i've done? Sat around in front of my computer. Normal people go to the beach, get drunk, have sex, etc., etc., but i have sat in front of my computer the WHOLE TIME. Sometimes i go wild and sit in front of the tv.

Haha, watching Letterman now... "Peter YOWZA"! HAHA! Hi-larious. I love Peter Krause. Damn, i still haven't watched this week's Six Feet Under. And you would think i would have what with all the free time i have, being a loser and such. Hm.

Oh, and West Wing was on tonight! I didn't think it was possible to love Josh more, but he's so fuckin hilarious... him and Donna and CJ... i love those kids.! HA! Good stuff.

- 12:20 AM

Monday, March 25, 2002

 Moulin Rouge. did. not. win. best. picture. damn. damndamndamndamndamndammitydamndamndamn.

I'm way more upset about this than i thought i would be... i was just so hopeful... damn. not that i'm not happy for those who DID win, but still. OH, and Memento didn't win screenplay??? damndamndamn. Robbed! Robbbed i tells ya! And i'm STILL pissed about Ewan, Baz, and Memento being snubbed! DAMN! BUT, i AM happy for Halle Berry, and Denzel, and Opie, and Randy Newman! (it was a NIGHT of FIRSTS... which is WHY moulin rouge SHOULD have WON.) That was one long show. Eh. Well. Good and bad. Whatchagonnado. meh

- 1:10 AM

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

 words cannot express how much i FUCKING HATE SCHOOL. I WANT TO DESTROY SOMETHING mlafdkjlkjdgmopdfgjd

- 10:25 PM

Monday, March 18, 2002

 Art. is. done. No more notebook. Ever. I can't believe it.

But, you see, now that art has extremely diminished in crappiness, all of my other classes have increased in crappiness to make up for it, so the net overall crappines of school has actually increased. Good. fucking. times.

Spring break is next weeeek!! YES!

- 7:30 PM

Sunday, March 17, 2002


Allllll my art stuff is due tomorrow (the deadline was pushed back. special emphasis on the "dead" part.) Although i am the only person in my art class my teacher does NOT hate (for once! she even told me so! bwahahahaha[cough]hahahahahaha! i AM awesome cause i have everything else done RIGHT and lots of studio pieces and i rooock!), i still have to do art notebook tonight because i WAAAY don't have enough. I think i'll probly only get a couple more pages done, if that, cause i am noooot staying up all night. gaaaaaahhhh. AND. I also have lots of english and lots of math to catch up on and i am fuuuuuucked. Fucking school. I hate it. Dammit.

Only oooonne more weeeek till sprrrriiing breeeaaaak. SIIIIGHHHH.

- 11:16 PM

Thursday, March 14, 2002

 JEEEZUS, Survivor tonite: I can't beleeeeeeeve they voted off HunterEllis! That was the dumbest. move. ever. I really like Gina (she's even from Florida!), but unless they pull a switcheroo next time, she's a sitting duck to those dumbasses that have apparently taken over the tribe. That's pretty damn unfair, because she's the only valuable person left over there. Crap.

Ehhhmmm, and i have stayed home from school for the past two days, in order to [wait for it...] work on ART! Because it's all due on FRIDAY! And i've slacked off for TWO YEARS! Fuck fuck FUCK! I've gotten some done, but holy shit i'm not gonna have enough. And on top of that, i have to figure out what i've missed the past two days, and catch up on work in my other classes. By the weekend this will all be over... weekend, weekend, weekend, i love you weekend!

- 12:35 AM

Sunday, March 10, 2002

 Star Wars trailer!!!! Three words: HOLY. FUCKING. CRAP. That was the BEST THING EVER. I was smiling insanely the whole goddamn time, and, just... DUDE. AND more Spidey trailer goodness!! AND all new Alias episode!! I loves me some entertainment!!

Now if only i didn't have school tomorrow, or all my art work for the past 2 years due on Friday, or IB exams in two months, all would be well. But alas, life just doesn't particularly like me right now. Fuck.

- 10:31 PM

 How much do i love Spider-Man? SO. MUCH. I've seen the movie trailer on tv a couple times now, and every time i see it i get incredibly excited and giddy and it's GREAT (i even had a dream last night i saw the trailer at the movie theater but it went off and i started crying. yeah, that's right. god i love Spidey. Peter Parker is my absolute hero.)

And tonite is the new STAR WARS TRAILER!! AHHHH!!! WOOHOOO! I'm so excited. Gah, movie trailers are the BEST. Repeat after me: May is only 2 months away... (TWO MONTHS! HOLY SHIT!)

- 7:37 PM

Monday, March 04, 2002

 Oh, and regarding Angel tonite (yes, more tv!) - (ermm... since i'm nice, if you by any chance happen to watch Angel and have not seen this ep, this is very spoilery, so highlight to read) WHAT THE FUCK HAVE THEY DONE TO MY WESLEY?!?!?!?!? He CAN'T DIE!! But dude, having your throat slit is, i think, pretty hard to recover from. He's only BLEEDING TO DEATH FROM THE JUGULAR. And i really like that Justine chick too. How could he have not seen that was a trap?? JEEEZUS.

Wow, secret messages are fun. BE SURE TO DRINK YOUR OVALTINE

I am such a dork. ;)

- 11:47 PM

 So boyo, Sunday has gotten to be a really great tv night (with the marked absence of the x-files, that is)... There's the requisite Simpsons and Malcolm in the Middle, then Alias (i have become way too obsessed with that show. it's just so COOL though! entertaining and suspenseful as all get out. Yes, i just said 'as all get out'.), and last nite we taped Six Feet Under and watched it at 10 (another awesome show. it's so fucked up, but in the greatest damn way. Seriously hilarious [Nate on ecstasy? yes, my friend, that was the funniest thing EVER] and depressing at the same time. Plus the intro is amazing, both the music and the video. I luuuurve it.) Yay for tv!

And whilst i indulge in my obsessions with televisual entertainment, school is screwing me over. repeatedly. wow it sucks. why oh why do i let these things happen?

But hey, i stayed home from school today (I had a cold. seriously.), although it ended up not really helping in terms of relaxing or getting stuff done. See, you know there's something really wrong when staying home from school isn't even enjoyable anymore. Or when it's a chance to do more work. Ahh the suckyness of it all.

quote of the day:
David on Six Feet Under, after Ruth has told him he can bring a "special friend" to dinner: "Why is MY friend 'special'??"

- 11:25 PM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y