Thursday, February 28, 2002
OHHHH, i saw a Spider-Man trailer on tv tonite!!!!! It looks SO AWESOME. AND IT COMES OUT 13 DAYS BEFORE STAR WARS. And amidst all of that is IB EXAMS. The month of May could quite possibly drive me insane.
- 11:29 PM
Monday, February 25, 2002
The Olympics are over. Sigh. WHAT am i going to do with myself now?? WHAT?? I miss them already. It's sad.
On another note, i just watched a large portion of Interview with the Vampire, which i only saw once in 6th grade. I remember because i loved it (i thought Kirsten Dunst was so cool), and after i saw it i read the book. Yeah, turns out i still like the movie (that doesn't always happen, like they aren't how you remember them, you know?), it's got a great ending. But now i kind of wish i hadn't watched it, because i didn't get to see the beginning, and it's a shitty Sunday night... i would have liked to have seen it under better conditions. ergh.
- 1:07 AM
Sunday, February 24, 2002
Kids yelling down the canal:
Kid 1: YES! TODAY!
Dad of Kid 2: No, because it's cold out.
- 1:52 PM
Sadness... Bode didn't win a medal today, Apolo didn't win either medal today... geeeeezz. Oh well, at least they already got 2 medals each, so it's not like they totally lost. ;) And how crazy is the short track relay? Crap! It's all over the place!
- 1:06 AM
Saturday, February 23, 2002
Ooh, the figure skating tonite was great. I love it when they can just do whatever the hell they want. Jamie and David were so cool! The Russian pair did a great job too, and, well, so did everyone else. Last night was really intense, they all really deserved to win, Sarah Hughes did amazingly so it's cool she won, but it's sad Michelle only got a bronze. I was surprised all of them except Sarah actually messed up because they're all so good. Anyway, yeah for ice skating! I have this sudden desire to go skating, even though it's haaard, when you first get on the ice it seems so slippery (maybe because it's ICE), and then once you finally get used to it your feet hurt like hell! But it's damn fun! Ahhh. good times.
- 1:20 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2002
Seriously, i think i enjoy the Olympics too much. Dude, like, the Canadians Jamie Sale and David Pelletier, i love them. And Tim Goebel, the Quad King! hehe And that Bode Miller, he's a cool guy. And of course Apolo Anton Ohno, yeah, that kid's great. I have come to really enjoy watching the short track speed skating, just because it makes me so fuckin nervous (well, especially when there's someone you really want to win)... last night i was going crazy, Apolo didn't make a move til there were THREE laps left (which, in case you don't know, is NOT a lot) when he was in 5th place and i was practically yelling for him to do something, then he passed like tons of guys ahead of him and got into 2nd in one pass. It's crazy i tell you! And they all seem so laid back, like "la dee da... ho hum, i guess i'll go past this guy now... la dee da..." and in the meanwhile i'm having a heart attack because they're so fucking close. gah!
So anyway, tonite is women's figure skating, which is going to be exciting! I get way too enthusiastic about figure skating, but hey, it was like my favorite in elementary school (back in the day of Nancy Kerrigan, Tonya Harding, and Oksana Bayul... that's right!).
I got so into the Sydney summer Olympics too... remember that? It's kind of strange, i don't think i've ever been so excited about the Olympics as i have been in high school. It's just so damn entertaining and i never noticed before! And so many other people are just annoyed by them, because blah de blah they pre-empt the other shows, and blah de blah they're boring. Dude, people don't know what they're talking about.
Have i mentioned lately that i'm a dork? ;)
- 6:15 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2002
Whoah! I guess it's been a while since i last posted... So i shall bring you up to date on the excitement, thrills, and adventure that are my life! (yay!)
- I am obsessed with Lord of the Rings! I finished reading FotR a couple days after the movie was released, and I saw it the day after Christmas. I have now seen it 3 times! Leading to my next news...
- I am in love with Orlando Bloom! (AKA Lando, AKA O-town)
- I am still madly in love with Ewan!
- I still hate school with a passion, and canNOT wait to graduate.
- I love watching the Olympics!
- I love Alias!
- I have stopped watching The X-Files.
- I can't wait for Star Wars!
- And, yes, i am still a dork. ;)
Wow... it's kind of sad that my recent life can be summed up in a short list. But then again, I am kind of sad. ;)
- 6:48 PM