Monday, July 30, 2001
I wanna see Hedwig and Ghost World so bad. But they haven't been released here! Why oh why?? This the exact same thing that happened with Crouching Tiger. So very unfair. WOE IS ME. And i gotta see Quills, but no way am i watching that with my parents.
- 12:47 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2001
My Glam Rock name: Sugar Cheeks. I'm a supah-stah.
- 11:27 PM
Riddle me this: Why the fuck do they show wrestling on Mtv??? Is there some sort of connection between "music" and "wrestling" that i'm not aware of? I must not be in the loop.
- 11:07 PM
Thursday, July 26, 2001
Dammit, i hafta get up early and go to the goddamn dentist tomorrow. Damn. I despise the dentist. They're just going to torture my teeth and tell me i need to floss more. Boo.
And THEN, guess what? I get to go to another college! But i get to spend most of the time at my grandparents' house, so it's okay.
quote of the night:
Conan with a bird on his arm: "SILENCE! Or I will set my bird upon you!"
- 1:09 AM
Sunday, July 22, 2001
Dammit, why do i hafta watch Emeril on Sunday nights when nothing else is on? It always makes me hungry. BAM!
- 11:54 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2001
Well, that college thing was actually okay. A lot of it was boring, but a lot of it also made me REALLY excited about college (before i was just nervous, but now i'm looking forward to it). And then i remember i still have one more year of this high school crap, and i actually have to do good to be able to GO to college, and that's not so cool.
- 7:09 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2001
Goddammit. I have to go to a stupid college thing tomorrow for TWO DAYS. BOOOO. Can't i just go, walk around the campus, then leave? Garrrr. I hate school.
- 11:46 PM
So, saw Jurassic Park-- kickass. Ah-some dinosaurs... minimal story, but what the hell, it was entertaining (mindless action and entertainment! doesn't always work, but in this case it's okay). And of course, none of the previews i wanted... what the fuck is up with showing the goddamn hour long trailer for Captain Corelli's Mandolin (or, as i like to call it, Crap-tain Ca-rappy's Crap-olin) with EVERY movie i go to see?? I have absolutely no desire to see that at all, stop showing me the trailer! Fuck you!
- 1:17 AM
Wednesday, July 18, 2001
I want to see Moulin Rouge again so badly it hurts. I just love Ewan way way way too much. Damn him! Damn him for being so talented and adorable! You couldn't possibly know how his singing makes me feel. ahhhhhh
We're gonna see JP3 ta-morrow... i hope it's good, but i don't care. Cool dinosaurs, cool action, and Sam Neill is back (Jurassic Park just isn't the same without him). The first will always be the best, but i'm still excited. And it's another opportunity to see the trailers for Spider-Man (my hero... + the awesomest teaser ever!) and Black Hawk Down (Ewan)-- they were both with Final Fantasy, so come on! same fucking target audience!
- 2:15 AM
Sunday, July 15, 2001
My disorders:
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
gaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i hate stuff.
- 2:06 AM