Saturday, September 30, 2000

 This is the funniest thing i have seen in a long long time. Yes, yes it is.

- 11:08 PM

 Do you know what? I have never ever liked U2. But i like that song Beautiful Day. It's in that nice Coke commercial for the Olympics.

This morning i had a dream that had that Incubus song Stellar in it, and i woke up and it was in my head, so i've been singing it all day. (I haven't even heard the song in a very long while, which is kind of odd.) That's a good song. Makes me happy.

Hey, Survivor is done for the second time. Sadness. (I keep buggin my parents to get the Survivor video. Never before seen footage! Come on!) I hope they got some good people for the second one. It'll be weird. I like my Colleen and Greg and Gervase.

- 11:02 PM

Tuesday, September 26, 2000

 I just pumped my own gas for the first time! I am so grown up. And i got out of a sticky situation, with like a truck (there are always, always big huge trucks parked at our gas station, and it makes it impossible to get out. Cripes.), and i couldn't turn, but i got out another way thanks to my swift maneuvering skills. Granted, my mom did help me, but still. I'm good.

- 2:40 PM

Monday, September 25, 2000

 Soooo much work due tomorrow... it's fucking MONDAY. Teachers of the world- do not give homework on Monday. No. Wrong. Bad.

But this is a short week. Short day Thursday, no school Friday. I should be happy. But, uhhmm, i think i'm more of an "instant gratification" person. I need happy time nooow. Which could be the source of my procrastination! Hmmm...

- 11:39 PM

Monday, September 18, 2000

 Fuck no. This fuckin' hot guy, a U-S-of-A swimmer guy, Michael Phelps, is fuckin' a YEAR younger than me. What?!? No! I will not accept that a HOT guy a year younger than me is in the Olympics. Jebus! They all look like they're fuckin' twenty, at least. What the fuck.

And they keep talkin about how big Ian's feet are. It's like "haha, that's nice." Stupid commentators during the race are like "Thorpe, with gigantic size 17 feet..." Yep. Big feet. That's nice. Although, i guess it does affect swimming. Yeah.

- 10:34 PM

 Yeeeesssss!! Spaghetti for dinner! Booyah! Is it not lame that i am excited about spaghetti? To illustrate my point, here are the highlights of my daily routine as of recently:
1) Flash Forward at 3:00. I love that show. Yes, it's on the Disney Channel, and yes it was (next to Buffy) my favorite show in 8th grade. I am recapturing my youth, and lately i have been incredibly sad that already i'm growing up so much. I don't wanna stop being entertained by childish things! I wanna be in 8th grade forever. Despite the fact that i'm already in 11th. Anyway, i love Tucker. He's the coolest.
2) Nap. Sleeeeeeep. Sleep is my friend.
3) Dinner. I get to eat foooood! Food is so good!
4) The Simpsons at 6:00. Two episodes in a row! Right on!
5) The Olympics. Swimming is neeeat, and they've got cool camera angles 'n stuff (underwater! ooooh). Plus- hot Australian guys! Haha, what better reason than that?

- 4:30 PM

Sunday, September 17, 2000

 Damn. Sunday nights are the worst. Next to that are Monday mornings, and every other morning. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I don't want to get up at 5:30am. I don't want to finish my homework. I don't want to take tests tomorrow (yes, you read that correctly: TESTS on MONDAY. My teachers are smoking crack.) I just wanna sit at home and be lazy, it's so relaxing. Boredom is a million times better than work. And the thing is, the more i learn in my Theory of Knowledge class (aka 'Philosophy'), the more i don't want to care about school (yeah, don't want to care, i still get stressed over everything.) I mean really, how exactly does learning about the phospholipid bilayer of eukaryotic animal cells contribute to my IMMORTAL SOUL?

My wrist hurts a lot.

- 10:38 PM

 The whoooole dock is underwater now. And all the carpet on the porch is wet from the rain. It goes 'squish squish squish.' I bet i could make a haiku out of that.

    Dock underwater
    Canal is big overflowed
    Porch goes squish squish squish

Thank you.

- 6:00 PM

 It's really windy right now. I was just out in the kitchen and you can actually hear the wind through the microwave vent. It's fuuunny.

- 3:45 PM

 Teehee, so i just watched 'NSync's Greatest Mtv Moments (i was just flippin past Mtv and it was on... what luck). I swear, i just love those boys (i actually refer to them as "mah boyz," which is just the saddest thing ever.)

In a rather unrelated note, that is so fucking lame. Yeah, like Vitamin C is just soo totally k-ewl. :P Eeeergh. Bastards.

- 1:18 AM

Saturday, September 16, 2000

 So, there's a tropical storm coming. Supposedly it'll be a hurricane tomorrow. And we're gonna get some wind and some rain. And i'm getting a cold. Ya know, with that sick, sore, phlegm-y feeling in my throat and sinuses. Bleeeccch.

- 3:27 PM

Tuesday, September 12, 2000

 Fuuuuuuckkkk. I have a psych test tomorrow, and i only "know" half the stuff (as in, i've read it once.) And i have english journals due friday. They suck ass. This week is shitty. I wanna sleep. Goddamn, things suck right now.

- 11:19 PM

Sunday, September 10, 2000

 Things I want desperately right now:
1. A Polaroid I-Zone camera. The pictures are little! And Polaroid! That's cool!
2. To see Liberty Heights. Yes.
3. To never have to do homework again. But that was a given.

- 12:35 PM

Sunday, September 03, 2000

 Ooooh, it's the 'NSync episode of SNL. Yanno, i had their No Refund "Supasize It" bit memorized when that originally aired. Sang it allll the time... Now they're doin ByeByeBye. God, i looooooove their outfits.

I am soooo cool.

- 12:35 AM

Marina, 23, Florida. Hooray for mediocrity!

c u r r e n t l y
The Subtle Knife
listening to
You Think It's Like This...
a n d  t h e n  s o m e
day late

p o w e r e d  b y