Tuesday, July 25, 2000
The song from the Raisin Bran Crunch commercial (the one with the guy, who cuts his hair) was going through my head all morning. I just kept singing "The time has come for us to say Sayonara...", which isn't that bad because it's not an annoying song to me. Just kinda funny because i didn't see that commercial this morning (at least, that i can remember...) I think i mighta heard it last nite. Eh, who knows. And i just saw the Snickers commercial with the guy with the panda picture in the magazine, "Pretty pretty dancing..." (the 'office geek' ones at this link). Hi-larious.
I'm going to the Arts Center again this week (my last one). My big brother (he's 19) is there too, my mum volunteered him to help. ;) It's kinda weird, 'cause he is NOT the counselor of little kids type. And there's this one guy there, who was also there the last week i was there, who i, uhm, am fond of (not Sam, but another guy). He's sososo funny, and he actually talks to me, and we talk. And we laugh. And i enjoy it. Because he is funny, and cool, and cute.
- 7:45 PM
Saturday, July 22, 2000
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess i'll go eat worms. Long thin slimy ones, short fat juicy ones, itsy-bitsy fuzzy-wuzzy worms. Down goes the first one, down goes the second one, oh how they wiggle and squirm. Long thin slimy ones, short fat juicy ones, itsy-bitsy fuzzy-wuzzy worms. Up comes the first one, up comes the second one, oh how they wiggle and squirm. Long thin slimy ones, short fat juicy ones, itsy-bitsy fuzzy-wuzzy worms.
It just popped into my head.
- 5:09 PM
Watched this cool documentary, 20 Dates. Very funny, and cute, and overall quite enjoyable.
- 12:28 AM
Friday, July 21, 2000
Why are those Chili's commercials so annoying? I mean, i love their food, but God Damn, i don't think i can ever forgive them for their advertising.
- 7:00 PM
I got up 2 hours earlier than what time i've been getting up at recently, because i told myself last night that i gotta fix my sleeping schedule (bed at 3am, wakeup at 2pm). So today i got up at noon (i usually wake up at 10, go back to sleep, wake up at 11, go back to sleep, and so on), but now i'm staying up till the normal time. Thus one can deduce that i will be getting 2 hours less sleep than normal. Plus i'm gonna hafta get up a bit earlier tomorrow because we are going to the comic book store (yay!) after mum gets home from lunch with dad (they eat at about 11:30am, i tell them they're ridiculous). Ergh.
- 2:26 AM
Wednesday, July 19, 2000
Watched Survivor. Dammit, they voted off Greg. He was my favorite. Dude, i wish that ass Richard didn't get all the food so they could vote him off. I hate him.
- 9:06 PM
Saturday, July 15, 2000
I found a riddle at this site, and sat down for 45 minutes and solved it. I dunno if it's right yet, but damn do i feel smart. (there were a couple times i thought i couldn't do it, but then i picked right up again and kept going. Boy am i a trooper.)
- 2:30 AM
Friday, July 14, 2000
Wow, i sure used the word 'fuck' a bit profusely the other day. Sorry about that, i'm better now. Sort of.
X-Men got a great review in the local paper, an A-. We're gonna see it on Sunday i think.
- 11:45 PM
Thursday, July 13, 2000
One more note before i go off into slumberland: Fuck You. I'm still in a fucking bad mood so leave me the hell alone. Have a nice night.
- 1:42 AM
Wednesday, July 12, 2000
I'm ashamed to admit it, but i actually kinda wanna see X-Men. At first i was totally opposed to it because, well, it's X-Men. :P But now the trailers are just starting to look better to me. I'm getting worried, because that's exactly what happened with The Matrix and Gladiator, and those ended up being some of my favorite movies ever.
- 10:53 PM
Just had spaghetti for dinner. It was good.
My little brother asked what a condom is. We didn't answer. He asked again. My older brother said "something." I said "nothing."
- 7:48 PM
I love the Gundam Wing ending credits music. It's neato.
- 6:38 PM
All right! Ain't this the best. Because i was planning on dying soon and i'm glad now i can get it covered, even from the comfort of my own home.
- 5:43 PM
I'm in a bad mood.
- 12:52 PM
I fucking hate how i write. I sound like a fucking preppy popular bitch, and i'm not, i'm just a loser with a computer. It's not my fault i sound like an ass, i'm just cursed with bad writing. It's just a goddamn shame nobody can know what i'm really like, cos the way i seem in these typed up little words is not the way i really am. It fucking pisses me off. Fuck the internet, and fuck me. Excuse me while i go mutilate a pillow.
- 12:36 PM
Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. An estimated total of 2 people visit this site, and one of them is me. And i feel sorry for them. I'm on Geocities for Christ's sake, how cool can I be? Oh, and i apologize to anyone and everyone for my giddy little display last nite/this morning. It'll never happen again.
- 12:08 PM
I still do.
- 1:25 AM
I wish i were Julia Stiles.
- 1:14 AM
AHHH! Okay, now i love Heath more than i did 5 minutes ago! Look at this picture, and then this one (spiky blonde hair! like me! heeehehehehe). Please excuse me while i go into a sickeningly teeny-bopperish giggling fit.
- 1:10 AM
Just saw The Patriot, i loved it. Very good, and very sad, and very violent. I am now officially obsessed with Heath Ledger (yep, my new hottie of the moment). First of all, he's Australian, thus automatically hot. Second, he's hot. Third, he can really act, thus- hot. Fourth, he's hot. I sooo wanna see 10 Things I Hate About You now. I mean, i kinda wanted to see it before because so many friends of mine said it was cute, so i was like "hell, I wanna see it". But now, it's like, "Heath Ledger! Hot!" I was just looking at pictures and was like "Oh, he's that guy!". I didn't remember who he was in the movie (the previews) until i saw those pictures and was like "ooooooohhhhhh..." ;) It's the dark hair that threw me off. Okay, i'm babbling, so i'll stop. Go to spark, i swear Elizabeth is just like me, she loves Heath, she loves John Cusack, and... stuff. She's just a lot like me. I wonder what she would think if she found out i was talking about her. O_o I am NOT a freak!
- 1:03 AM
Monday, July 10, 2000
An infomercial is on. A rotisserie barbecue that includes a "flavor injector." Sounds yummy. Only 4 easy payments of $39.95! A $500 value!
- 1:37 AM
I just watched the end of The Neverending Story. I remember thinking a long time ago that Atreyu was so cute, and that the Empress was so pretty. ^_^ I wonder what they look like now... Right now i'm watching a silent movie, i'm not sure what it is. All the people have awesome clothes. It's funny, when the dialogue comes up on screen it stays forever. One line was about 4 words long and it was on longer than an even larger line (the timing's a little inconsistent ^_^). Watching it reminds me of Sunset Boulevard, when Norma tells Joe "We didn't need dialogue, we had faces."
- 12:45 AM
Sunday, July 09, 2000
Watching Kathleen Madigan on Comedy Central Presents. She's hilarious. ^_^
- 1:40 AM
Hey, go here, scroll down a bit and look at the guy's name in Scrabble blocks. Is that not awesome? I wanna do that. Why do i think Scrabble blocks are, like, the coolest thing?
- 1:13 AM
Ohmigod, this is so weird! Just reading another blog, spark, and i come across this:
"haha...i'm listening to 'let's hear it for the boy' by denise williams now, off the footloose soundtrack. haha...shit. i love it thought because i know it from one of those old disney tv specials [i haven't even seen footloose]...there was one called dog-day valentine, i think...there were a bunch, and they were like montages of disney cartoon clips, with songs toooooo...we used to have them all on tape and i'd watch em over and over as a kid, but my bastard of a father taped soccer games on all our old tapes. HE TAPED OVER THE FLUPPIES!! my sister and i are still pissed about that...but yeah, anyone who remembers the old disney specials or still has tapes er somethin...tell me! i'm begging you here. take pity."
Holy shit, when i was little we had the Halloween special on tape, i watched it so much my parents thought i would wear out the video. That, and the Fluppy Dogs movie i adored. I watched them so much back in the day it's not even funny. I rewatched Fluppy Dogs several years back, when i was older, and i barely remembered it, but it seemed so familiar it was weird. We still have the Halloween thing on tape, "DTv [Disney Television] Monster Hits" it's called (i think we still have Fluppy Dogs, i'll have to ask). It even has all the crappy 80's commercials, i remember vividly the Halls and Burger King ones. This is so weird.
- 1:05 AM
Go look at this and this. Actual stuff from Japan. I'm laughing my ass off.
- 12:39 AM
Saturday, July 08, 2000
I'm looking into being hosted by somebody with a good domain name, but mostly what i've come across is people that only host their dear friends. Well hell. I'm not friends with hardly anybody online. And it's either that, or people looking for awesome design and content. I don't really measure up in that department either. Screw that! Host meeeee!
- 4:30 PM
We went out to lunch at Wright's, which has the best damn sandwiches in the world. I love that place. And to think, when i was little and we went there all i got was a bag of Doritos, 'cause i didn't want to eat their food. What a foolish child i was. We also went to Target (my brothers said it was to get that bad taste of Wal-Mart out of them) and bought the new Harry Potter book (yeah, my little brother reads them... I would like to, but i hafta read The House of the Spirits, which is about as thick as my upper arm and has probably a size 2 font. We have a quiz on it the day we get back to school. Isn't summer reading lovely? >:P) There was actually a front page story on Harry Potter in today's newspaper, which you can read here. Go to that link and look at the picture. I find it amusing. People even lined up at midnight last night to get their hands on this book. Sheesh.
- 3:30 PM
Okay, so i've been looking for Card Captor Sakura (or "Cardcaptors," as they're calling it) in the tv paper for the past couple weeks 'cause i read it was gonna be on. Naturally, this excited me a bunch because i've wanted to see it a whole lot. So i checked the tv listings, it's supposed to be on Kids' WB, Saturday at 9:30 am. It wasn't there. I even watched last Saturday and it was not on. Today i finally checked the website, and it lists "Cardcaptors" at the same time and place. I went out in the living room and looked at the tv paper for about the millionth time, and it is not on at 9:30 Saturday mornings. So i started checking other days, and lo and behold it's on Sunday at 7 am. Is that even remotely close to "Saturdays at 9:30"?? I am so pissed off, and now i've missed the first couple episodes. I'm sure it was our local station that screwed with it, too. Bastards.
- 12:13 PM
I'm watching a Kittie video. "Charlotte" it's called. Scary. Kinda cool, but scary. Heavy metal frightens me. *_*
- 2:27 AM
Friday, July 07, 2000
Kickass, my mom and brothers went to Wal-Mart today (yep, high society shopping :P) and brought me back a Lisa Simpson figure. The Homer one is very awesome, my older brother has it, reminds me of the 3D computer animated episode that was just on the other day. ^_^ Plus they're coming out with new ones... i wanna get Chief Wiggum, or the set with Marge and Maggie, or radioactive Homer... Why don't they have Ralph? Ralph kicks ass! "Oh boy, sleep, that's where I'm a viking!"
- 10:49 PM
I have "Pretty Fishy" stuck in my head from that god awful Boogie Bass commercial. It's just "pretty fishy, such a lovely bass, pretty fishy, how can you walk past" repeating over and over in my head. Would someone please explain to me how a fish can "walk past"?
- 6:47 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2000
Just saw Run Lola Run, i liked it a lot. The art direction was great, the music was cool, plus Lola had really awesome hair. ^_^ I'm not too fond of having to read subtitles, i prefer to be able to pay attention to all the things there are to see (that's why i buy dubbed anime... call me a non-die hard fan, but i like to look at the stuff on screen instead of reading the whole time), but i still really enjoyed it. ^_^
- 10:20 PM
I finally went and got my driver's license. My birthday was like a month ago, and all i had to do was get my picture taken (i already passed the test in driver's ed), but i'm a lazy bum. So now i can officially drive without anybody in the car with me. ^_^ Which is very strange, 'cause when i think about it, i have never actually gone anywhere completely alone. O_o
- 3:17 PM
The video for Dynamite Hack's Boyz in the Hood was just on again. It's hilarious, especially when it gets to the part "I reached back like a pimp and I slapped the hoe", just because the sound of the song and the video don't match the lyrics at all and it's incredibly amusing. Plus profanity is funny. Especially with everything bleeped out.
- 2:24 AM
Wednesday, July 05, 2000
Oh the humanity! I'm out of Pez!! ::sob:: Must... get... more...
- 11:54 PM
Watched Survivor. I know, trendy popular crap ;), but i can't help it, i love the show. The first episode there was nothing else on, so me and my dad just watched it out of curiosity, and it was surprisingly interesting. Greg is my favorite. ^_^ He's smart, and funny, and weird, and hard-working, and cute! He's just great. ;)
- 9:11 PM
Just went out on the boat. I love going out in the late afternoon/ early evening, it's the perfect time. The temperature isn't too hot at all, plus the water today was very calm. It was wonderful. ^_^
- 7:56 PM
Holy crap! I just discovered a sunburn i didn't know i had! I was looking in the mirror and saw some bright red on my neck. I assumed it covered my whole back, but i looked under my shirt, and i was amused to discover it was only a slim portion of my neck that went as far as my shirt collar. Looks rather silly. It's from walking around in the way-too-damn-hot park, sun beating down on my should-not-be-this-pale skin. At least i didn't get the stylish farmer's tan on my arms/shoulders.
- 2:14 AM
I'm eating Pez right now. I've been eating them quite a bit lately, i keep on buying dispensers with the candy. I just got a Marge Simpson one, it's cool. ^_^ And they're so addictive, it's like, you eat one, but it's so small and so sweet and yummy you just have to have another. It's a vicious cycle.
- 12:03 AM
Tuesday, July 04, 2000
Just watched The Iron Giant. Even though i had heard lots and lots of good things about it i didn't wanna watch, but it was very very good (just like everybody said :P). Very funny in parts, but also very sad (i cried... but i'm a baby).
- 11:38 PM
Happy 4th of July! This morning we went to a new park across town with some friends, it was hotter than anyone should be forced to walk through. I was drenched in my own sweat and our dog Shelley was panting like mad (all the people kept offering her water, 'cause she was such a poor hot doggie). After about 2 hours of that, we walked back to our friends house and went straight in the pool. It felt goooood. ^_^ We ate hot dogs and hamburgers after swimming, and played Yahtzee! (i've never played before). It was fun, i came in second place (my friend's mom came in first, she got a bonus hundred points for an extra Yahtzee, if she hadn't had that she would have beat me by one point ;P) We came home and watched Tenchi, and then the fireworks that have been going on nonstop for the past 2 days all over the neighborhood. Our arch-enemy neighbor (whose dogs bark all the time, but his next-door neighbors are his allies and claim that it doesn't bother them) was having a party, he has them a lot and tons of boats come and he hires a crappy band, so it was loud and annoying but then it rained. Hahahaha. :D And we set off some fireworks too.
- 9:11 PM
Dammit! That DiGiornio commercial that parodies Psycho was just on again. I don't care what context it is, you do not joke about that movie. I hate that commercial, it freaks me out, 'cause Psycho scares the shit outta me.
- 12:51 AM
Monday, July 03, 2000
Got done watching The Thomas Crown Affair. The whole romance angle sucked, and i don't like Rene Russo, but Denis Leary was good and so was some of the music. All in all not a bad movie, the thief stuff was cool.
- 11:12 PM
Went swimming earlier, i found a tiny dead froggie in the pool. ;_; I picked him up and looked at him, he was cool (but then, all frogs are cool). Just watched Tenchi Muyo! on Toonami, it was good. ^_^
- 6:40 PM