Friday, June 30, 2000
Just watched The Great Escape. Boy, James Garner was hot back in the day. ;) The music is stuck in my head, plus i've been hearing it sooo much lately (the episode of The Simpsons with The Great Escape parody was just on too, where Maggie has to steal the pacifiers back at the daycare center).
Today was the last day of art camp this week, i miss my girls. But oh man, i had to make more fortune tellers (aka 'cootie catchers') yesterday and today than i have made all the years since 4th grade, combined. I made one for a single kid, and then every other one wanted one. And then of course they all ended up losing them, so i had to make at least three for everybody. Today i was the only counselor in charge of my group (there are usually three, including me), that sucked. Along with the constant fortune teller making, i was about ready to shoot somebody by the end of the day. :P But i still miss my kids. ;)
- 11:19 PM
Wednesday, June 28, 2000
Oh, i saw Chicken Run yesterday. I wasn't sure if i wanted to see it, even though it got a great review and i love Wallace and Gromit (which was made by the same people). I went anyway, and i loooooved it. Incredibly sweet and funny, and i now love saying "No chickens escape from Tweedy's farm!" LOL. So go see that movie. ^_^ Plus, when i was walkin around the theatre i thought i heard the Gladiator music but i wasn't sure, then it got closer and i found its theatre (the door was open). So i snuck in and watched a little of the beginning before Chicken Run ^_^ (it's a kickass movie, one of my new all time favorites... I love Russell Crowe!!!)
- 9:34 PM
Sheesh, i took a nap today (i go to bed every night at about 2, so the next day in the afternoon i'm incredibly tired and need a nap), it only lasted about 2 hours but i was out cold, so when mum came in and woke me up i thought it was morning and panicked. ;P She even said it was 15 minutes till 8, so i thought it was the am hours and was late for art camp. Not a good feeling.
Speaking of art camp, today i had to substitute in another group because one of the counselors was gone. This morning i was kinda sad 'cause i had to leave my group, and my girl Anastasia is practically attached to me like an extra appendage and wouldn't let me leave. But i did finally go, and the kids in that group ended up loving me too (i didn't think i would get to know them at all), and some of the girls kept hugging me like in my own group. ^_^ After lunch i got to go back, though, and all last period i had about 4 of my girls pulling on my arms, hugging me to death, and sitting in my lap. That's why i love this job, i feel so loved. ^_^ I know i'm gonna be so sad Friday when it's time to leave.
- 9:17 PM
Tuesday, June 27, 2000
Watching The Real World... i'm surprised, i love all the people, except that Jamie guy. And i looove Danny (even on the casting special, i was like, LOVE HIM), he's adorable and sweet and nice and flirty and playful and perfect. It's sooo not fair he's gay. ::pout:: And Kelley is so cool (she was so great hanging out with Danny and Paul), and Julie i feel like i am a lot like, and i love their rooming thing with Danny ^_^. Listen to me, obsessing about this show, i feel stupid. I never even watched it before.
- 10:16 PM
Monday, June 26, 2000
AHHH! I finally saw 'NSync's 'It's Gonna Be Me' video! I've been waiting forever to see that! (yes, unfortunately i don't watch Mtv every waking moment of my life :P) I know, i know, stupid boy band, but it's my guilty pleasure (i have a big long explanation here). Boy, do they look stylin' in this video, in the dancy parts. Hoooo Boy.
- 8:55 PM
It's nice to know that no one's superficial these days. I'm glad our society has grown.
- 8:30 PM
Ahhh, i'm finally almost completely better from my cold. Saturday i was miserable, but it was all uphill from there.
So, today i had art camp, and i was depressed muchly this morning. I'm in a completely different group (Sam's old one, actually ^_^, he's not here this week), and i didn't see any of my kids. :( But, by the middle of the day i had already made some little person friends who held my hands for the rest of the day. ^_^ And i also saw two of my kids from last week, and two of my counselor friends, so it was good to see some familiar faces and i felt better. And by the end of the day i was doin' good.
In other news, my dad, my mom, and my little brother met Jenna Elfman today (as in Dharma, from Dharma&Greg). I'll start the story from the beginning. On Saturday, my mum took my little brother and I to the comic book store. On the way home, she told me Dad had to get the studio (the recording studio he owns, his own business) ready for "Jenna" coming in on Monday. I was like "Jenna?", and she told me "yeah-- Jenna Elfman." At that point i was wiggin out and had to keep asking her if she was serious. ^_^;; We've had celebrities in the studio before, but that's Kenny Rogers and the like, not people i actually, truly admire ^_^;;;; I was wondering why she would be coming to our studio, and mum said she's here on vacation and needed to record somethin, and we're conveniently located. So, Jenna went in this morning, and i got to hear about it this afternoon (alas, i had to attend art camp. Advancing the path toward my college education... ;P) They said she was really nice (i kinda figured) and talented (coulda told you that, too). They took a couple pictures, and got an autograph for me ^_^. I'm still bitter i didn't get to meet her, but at least i feel special.
- 6:53 PM
Friday, June 23, 2000
Does this not make you sick? Is it wrong that i'm insanely jealous? It's... just... not... fair... Geh, i wish i were talented.
- 10:41 PM
Gaaahhh, i'm sick. I got that awful sore/nasty feeling throat yesterday afternoon, then last nite i had a runny nose. It's been the same today, except it's more of a stuffy nose now and my ears won't pop. Bleh, i hate being sick. And the thing is, like, i never used to get sick. In middle school and last year i never ever got sick (a little bit once or twice, but nothing bad). Now this year i've been sick several times, way more than i used to get. The fact that i sleep entirely too sporadically nowadays has nothing to do with it! ¬¬
- 9:14 PM
Well, i'm back from the last day of art camp this week. I feel sad. All the different weeks have different kids signed up, so some of my kids will be there next week but some won't. My counseling partner for my group, Katie, won't be back either. It's like, i didn't know anybody the first day, but by the end of this week (even by the end of that first day) i had become friends with all of them. And we had all these little inside things too, like Katie kept singing the Crazy Song on Wednesday (I am slowly going crazy, 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch; Crazy going slowly am i, 6 5 4 3 2 1 switch [repeat]) which we sang for the rest of the week, one of my kids Britney was singing Moon Shadow yesterday 'cause she heard it on a commercial and got it stuck in her head, so all day today we sang it to each other (I'm being followed by a moooon shadow, moon shadow, moon shadow)... And i just loved all my kids, they were so cool and about the age of my little brother, 9 and 10. One of my favorites, Alicia, had like the coolest eyes i've ever seen, they were bright brown (almost orange) in the middle around the pupil and green around the edges. She was a crazy kid (they all were, really ^_^) At least i know Britney will be back, she's my bud, and Stephen, one of the boys that kept teasing me, and the annoying, know-it-all twins Dane and Drew. And then there's Sam, i don't know if he'll be back. ::sigh:: This is depressing, but at least i have some good memories.
- 3:56 PM
Thursday, June 22, 2000
Just got back from the dentist... God i hate that place. I was so pissed off all of today 'cause i had to go, but now it's over with and i'm very very happy. No cavities either! Score! One good thing, i got to watch Flash Forward on the Disney Channel, i haven't seen it in a long time (i used to love it back in 8th grade). I find it amusing though that i still really love the show, i'm so immature i love all those kid programs. ;) But then, i love all those grown-up shows too. Stretched between adolescence and adulthood, it's co-razy.
- 5:33 PM
Have you seen that Taco Bell commercial with the guys singing on black and white home video? Ee-ee-enchirito [enchirito rito]... I just saw it again, it's damn funny. ;)
- 12:27 AM
Okay, so I'm volunteering at The Arts Center downtown for the next two weeks, 9am to 3pm. The teenage volunteers are in charge of groups of little kids and we take them to art classes and stuff. So anyway, the first day i saw this decent looking guy, probably somewhat younger than me, who was in charge of one of the groups. I didn't pay much attention. Then yesterday i saw him a lot more and actually noticed he's really damn cute. He has short, dark blond, spiky hair, kinda skater punk-ish, skinny, and quiet/shy seeming (i mean, he talks, but he has this way about him that makes him seem pretty quiet). If i have a type, this is it. So I finally got to see his name tag and his name is Sam. I freaked when i saw that because i have loved the name Sam for the longest time, i even named my cat Sam. I just like the name, it's so cute on guys. So by then i'm thinkin, "Wow, he's perfect for me." But (yes, unfortunately, there's a but), i overheard him talking to this other girl he knows (okay, so i was listening on purpose... ^_^;;) and they mention his girlfriend, Heather (whoever the hell she is). Yep, he's taken. Figures. I saw him some more today, whenever he's even remotely nearby i get all nervous and shaky, it sucks. And of course he doesn't know who the hell I am. :P I've been watching him with the kids in his group (they're younger than my kids), and they love him, all the little girls are hanging off of him all the time (gee, wonder why ^_^). ::sigh::
- 12:15 AM
Tuesday, June 20, 2000
Look at me, i'm trendy! I got a blog! Hoooo.
Let's just hope i have semi-interesting stuff to say. Ohhh, you know i will, silly. ;)
- 11:53 PM